73 research outputs found

    Metallization of solar cells, exciton channel of plasmon photovoltaic effect in perovskite cells

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    Abstract Metallic nanoparticles are used to improve solar cell efficiency due to plasmon mediated photo-voltaic effect. We present various channels of this phenomenon in semiconductor solar cells with p − n junction and in chemical-type cells with exciton photovoltaic mechanism. Besides of previously known by plasmon strengthening of sun light absorption in metalized solar cells we have described the influence of plasmonic nanoparticles onto internal electricity of cells. The latter case we analyze on the example of hybridized perovskite solar cells regarded as most promising cells of III-rd generation. The explanation of recent experimental achievements with the metallization of perovskite cells is presented in comparison to the metallization of conventional Si-based cells

    Pastoralism and Emergent Complex Settlement in the Middle Bronze Age, Azerbaijan: Isotopic analyses of mobility strategies in transformation

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    Objectives. This article explores the scale and seasonal patterns of mobility at the complex settlement site of Qızqala during the Middle Bronze Age (2400–1,500 BCE). By integrating human bone, teeth, and environmental samples this research tests the hypothesis of the persistent importance of community-wide seasonal pastoral transhumance during the early formation of complex settlement systems of the South Caucasus. Methods. This research applies stable oxygen and radiogenic strontium isotope analyses on incremental samples of human tooth enamel, bulk tooth enamel, and bone to resolve mobility patterns. Sequential and bulk sampling techniques elucidate seasonal and residential mobility behaviors. Extensive environmental isotope samples of plant and water were collected through regional survey and establish local and regional isotopic baselines, which are compared to human isotope analysis results. Results. Qızqala individuals exhibit low isotopic variability compared to regional contemporaries. 87Sr/86Sr ratios from human remains indicate seasonal and residential isotopic variability within the baseline ranges of local landscapes. δ18O values display erratic patterns, but correspond to seasonal variability with fluctuations between highland and lowland altitudinal zone baseline values. Conclusions. Results suggest that isotopic analysis of multiple elements and sequential enamel samples offers finer resolution on the complexities of human mobility strategies and elucidate the daily lives of often overlooked mobile populations. Higher resolution of individual mobility reveals shared routine behaviors that underscore the importance of diverse social collaborations in forming complex polities in the South Caucasus

    Investigating climate at the Upper Palaeolithic site of Kraków Spadzista Street (B), Poland, using oxygen isotopes

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    Between 50,000 and 20,000 years ago, Europe experienced a series of rapid climate change events known as the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles, which may have made areas of northern Europe more attractive for occupation by early modern humans at certain times than at others. This paper investigates when humans were occupying northern Europe in relation to these climatic changes at the archaeological site of Kraków Spadzista Street (B), by applying oxygen isotope analysis of mammoth tooth enamel carbonates (d18O and d13C) found at the site. The new isotopic data suggest that mean annual temperatures at Kraków Spadzista were 4-9oC? colder than present and, based on comparisons with previously published isotopic data for mammoth in Europe, the Kraków assemblage most likely formed during a cold DansgaardeOeschger event. This suggests modern humans were able to occupy and survive in this area of northern Europe during the harsh cold phases that affected Europe at this time

    The Mława syenite alkaline intrusion – a perspective of rare earth elements occurrence

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    Obecność kilku alkalicznych i alkaliczno-ultramaficznych ciał w obrębie zakrytego podłoża kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego na obszarze północno-wschodniej Polski była znana od dawna, na podstawie badań geofizycznych, jako wyraźne anomalie Ełku, Pisza, Tajna i Mławy. Jedynie cztery głębokie otwory wiertnicze na peryferiach anomalii Mławy (Płońsk IG 2A/2, Ciechanów 1, Konopki Wielkie 1 i Gradzanowo 2) odsłoniły syenity i kwarcowe syenity. Metaluminowe, bogate w pierwiastki ziem rzadkich (REE) i Zr syenity Mławy są względnie późnym produktem procesów frakcjonowania magmy. Analizy chemiczne w mikroobszarze potwierdziły obecność pierwotnych fluorowęglanów REE (bastnäsyt, parisyt) i obfitość cyrkonu jako faz bogatych w REE i Zr w syenitach. Istotna koncentracja minerałów nośników REE ma genetyczne i przestrzenne związki ze skałami alkalicznymi, dlatego intruzja Mławy powinna być obiektem dalszych badań.A number of alkaline and alkaline-ultramafic bodies have been known within the hidden basement of the East European Craton (EEC) in north-western Poland for a long time. These are the strong anomalies of Ełk, Pisz, Tajno and Mława identified based on a geophysical survey. Syenite and quartz syenites, were drilled by only four deep boreholes on the periphery of the Mława anomaly (Płońsk IG 2A/2, Ciechanów 1, Konopki Wielkie and Gradzanowo 2). The REE- and Zr-rich Mława metaluminous syenites are relatively late-stage products of fractionation processes. Electron microprobe analyses confirm primary-appearing REE-fluorocarbonate (bastnäsite–parisite) and zircon abundance as major host phases to REE and Zr in the syenites. A significant concentration of the REE-bearing minerals shows a genetic and spatial relation to an alkaline rocks, therefore the Mława igneous bodies should be the subject of further investigations

    Suitability study of using birch and willow trees in phytoremediation of acidic waste settlers

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    Research addresses the issue of assessing the possibility of using birch and willow trees in phytoremediation of acidic waste settlers. In order to determine the suitability of these trees to bio-accumulate metals it was crucial to first characterized the physico-chemical parameters of the waste. Both waste and leaves samples were analyzed with respect to heavy metals concentration using microwave digestion (cone. HNO3) procedure followed by AAS analyzes. Moreover, the mobility of contaminants from waste was studied using aqueous leaching test as well as sequential extraction procedures. Investigated waste is very inhomogeneous and is characterized with diversity of pH values within sampling points (2.9-7.0) as well as with high concentration of SO42 anions (1203-1301 mg/dm3), Fe (11-19%) and Zn (64-172 mg/kg). Ability to accumulate metals in birch and willow leaves is high. In birch leaves Zn was accumulated up to toxic level of 431 mg/kg, Mn up to 790 mg/kg, Cu up to 9 mg/kg, Pb up to 21 mg/kg. In willow leaves Zn concentration were found to be even higher and reached 679 mg/kg. Concentrations of remaining metals in willow leaves were as follows: Mn up to 173 mg/kg, Cu up to 17 mg/kg and Pb up to 10 mg/kg. Research results confirmed that both birch and willow trees growing on settlers have high tolerance to the adverse living conditions caused by metal stress and low pH of the foundation. These trees can be used for the purpose of phytoremediation of investigated waste settlers

    The treatment of fiberboard manufacturing wastewater in UASB reactor

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    Najważniejszym wyzwaniem w ramach procesu oczyszczania ścieków z produkcji płyt pilśniowych jest zmniejszenie zawartości w nich związków organicznych, zawiesin oraz intensywności barwy. W ostatnich latach wzrosło zainteresowanie technologiami beztlenowymi w oczyszczaniu tego rodzaju ścieków. Za stosowaniem systemów anaerobowych przemawia: mniejsza produkcja osadów ściekowych, możliwość oczyszczania ścieków wysokoobciążonych ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń, wytwarzanie energii w postaci metanu. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością zastosowania reaktora UASB w oczyszczaniu ścieków z produkcji płyt pilśniowych. Badania prowadzone były w skali laboratoryjnej w warunkach mezofilowych przy stałym hydraulicznym czasie zatrzymania, wynoszącym 3 doby, i obciążeniu substratowym w przedziale 1,3 ÷ 2,5 kgChZT/m³d. Efektywność procesu oczyszczania oceniono na podstawie stopnia usunięcia ChZT oraz produkcji biogazu. Najlepsze wyniki uzyskano przy obciążeniu substratowym reaktora wynoszącym 2 kgChZT/m³d. Dla podanych warunków prowadzenia procesu odnotowano 66% usunięcie ChZT oraz produkcję biogazu na poziomie 0,38 dm³/gChZTus d.The effluent from fiberboard manufacturing (FBM) is a specific kind of wastewater with the COD value of over 20 000 mg/l and a suspended solids content of more than 1500 mg/l. The organic components of the effluent include cellulose, lignin and resin acids. The high COD content present in this wastewater makes it suitable for anaerobic treatment however the presence of toxic or recalcitrant substances implies an additional challenge for developing a reliable biological process. Increased gas production and reduced excess sludge generation significantly improve the economics of anaerobic digestion. The concept of the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor is very simple. The reactor consists of a chamber in which the wastewater flows upward through an anaerobic sludge bed and passes in contact with the micro-organisms. In result and anaerobic degradation of the wastewater organic matter occurs. The produced biogas causes hydraulic turbulence as it moves upward through the reactor, providing adequate mixing within the system and eliminating the need for mechanical mixing. The presence of a three-phase separator at the top of the reactor, allows separation of the water phase from sludge solids and gas. In this study the treatment of fiberboard manufacturing (FBM) wastewater was carried out in a laboratory scale UASB rector. Bioreactor performance was evaluated by COD removal efficiency and biogas yield. The aim of the work was to determine the optimal organic loading rate (ORL) for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 days. The ORL range from 1.3 to 2.5 kgCOD/m³d was studied. 66% of COD removal efficiency and biogas yield of 0.38 m³biogas/kgCODremovedd were obtained in the anaerobic reactor operating at 37°C when OLR was equal to 2 kgCOD/m³d

