3 research outputs found

    Language as a consolidating factor of ethnic identity of the russian germans

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    The article aims at identifying the attributes of ethnic identity and ethnic concepts of minority groups living in the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Russian Germans living in the city of Glazov and the Vyatka-Kama region. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to understand and to study the shared characteristics of the ethnic identity of the German ethnic group: national self-awareness, preservation and revival of the ethnic culture and traditions, language preservation. The materials of the research are the tape recordings of unprepared German and Russian speech which were made during dialectological and ethnographic expeditions to Glazov. The speech of three informants is analyzed in the study. Nine main parameters of the ethnic identity are examined in relation to the Russian Germans of Glazov: common history, common territory, religion, living environment, family background, folklore, behavior standards, mentality of the ethnic group, and the common language. The language is described in more detail in the study. The results of the study suggest that the ethnic identity of the Russian Germans in question is a changing dynamic category. In our opinion, the language is the most important consolidating factor of the cultural integrity of an ethnic group, an instrument for sharing culturally important information and experience; so it is one of the core parameters of ethnic identity of the Russian Germans living in Glazov. This article will be of interest to researchers in the field of German dialectology and German speech islands.O artigo tem como objetivo identificar os atributos de identidade étnica e conceitos étnicos de grupos minoritários residentes no território da Federação Russa, em particular, os russos alemães residentes na cidade de Glazov e na região de Vyatka-Kama. A relevância do estudo é determinada pela necessidade de compreender e estudar as características comuns da identidade étnica do grupo étnico alemão: autoconsciência nacional, preservação e revivificação da cultura e tradições étnicas, preservação da língua. Os materiais da pesquisa são as gravações em fita do discurso alemão e russo despreparado, feitas durante expedições dialetológicas e etnográficas a Glazov. A fala de três informantes é analisada no estudo. Nove parâmetros principais da identidade étnica são examinados em relação aos russos-alemães de Glazov: história comum, território comum, religião, ambiente de vida, antecedentes familiares, folclore, padrões de comportamento, mentalidade do grupo étnico e a língua comum. A linguagem é descrita com mais detalhes no estudo. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que a identidade étnica dos russos-alemães em questão é uma categoria dinâmica em mudança. Em nossa opinião, a língua é o mais importante fator de consolidação da integridade cultural de uma etnia, um instrumento de compartilhamento de informações e experiências culturalmente importantes; portanto, é um dos parâmetros centrais da identidade étnica dos russos-alemães que vivem em Glazov. Este artigo será de interesse para pesquisadores no campo da dialetologia alemã e das ilhas de fala alemãs.El artículo tiene como objetivo identificar los atributos de la identidad étnica y los conceptos étnicos de los grupos minoritarios que viven en el territorio de la Federación de Rusia, en particular, los alemanes rusos que viven en la ciudad de Glazov y la región de Vyatka-Kama. La relevancia del estudio está determinada por la necesidad de comprender y estudiar las características compartidas de la identidad étnica del grupo étnico alemán: autoconciencia nacional, preservación y renacimiento de la cultura y tradiciones étnicas, preservación del idioma. Los materiales de la investigación son las grabaciones en cinta de habla alemana y rusa sin preparación que se hicieron durante las expediciones dialectológicas y etnográficas a Glazov. En el estudio se analiza el discurso de tres informantes. Se examinan nueve parámetros principales de la identidad étnica en relación con los alemanes rusos de Glazov: historia común, territorio común, religión, entorno de vida, antecedentes familiares, folclore, normas de comportamiento, mentalidad del grupo étnico y el idioma común. El idioma se describe con más detalle en el estudio. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que la identidad étnica de los alemanes rusos en cuestión es una categoría dinámica cambiante. En nuestra opinión, el idioma es el factor de consolidación más importante de la integridad cultural de un grupo étnico, un instrumento para compartir información y experiencias de importancia cultural; por lo que es uno de los parámetros centrales de la identidad étnica de los alemanes rusos que viven en Glazov. Este artículo será de interés para los investigadores en el campo de la dialectología alemana y las islas de habla alemana

    Content Analysis of Studies Conducted on STEM Education from 2010 to 2020: Perspective of Emerging Technologies in Learning

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    The purpose of this study is to analyses the studies about science, technol-ogy, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in the world by using the content analysis method and to reveal the trend in the field. In this study, which was carried out in a survey design to analyses the articles pub-lished in the Institute for Scientific Information web of science database be-tween 2010 and May 2020 and to determine the research trends of the arti-cles published in this direction, 100 articles selected by criterion sampling method were examined. In the selection of articles, attention was paid to in-clude studies on ‘STEM Education’ with respect to perspective of emerging technologies in learning. After examining the articles, the articles were analyses by content analysis method. The articles were examined in terms of descriptive information about the identity of the article, cate-gory field, article subject area, method, sample, data collection tools, data analysis methods and discussion size. The research data were interpreted based on the percentage and frequency findings, and data were presented as tables and graphs. According to the research data, it was determined that the highest number of publications was published be-tween 2016 and 2018, mostly studies with 2 authors were conducted, and almost all of them were written in English. In addition, it was determined that the number of hypotheses was mostly 2 or 3, and STEM education as a subject area was mostly han-dled covering all its dimensions, whereas mathematics and science educa-tion took second place. It was also observed that the experimental model and the mixed method were used extensively in the studies, and the written sources were frequently used as data collection tools. It was concluded that one-third of the sample level was primary education level studies, the sam-ple selection method was purposeful sampling, and the discussion size was 3 or 4. Based on the current research analysis, the pro-file and trends of the articles were monitored and important recommendations were made in the framework contributing to scientific research

    Influence of Bacillus thuringiensis and avermectins on gut physiology and microbiota in Colorado potato beetle: Impact of enterobacteria on susceptibility to insecticides.

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    Gut physiology and the bacterial community play crucial roles in insect susceptibility to infections and insecticides. Interactions among Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), its bacterial associates, pathogens and xenobiotics have been insufficiently studied. In this paper, we present our study of the survival, midgut histopathology, activity of digestive enzymes and bacterial communities of L. decemlineata larvae under the influence of Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebrionis (morrissoni) (Bt), a natural complex of avermectins and a combination of both agents. Moreover, we estimated the impact of culturable enterobacteria on the susceptibility of the larvae to Bt and avermectins. An additive effect between Bt and avermectins was established regarding the mortality of the larvae. Both agents led to the destruction of midgut tissues, a decrease in the activity of alpha-amylases and alkaline proteinases, a decrease in the Spiroplasma leptinotarsae relative abundance and a strong elevation of Enterobacteriaceae abundance in the midgut. Moreover, an elevation of the enterobacterial CFU count was observed under the influence of Bt and avermectins, and the greatest enhancement was observed after combined treatment. Insects pretreated with antibiotics were less susceptible to Bt and avermectins, but reintroduction of the predominant enterobacteria Enterobacter ludwigii, Citrobacter freundii and Serratia marcescens increased susceptibility to both agents. We suggest that enterobacteria play an important role in the acceleration of Bt infection and avermectin toxicoses in L. decemlineata and that the additive effect between Bt and avermectin may be mediated by alterations in the bacterial community