12 research outputs found


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    U radu se donose rezultati sustavnog arheološkog istraživanja eponimnog lokaliteta Sopot u svjetlu istraživanja koja je 1957. proveo S. Dimitrijević. Osim arheoloških, u radu se donose rezultati geofizičkih, arheobotaničkih, arheozooloških i radiokarbonskih analiza.This paper includes the results of archaeological research carried out at the eponymous site of Sopot in the light of research carried out by S. Dimitrijević in 1957. Apart from archaeological, the paper also includes results of geographical, archaeobotaical, archaeozoological and radiocarbon analyses

    First palynological results from the archaeological site Sopot, Croatia

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    This paper presents first results of research drilling and pollen analysis at the eponymous site of Sopot. Drilling was conducted in 2010 to give an overview of the spatial relationship of the “tell” with the immediate surroundings and preliminary data on geological and cultural layering of Sopot. Among other things, the goal of the research was finding suitable organic sediments, in order to take test for palynological analysis, to try to reconstruct the vegetation cover, agricultural development and land use

    The results of Dimitrijević's excavations at Sopot in light of recent research

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    U radu se donose rezultati sustavnog arheološkog istraživanja eponimnog lokaliteta Sopot u svjetlu istraživanja koja je 1957. proveo S. Dimitrijević. Osim arheoloških, u radu se donose rezultati geofizičkih, arheobotaničkih, arheozooloških i radiokarbonskih analiza.This paper includes the results of archaeological research carried out at the eponymous site of Sopot in the light of research carried out by S. Dimitrijević in 1957. Apart from archaeological, the paper also includes results of geographical, archaeobotaical, archaeozoological and radiocarbon analyses

    Prehrana in preživetje na poznoneolitskih najdiščih Sopot, Slavča in Ravnjaš na vzhodu Hrvaške

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    This paper presents archaeobotanical data from three late Neolithic Sopot Culture (c. 5200–4000 cal BC) tell sites, Sopot, Slavča and Ravnjaš, located in eastern Croatia. Tell settlements are well suited for exploring aspects of diet and subsistence, as they present a concentrated area with successive generations building upon previous occupation levels. The plant remains from the three study sites suggest a crop-based diet of mainly einkorn, emmer, barley, lentil and pea, as well as evi­dence of crop-processing activities. This diet was also probably supplemented by wild fruit from the local environment, such as cornelian cherry, chinese lantern and blackberry.V članku predstavljamo arheobotanične podatke iz treh poznoneolitskih najdišč so­pot­ske kulture (ok. 5200 do 4000 pr. n. št.), in sicer na najdiščih Sopot, Slavča in Ravnjaš, ki so naselbi­ne tipa tell na vzhodu Hrvaške. Naselbine tipa tell so primerne za preučevanje različnih as­pek­tov pre­hrane in sredstev za preživetje, saj predstavljajo zgoščena območja, kjer so naslednje genera­cije gradile neposredno na predhodne poselitvene plasti. Rastlinski ostanki in dokazi o aktivnostih, po­ve­zanih s predelavo poljščin, kažejo na vseh treh najdiščih na prehrano, ki je temeljila na polj­šči­nah kot so enozrnica, dvozrnica, ječmen, leča in grah. Prehrano so verjetno dopolnjevale še divje ra­st­li­ne iz lokalnega okolja kot so rumeni dren, navadno volčje jabolko in navadna robida

    Diet and subsistence at the late Neolithic tell sites of Sopot, Slavča and Ravnjaš, eastern Croatia

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    This paper presents archaeobotanical data from three late Neolithic Sopot Culture (c. 5200–4000 cal BC) tell sites, Sopot, Slavča and Ravnjaš, located in eastern Croatia. Tell settlements are well suited for exploring aspects of diet and subsistence, as they present a concentrated area with successive generations building upon previous occupation levels. The plant remains from the three study sites suggest a crop-based diet of mainly einkorn, emmer, barley, lentil and pea, as well as evi­dence of crop-processing activities. This diet was also probably supplemented by wild fruit from the local environment, such as cornelian cherry, chinese lantern and blackberry

    First palynological results from the archaeological site Sopot, Croatia

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    This paper presents first results of research drilling and pollen analysis at the eponymous site of Sopot. Drilling was conducted in 2010 to give an overview of the spatial relationship of the “tell” with the immediate surroundings and preliminary data on geological and cultural layering of Sopot. Among other things, the goal of the research was finding suitable organic sediments, in order to take test for palynological analysis, to try to reconstruct the vegetation cover, agricultural development and land use