    Biological hydrogen production processes

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    Wodór uważany jest za jeden z najbardziej obiecujących nośników energii. Obecnie wytwarzany jest głównie z konwencjonalnych źródeł energii, technologiami, które są energochłonne i emitują znaczne ilości CO₂. W związku z tym produkcja wodoru metodami biologicznymi staje się atrakcyjnym kierunkiem badań. Procesy biologicznej produkcji wodoru są domeną mikroalg i sinic. Biologiczna produkcja wodoru może zachodzić w dwojaki sposób: z udziałem energii świetlnej (biofotoliza wody i fotofermentacja) lub bez udziału światła (ciemna fermentacja wodorowa, bioelektroliza, biokonwersja tlenku węgla). W artykule opisano procesy produkcji wodoru zachodzące przy udziale mikroalg i sinic.Hydrogen is considered one of the most promising energy sources. Currently, it is mainly produced from conventional energy sources with technologies that are energy consuming and produce large amounts of CO₂. Therefore, hydrogen production with biological methods is becoming an attractive research direction. Biological hydrogen production processes occur in microalgae and cyanobacteria. Biological hydrogen production can proceed in two ways: with participation of light energy (water biophotolysis and photofermentation) or without light (dark hydrogen fermentation, bioelectrolysis, bioconversion of carbon monoxide). The article describes the hydrogen production processes occurring with the participation of microalgae and cyanobacteria

    Characteristics of microalgae species in terms of utilization for energetic purposes

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    Mikroalgi są to proste, jednokomórkowe organizmy wodne, które coraz częściej postrzega się jako jedno z najwydajniejszych dostępnych źródeł biomasy. Mają one zdolność do bardzo szybkiego namnażania się i podwajania swojej biomasy, a ich komórki mogą gromadzić duże ilości tłuszczy, co dodatkowo zwiększa ich kaloryczność. W naturalnych zbiornikach wodnych mikroalgi bardzo łatwo, samorzutnie tworzą gęste zakwity. Jednakże kontrolowana, efektywna i opłacalna hodowla nie jest prosta. Sukces zależy od spełnienia szeregu warunków, a jednym z najważniejszych jest wybór odpowiedniego gatunku do hodowli. Uwarunkowania biologiczne i fizjologiczne poszczególnych gatunków determinują niejednokrotnie wszystkie kolejne etapy pozyskiwania biomasy i danego biopaliwa.Microalgae are simple, single-cell water organisms, which are regarded as one of the most efficient sources of biomass. They have the ability to divide their cells very fast and therefore the productivity of biomass is very high. Their cells can accumulate large amounts of fat what increases their calorific value. In natural water reservoirs microalgae easily and spontaneously form thick blooms. However, fully controlled, year-round and cost-effective cultivation is not easy to achieve. The success of the culture depends on many conditions and one of the most important is to choose the right species for cultivation. Biological and physiological conditioning of the species determines all of the other steps of biomass acquiring and biofuels production

    Application of Fenton Reaction for Supporting Biological Wastewater Treatment from the Dairy Industry

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    The dairy industry is one of the most polluting of industries, not only in terms of the volume of effluent generated, but also in terms of its characteristics as well. The composition of waste water produced in the milk processing plants depends primarily on the type of production (such as fluid milk, butter, cheese, buttermilk, whey, yogurt, condensed milk, flavored milk, milk powder, ice cream, etc.). The factors influencing the composition and charge of waste water are the raw materials used, level of technology plant, cleaning and disinfection processes and the amount of water used. Still increased pollution, combined with increased industrial activity and increasingly restrictive laws concerning discharges, focuses on the problem of optimal industry wastewater treatment. High concentration of organic matter in dairy wastewater causes problems with their removal in biological methods. Combining advanced oxidation process (AOP) and biological process has received attention in recent years as a promising alternative for industrial wastewater treatment. Among biological treatment processes the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) have been widely applied for treating dairy wastewater. The advantages of this technology can include high flexibility and ease of adaptation of operating parameters. Sequencing batch reactor is the name given to wastewater treatment systems based on activated sludge, operated on a sequence changes of anaerobic and aerobic conditions in one reactor. Using AOP pretreatment is important to improve the biodegradability and produce an effluent that can be treated biologically These processes involve the generation of highly free radicals, mainly hydroxyl radical (HO) via chemical, photochemical and photocatalytic reactions. One of the most important AOP process is Fenton reaction. Effectiveness of Fenton reaction has been confirmed in the case of pharmaceutical wastewater, treatment of brines or treatment of paper pulp manufacturing effluents. The oxidation system based on the Fenton’s reagent (hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a ferrous salt under acidic conditions) has been used for the treatment of both organic and inorganic substances of the wastewater stream. The present study was aimed to treat the dairy wastewater by Fenton’s process and an aerobic sequencing batch reactor. The first part of this study examined the effect of operating conditions on Fenton`s process pretreatment of dairy wastewater. The effectiveness of the AOP pretreatment was assessed by evaluating wastewater biodegradability enhancement (BOD5/COD), as well as monitoring major pollutant concentrations (COD) with reaction time. The optimum dose Fe2+ and H2O2 was found to be 1.2 and 2.0 g/L, respectively. In a single biological treatment the average removal efficiencies of COD, and NH4+ were 67%, and 61%, respectively. Integration of Fenton`s process and biological treatment resulted in 93% removal of COD and 79% NH4+ from the dairy wastewater. The results indicated that the combined process would be a promising alternative for the treatment of dairy wastewater