17 research outputs found

    Two dynamical approaches to the notion of exponential separation for random systems of delay differential equations

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    This paper deals with the exponential separation of type II, an important concept for random systems of differential equations with delay, introduced in \JM\ et al.~\cite{MiNoOb1}. Two different approaches to its existence are presented. The state space XX will be a separable ordered Banach space with dimX2\dim X\geq 2, dual space XX^{*} and positive cone X+X^+ normal and reproducing. In both cases, appropriate cooperativity and irreducibility conditions are assumed to provide a family of generalized Floquet subspaces. If in addition XX^* is also separable, one obtains a exponential separation of type II. When this is not the case, but there is an Oseledets decomposition for the continuous semiflow, the same result holds. Detailed examples are given for all the situations, including also a case where the cone is not normal.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0131

    In pursuit of COVID-19 surgical risk stratification to manage a limited workforce and supplies in minimally invasive surgery

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    The protective barriers used so far in surgery do not provide adequate protection against SARS-CoV-2 virus, and reinforced protective equipment is needed. The rapid increase in the number of patients and the worldwide panic associated with the increasingly low availability of protective equipment has resulted in a shortage of protective equipment In many hospitals. Appropriatepersonal protective equipment must be provided so that the surgical team proceeding to surgery is not excluded from the further struggle for patients’ health, especially in MIS. Reckless and excessive use of maximum protective equipment may result in a severe shortage of these products when the number of infected person

    Wytyczne postępowania w oddziałach zabiegowych szpitali niejednoimiennych podczas pandemii COVID-19

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    Od kilku tygodni jesteśmy uczestnikami wykładniczo postępującej pandemii koronawirusem SARS-CoV-2. Wraz z przyrostem liczby osób zakażonych SARS-CoV-2, narasta problem postępowania chirurgicznego z pacjentami wymagającymi pilnej operacji. W szpitalach innych niż jednoimienne będą pojawiać się osoby zakażone wirusem SARS-CoV-2 z ujemnymi wynikami badań, które mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla innych pacjentów oraz personelu szpitali. Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia stanowią niemal 17% zakażonych Polaków, zatem priorytetem staje się wczesne wychwytywanie osób zakażonych, celem ochrony zasobów ludzkich i zapewnienia ciągłości dostępu do opieki chirurgicznej. Zarówno operacje chirurgiczne, jak i badania oraz zabiegi endoskopowe, są procedurami o podwyższonym ryzyku zakażenia. Zatem kluczowe staje się nie tylko określenie algorytmu kwalifikacji pacjentów do leczenia chirurgicznego, ale także stratyfikacja ryzyka zakażenia personelu podczas operacji i adekwatna ochrona personelu. Każdy szpital powinien być przygotowany organizacyjnie i logistycznie na konieczność przeprowadzenia pilnej operacji u chorego z podejrzeniem lub potwierdzonym zakażeniem, łącznie z zabezpieczeniem środków ochrony indywidualnej. Ograniczona dostępność sprzętu, praca pod presją i braki kadrowe w sytuacji zagrożenia wysoce zakaźnym patogenem zmuszają do pragmatycznego gospodarowania zasobami ludzkimi w ochronie zdrowia. Konieczne są: natychmiastowe, skoordynowane działanie i jasne, jednolite wytyczne, aby system opieki zdrowotnej mógł zapewnić obywatelom niezbędną opiekę chirurgiczną, jednocześnie chroniąc pacjentów i personel. W niniejszym dokumencie przedstawiono aktualne zalecenia dotyczące postępowania chirurgicznego w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce

    In pursuit of COVID-19 surgical risk stratification to manager a limited workforce and supplies in minimally invasive surgery

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    The protective barriers used so far in surgery do not provide adequate protection against SARS-CoV-2 virus, and reinforced protective equipment is needed. The rapid increase in the number of patients and the worldwide panic associated with the increasingly low availability of protective equipment has resulted in a shortage of protective equipment In many hospitals. Appropriatepersonal protective equipment must be provided so that the surgical team proceeding to surgery is not excluded from the further struggle for patients’ health, especially in MIS. Reckless and excessive use of maximum protective equipment may result in a severe shortage of these products when the number of infected person

    Guidelines for the management of surgical departments in non-uniform hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    In the last several weeks we have been witnessing the exponentially progressing pandemic SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. As the number of people infected with SARS-CoV2 escalates, the problem of surgical management of patients requiring urgent surgery is increasing. Patients infected with SARS-CoV2 virus but with negative test results will appear in general hospitals and may pose a risk to other patients and hospital staff. Health care workers constitutes nearly 17% of infected population in Poland, therefore early identification of infected people becomes a priority to protect human resources and to ensure continuity of the access to a surgical care. Both surgical operations, and endoscopic procedures are considered as interventions with an increased risk of infection. Therefore, determining the algorithm becomes crucial for qualifying patients for surgical treatment, but also to stratify the risk of personnel being infected during surgery and to adequately protect staff. Each hospital should be logistically prepared for the need to perform urgent surgery on a patient with suspected or confirmed infection, including personal protective equipment. Limited availability of the equipment, working under pressure and staff shortages in addition to a highly contagious pathogen necessitate a pragmatic management of human resources in health care. Instant synchronized action is needed, and clear uniform guidelines are essential for the healthcare system to provide citizens with the necessary surgical care while protecting both patients, and staff. This document presents current recommendations regarding surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland