13 research outputs found

    Can polish university female students swim?

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    Background and aim of the work: There are only few studies in Polish and foreign literature providing solid information on swimming skills of university students. The aim of the study carried out at the University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn was to determine swimming skills of Polish university female students starting their studies. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2012 on 298 female students of the 1 st year course, at the age of 19 – 20. Anonymous questionnaire was used in the research. Results: It has been shown that almost 72% of the women could not swim at all, and 26% swam poorly. Within the group of women able to swim, the greatest percentage was set by women using classical style (49%) and “their own” one (27%) and only 13% of the students used crawl, 9% - back stroke and 2% - butterfly style. Of all the women declaring swimming abilities, the biggest percentage (16%) could cover the distance of only 20 – 50 m; fewer students (6%) covered the distance of 50 – 100 m; and 5% could swim only 20 m. Only a marginal number of students (2%) could cover the distance from 100 to 1000 m; none could swim more than 1000 m. Conclusions: The study showed a very pessimistic picture of swimming skills of Polish university female students in respect of the number of women able to swim, their knowledge of swimming styles, and the length of the covered distance

    Can polish university female students swim?

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    Background and aim of the work: There are only few studies in Polish and foreign literature providing solid information on swimming skills of university students. The aim of the study carried out at the University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn was to determine swimming skills of Polish university female students starting their studies. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2012 on 298 female students of the 1 st year course, at the age of 19 - 20. Anonymous questionnaire was used in the research. Results: It has been shown that almost 72% of the women could not swim at all, and 26% swam poorly. Within the group of women able to swim, the greatest percentage was set by women using classical style (49%) and their own one (27%) and only 13% of the students used crawl, 9% - back stroke and 2% - butterfly style. Of all the women declaring swimming abilities, the biggest percentage (16%) could cover the distance of only 20 - 50 m; fewer students (6%) covered the distance of 50 - 100 m; and 5% could swim only 20 m. Only a marginal number of students (2%) could cover the distance from 100 to 1000 m; none could swim more than 1000 m. Conclusions: The study showed a very pessimistic picture of swimming skills of Polish university female students in respect of the number of women able to swim, their knowledge of swimming styles, and the length of the covered distance

    Sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment

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    The economic, environmental and social development should not degrade the environment but it should leave it for the next generations in the state that it is presently or even better. The principle of sustainable agriculture is to cover the human needs for food without damage to the environment. The aim of the article was to research the farmers’ awareness of the principle of sustainable agriculture and balanced fertilization and their influence on the environment. Among 100 farmers of the Tczew district (Poland) there was done questionnaire research on the determination rates of nitrogen fertilizers and on the regulation of fertilizers usage in Poland. Most of farmers declared a good knowledge of good agricultural practices and of balanced fertilization and the awareness of threats issuing from their activities. At the same time in Poland since the announcement of the Nitrate Directive of the former European Common Market (1992) up till now (2013) the application of nitrogen fertilizers doubled and the yield of wheat increased only by 15%, which means the increase of environmental burden with this chemical element


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    Fish rearing causes changes in water quality due to the use of feed, mineral and organic fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and disinfectants. Rational fishery management aims to maintain or restore the quality of water in natural ecosystems. Cultures produce a certain amount of waste and pollutants released into the environment with waters departing from ponds, but their harmfulness depends on the conditions and type of farming. Studies on the assessment of the effects of rearing trout on physical and chemical properties of surface water were carried out in 2010-2012. Were chosen trout farm located in the Pomeranian province about 36 miles southeast of Słupsk. Water samples for physical and chemical analysis were collected every two months (a total of 12 sets samples collected) and labeled them: temperature [°C], dissolved oxygen [mg · dm-3], oxygen saturation [%] electrolytic conductivity [S · cm-1], pH, redox potential [mV] and BOD5 and CODCr. The study showed that the water used to supply breeding facilities meet the requirements to be met which are inland water salmonid habitat. Only periodically for BOD5 standards have been slightly exceeded. After passing through the joints deterioration of water quality did not cause a change in the quality of the class, if only temporarily BOD5 ratio were lower in its quality from the first to the third class

    Influence of farming technology on bioaccumulation of calcium, magnesium and sodium in muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) / Wpływ technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)

