40 research outputs found

    Persons with allergy symptoms use alternative medicine more often

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      INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. RESULTS: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor.  Introduction: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. Material and methods: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. Results: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. Conclusions: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor

    Osoby z objawami alergii częściej korzystają z medycyny alternatywnej

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      WSTĘP: Celem badania jest wskazanie, czy w polskiej populacji osób dorosłych, w wieku 20−44 lata, istnieje zależność między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej a występowaniem chorób alergicznych. Ponadto dodatkowym celem pracy jest określenie czy istnieje zależność między płcią, wiekiem i miejscem zamieszkania, a stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do analizy wykorzystano część danych z projektu „Epidemiologia Chorób Alergicznych w Polsce” (ECAP). Projekt stanowił kontynuację ogólnoeuropejskiego badania European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. Pytania dotyczące medycyny alternatywnej zadano grupie 4671 respondentów w wieku 20−44 lata. Badanie zostało zrealizowane metodą kwestionariuszową. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analizy ambulatoryjnie potwierdzające rozpoznanie chorób alergicznych. WYNIKI: Z medycyny alternatywnej kiedykolwiek korzystało łącznie 22,2% wśród wszystkich respondentów biorących udział w badaniu (n = 4621). Wykazano zależność istotną statystycznie między korzystaniem z medycyny alternatywnej a deklarowaniem objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy (p < 0,001). Nie wykazano zależności istotnej statystycznie między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej wśród osób z rozpoznaną przez lekarzy a jakąkolwiek postacią astmy lub alergicznego nieżytu nosa (p > 0,05). WNIOSKI: Występowanie objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy wpływa na częstość korzystania z medycyny alternatywnej. Częstość stosowania medycyny alternatywnej nie jest jednak zależna od potwierdzonej przez lekarza choroby alergicznej lub astmy.

    Filaggrin Gene Defects Are Independent Risk Factors for Atopic Asthma in a Polish Population: A Study in ECAP Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: FLG null variants of which 2282del4 and R501X are the most frequent in Caucasians are established risk factors for atopic dermatitis (AD) with an effect probably mediated through impairment of epidermal barrier. Among subjects with AD FLG defects are also consistently associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) but it is less clear to what extent these associations are also present independently from skin disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of 2282del4 and R501X in predisposing to these allergic phenotypes in a Polish population. METHODOLOGY: 2282del4 and R501X were typed among 3,802 participants of the Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) survey, a cross-sectional population-based study using ECRHS II and ISAAC questionnaires, and ambulatory examination. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The FLG null variants were associated with AD (OR = 2.01, CI: 1.20-3.36, P = 0.007), allergic rhinitis (in particular persistent form, OR = 1.69, CI:1.12-2.54, P = 0.011), and asthma (in particular atopic asthma, OR = 2.22, CI:1.24-3.96, P = 0.006). Association with atopic asthma (but not persistent allergic rhinitis) was also present in the absence of AD, (OR = 2.02, CI: 1.07-3.81, P = 0.027) as well as in the absence of AD and history of broadly defined inflammatory skin disease (OR = 2.30, CI: 1.07-4.93, P = 0.03). Association to atopic asthma would have not been found if diagnosis was made by questionnaire only (OR = 1.15, CI: 0.58-2.32, P = 0.8). We did not observe an association between FLG variants and allergic sensitizations (P = 0.8) or total IgE. (P = 0.6). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In a Polish population FLG 2282del4 and R501X carriage increases risk for development of AD and atopic asthma (also in the absence of AD or history thereof). This suggests that interventions aimed at restoring epidermal barrier may have a general role in asthma prophylaxis/treatment

    Standards of nasal provocation tests

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    The nasal allergen provocation test (NAPT) plays an important role in diagnosis of allergy. It is based on the natural reaction of the nasal mucosa after application of tested substances on their surface. Nasal challenges are divided into specific (allergenic) and non-specific. Typical clinical symptoms depend on the immunological reaction: sneezing, itching, rhinorrhea and nasal blockage. Eosinophilic mucosal infiltration is observed in the late phase reaction. Typically the result of nasal challenge should be assessed by the physician and patient. The immunological reaction, especially the level of particular allergenic mediators, could also be investigated. Some objective methods for final assessment of the results are recommended. There is some information about non-specific nasal provocation with aspirin and occupational diseases in the pape

    Optical rhinometry – new challenges and possibilities of rhinitis diagnostics and not only

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    Optical rhinometry is the only diagnostic tool in rhinitis for assessing real-time changes in nasal occlusion. It illustrates lumen changes of nasal mucosa vessels in response nonspecific/specific factors and not only. The first attempts to standardize the method conducted by German researchers show the potential of optical rhinometry not only as regards challenge tests, but also vice versa, in respect of the anemization of the mucosa it evaluates the extent of the oedema which occurred in the pathomechanism of non-allergic rhinitis. The relatively small number of publications in the domain of interest demonstrates there is a need to conduct further research on the suitability of the above-mentioned technique for the evaluation of nasal patency in the field of rhinological diagnostics

    Rynometria optyczna – nowe wyzwania i nowe możliwości diagnostyki rynoalergologicznej

