21 research outputs found

    Optical Frequency Comb Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of 14^{14}N2_216^{16}O at 7.8 {\mu}m

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    We use a Fourier transform spectrometer based on a compact mid-infrared difference frequency generation comb source to perform broadband high-resolution measurements of nitrous oxide, 14^{14}N2_216^{16}O, and retrieve line center frequencies of the ν\nu1_1 fundamental band and the ν\nu1_1 + ν\nu2_2 - ν\nu2_2 hot band. The spectrum spans 90 cm−1^{-1} around 1285 cm−1^{-1} with a sample point spacing of 3 ×{\times} 10−4^{-4} cm−1^{-1} (9 MHz). We report line positions of 67 lines in the ν\nu1_1 fundamental band between P(37) and R(39), and 78 lines in the ν\nu1_1 + ν\nu2_2 - ν\nu2_2 hot band (split into two components with e/f rotationless parity) between P(34) and R(33), with uncertainties in the range of 90-600 kHz. We derive upper state constants of both bands from a fit of the effective ro-vibrational Hamiltonian to the line center positions. For the fundamental band, we observe excellent agreement in the retrieved line positions and upper state constants with those reported in a recent study by AlSaif et al. using a comb-referenced quantum cascade laser [J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf, 2018;211:172-178]. We determine the origin of the hot band with precision one order of magnitude better than previous work based on FTIR measurements by Toth [http://mark4sun.jpl.nasa.gov/n2o.html], which is the source of the HITRAN2016 data for these bands

    A Review of Photothermal Detection Techniques for Gas Sensing Applications

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    Photothermal spectroscopy (PTS) is a technique used for determining the composition of liquids, solids and gases. In PTS, the sample is illuminated with a radiation source, and the thermal response of the analyte (e.g., refractive index) is analyzed to gain information about its content. Recent advances in this unique method of detecting gaseous samples show that photothermal gas spectroscopy can be an interesting alternative to commonly used absorption techniques. Moreover, if designed properly, sensors using PTS detection technique can not only reach sensitivities comparable with other, more complex techniques, but can significantly simplify the design of the sensor. In this review, recent developments in photothermal spectroscopy of gases will be summarized and discussed

    Kagome Hollow Core Fiber-Based Mid-Infrared Dispersion Spectroscopy of Methane at Sub-ppm Levels

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the laser-based gas sensing of methane near 3.3 µm inside hollow-core photonic crystal fibers. We exploit a novel anti-resonant Kagome-type hollow-core fiber with a large core diameter (more than 100 µm) which results in gas filling times of less than 10 s for 1.3-m-long fibers. Using a difference frequency generation source and chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy technique, methane sensing with sub-parts-per-million by volume detection limit is performed. The detection of ambient methane is also demonstrated. The presented results indicate the feasibility of using a hollow-core fiber for increasing the path-length and improving the sensitivity of the mid-infrared gas sensors

    Laser-based nitric oxide detection at 5.26 µm using antiresonant hollow-core fiber

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    In this work we report on self-fabricated borosilicate Antiresonant Hollow-Core Fiber enabling low loss light guidance in the Mid-IR and demonstrate its application in nitric oxide sensing at 5.26 µm aided with Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy

    Nitrous oxide detection at 5.26  µm with a compound glass antiresonant hollow-core optical fiber

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    Laser-based gas sensors utilizing various light-gas interaction phenomena have proved their capacity for detecting different gases. However, achieving reasonable sensitivity, especially in the mid-infrared, is crucial. Improving sensor detectivity usually requires incorporating multipass cells, which increase the light-gas interaction path length at a cost of reduced stability. An unconventional solution comes with the aid of hollow-core fibers. In such a fiber, light is guided inside an air-core which, when filled with the analyte gas can serve as a low-volume and robust absorption cell. Here we report on the use of a borosilicate antiresonant hollow-core fiber for laser-based gas sensing. Due to its unique structure and guidance, this fiber provides low-loss, single-mode transmission &gt;5 µm. The feasibility of using the fiber as a gas cell was verified by detecting nitrous oxide at 5.26 µm with a minimum detection limit of 20 ppbv.</p

    Quartz-Enhanced Photothermal Spectroscopy-Based Methane Detection in an Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fiber

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    In this paper, the combination of using an anti-resonant hollow-core fiber (ARHCF), working as a gas absorption cell, and an inexpensive, commercially available watch quartz tuning fork (QTF), acting as a detector in the quartz-enhanced photothermal spectroscopy (QEPTS) sensor configuration is demonstrated. The proof-of-concept experiment involved the detection of methane (CH4) at 1651 nm (6057 cm&minus;1). The advantage of the high QTF Q-factor combined with a specially designed low-noise amplifier and additional wavelength modulation spectroscopy with the second harmonic (2f-WMS) method of signal analysis, resulted in achieving a normalized noise-equivalent absorption (NNEA) at the level of 1.34 &times; 10&minus;10 and 2.04 &times; 10&minus;11 W cm&minus;1 Hz&minus;1/2 for 1 and 100 s of integration time, respectively. Results obtained in that relatively non-complex sensor setup show great potential for further development of cost-optimized and miniaturized gas detectors, taking advantage of the combination of ARHCF-based absorption cells and QTF-aided spectroscopic signal retrieval methods