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    Polska należy do krajów o ograniczonych zasobach wodnych, w których wskazana jest oszczędność wody m.in. poprzez doskonalenie metod produkcji rybackiej o zmniejszonym zużyciu wody. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu jakości wody oraz technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego. Badania przeprowadzono wiosną i jesienią 2011 roku w 2 gospodarstwach pstrągowych z województwa pomorskiego stosujących odmienne technologie chowu: z jednokrotnym przepływem wody oraz z systemem recyrkulacji wody. W badanych obiektach technologia chowu miała istotny wpływ na stężenie magnezu i sodu w wodach odpadowych, natomiast nie miała wpływu na zawartość badanych metali w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczoweg

    Sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment

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    The economic, environmental and social development should not degrade the environment but it should leave it for the next generations in the state that it is presently or even better. The principle of sustainable agriculture is to cover the human needs for food without damage to the environment. The aim of the article was to research the farmers’ awareness of the principle of sustainable agriculture and balanced fertilization and their influence on the environment. Among 100 farmers of the Tczew district (Poland) there was done questionnaire research on the determination rates of nitrogen fertilizers and on the regulation of fertilizers usage in Poland. Most of farmers declared a good knowledge of good agricultural practices and of balanced fertilization and the awareness of threats issuing from their activities. At the same time in Poland since the announcement of the Nitrate Directive of the former European Common Market (1992) up till now (2013) the application of nitrogen fertilizers doubled and the yield of wheat increased only by 15%, which means the increase of environmental burden with this chemical element

    Modifying influence of a pesticide dump on plants and animals of wood, meadow, pond and lake ecosystems

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    The authors realized a Polish national project studying environmental contamination and influence of contamiants on plants and animals (wild mice and fish) around pesticide dump storing about 70 tonns of OCl wastes for over 30 years. The chemical analysis was not very useful because the dump was situated inside the sandy hill (bad sorption) but chnges in plant societies, in contaminats concentrations in animal tissues and, most of all, changes in pathomorphological pattern of animal cells were detected


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    Dynamic development of aquaculture has led to an increasing impact on the status of surface waters. Fish production generates wastes that, at high concentrations, may present a serious risk to the aquatic environment. Studies on the assessment of the impact of water management technologies in trout production on the quality of surface waters were conducted in 2011. Six farms were selected for the studies and were divided into two groups based on water management solutions (n = 3): farms with a flow through system (FTS) and farms with a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). On all farms, water measurement points were set and they depicted the quality of inflow water, the quality of water in ponds and the quality of outflow water. The studies did not demonstrate any impact of applied technology on electrolyte conductivity or calcium and magnesium concentrations in outflow water from a trout operation. In addition, it was found that the use of water for production purposes resulted in a slight increase in phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in waste waters

    Mineral content of muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)

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    Fish are most often considered as a rich source of valuable fat, although sometimes the high quality of fish meat protein is also emphasized, but there is comparably little information on the mineral composition of fish meat. Chemical composition, caloric value and health safety of fish as food depend on many factors, of which the rearing conditions are most influential. Aside from environmental conditions, production technology is a major determinant of the quality and nutritional value of trout. In this study, the influence of a farming technology on the content of minerals in the muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) netted in various Polish regions has been assessed. Fish were caught in autumn 2010 and 2011 and spring 2011, at 3 farms with a water flow-through system and 3 farms with water recirculation. The trout muscle tissue contained: 188.4 - 518.4 mg kg-1 of calcium, 306.9 - 338.1 mg kg-1 of magnesium, 464.0 - 718.2 mg kg-1 of sodium, 4.5 - 6.9 mg kg-1 of zinc, 2485.7 - 2823.6 mg kg-1 of phosphorous, 4261.2 - 4615.4 mg kg-1 of potassium, 3.0 - 9.4 mg kg-1 of iron and 0.09 – 11.74 mg kg-1 of copper. The farming technology influenced the content of calcium, sodium, zinc, iron and copper but had no effect on the content of magnesium, phosphorous and potassium in rainbow trout muscle tissue. Trout farmed in water recirculation systems contained higher amounts of most elements than the fish reared in water flow-through systems. The season of sample collection (date of netting) also affected the content of sodium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and copper. The fish farming site (localization of the farm) determined the content of most of the minerals except magnesium. Rainbow trout is a good source of phosphorous and potassium in a human diet, significantly covering the daily demand for the elements