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    Rynometria optyczna – jako jedyne narzędzie wykorzystywane w diagnostyce rynoalergologicznej – ocenia zmiany drożności nosa rejestrowane w czasie rzeczywistym. Jest więc swoistą odpowiedzią na zmiany toczące się w świetle naczyń błony śluzowej jamy nosa w efekcie działania czynników środowiskowych swoistych/nieswoistych. Pierwsze próby standaryzacji metody przeprowadzone przez niemieckich badaczy są dowodem możliwości, jakie niesie rynometria optyczna nie tylko w zakresie prób prowokacyjnych, ale również odwrotnie, przy anemizacji błony śluzowej, w której ocenia się stopień obrzęku powstały w patomechanizmie niealergicznych nieżytów nosa. Stosunkowo mała liczba publikacji w literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje na potrzebę przeprowadzenia dalszych badań nad przydatnością wyżej wymienionej techniki badania drożności nosa w obszarze diagnostyki rynologicznej

    Optical rhinometry – new challenges and possibilities of rhinitis diagnostics and not only

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    Optical rhinometry is the only diagnostic tool in rhinitis for assessing real-time changes in nasal occlusion. It illustrates lumen changes of nasal mucosa vessels in response nonspecific/specific factors and not only. The first attempts to standardize the method conducted by German researchers show the potential of optical rhinometry not only as regards challenge tests, but also vice versa, in respect of the anemization of the mucosa it evaluates the extent of the oedema which occurred in the pathomechanism of non-allergic rhinitis. The relatively small number of publications in the domain of interest demonstrates there is a need to conduct further research on the suitability of the above-mentioned technique for the evaluation of nasal patency in the field of rhinological diagnostics

    Donosowa próba prowokacyjna z alergenem – istotne narzędzie diagnostyki rynologicznej

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    Donosowa próba prowokacyjna z alergenem (DPPA) jest metodą wykorzystywaną w diagnostyce nieżytów nosa. Podstawowe zastosowanie DPPA polega na potwierdzeniu alergii na określony alergen wziewny. DPPA odtwarza reakcję alergiczną błony śluzowej nosa w wystandaryzowanych i kontrolowanych warunkach, pojawiającą się po bezpośrednim podaniu donosowym alergenu. Jako jedyna ze stosowanych metod oceny stopnia alergizacji, naśladuje naturalną odpowiedź organizmu na czynnik uczulający w fazie wczesnej i późnej reakcji alergicznej. Wykorzystywana jest w diagnostyce przewlekłego, zawodowego i lokalnego nieżytu nosa oraz diagnostyce różnicowej nieżytów nosa i objawów ocznych. Określa, w warunkach zbliżonych do naturalnej ekspozycji, związki pomiędzy alergenem a objawami, szczególnie w przypadku trudności w interpretacji wyników testów skórnych i stężenia swoistych IgE w surowicy krwi. Jest niezwykle cennym narzędziem w ustalaniu wskazań do immunoterapii i doboru alergenów do odczulania. Służy także jako metoda monitorowania skuteczności leczenia: immunoterapii i farmakoterapii. W celach naukowych DPPA wykorzystywana jest do badania mechanizmów reakcji alergicznej oraz wpływu różnych czynników na jej przebieg. Uważa się ją za bezpieczną, ale wymagającą odpowiedniego instrumentarium i wykwalifikowanego personelu

    Nasal allergen challenge – an important diagnostic tool in rhinology

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    The nasal allergen challenge (NAC) is used in the diagnosis of rhinitis. The primary use of NAC is to confirm allergy to a specific inhaled allergen. NAC reproduces the allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa under standardized and controlled conditions that occurs after direct intranasal administration of allergens. As the only used method for assessing the degree of allergy, it mimics the body’s natural response to the sensitizing factor in the early and late stages of an allergic reaction. NAC is used in the diagnosis of chronic, occupational and local rhinitis, as well as in the differential diagnosis of rhinitis and ophthalmic symptoms. Under conditions similar to natural exposure, it determines the relationship between the allergen and symptoms of allergic rhinitis, especially in the case of difficulties in interpreting the results of skin tests and the serum concentration of specific IgE. It is a truly valuable tool in determining the indications for immunotherapy and the selection of allergens for desensitization therapy. It also serves as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of immunotherapy and pharmacotherapy. For scientific purposes, NAC is used to study the mechanisms of an allergic reaction and the influence of various factors on its course. It is considered safe, but requires appropriate instruments and qualified personnel

    Local allergic rhinitis: nasal allergen provocation testing as a good tool in the differential diagnosis

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    Local allergic rhinitis (LAR) is a specific phenotype of allergic rhinitis. One characteristic feature of LAR is a medical history indicative of an allergic disease, negative skin-prick test results, undetectable levels of specific IgE, and a positive allergen-specific nasal provocation test. This paper presents a case of a patient with LAR and underlying house dust mite allergy, who was ultimately diagnosed >10 years after the onset of his first symptoms. Currently, there are only pharmacological treatments available for LAR. However, some studies show encouraging results with the use of allergen-specific immunotherapy in LAR, which offer hope for a future use of this causative treatment in LAR patients