65 research outputs found

    Harmonization of International and National Law in Managing the Marine and Fisheries Resources to Promote Sustainable Development

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    The theme of the international seminar is Sustainable Development and International Law.From this theme, the writer derived the specific topic regarding the management of marine and fisheries resources in its connection with the international law of the sea. Environmental management is undoubtedly an inseparable concept to be considered when discussing about the marine and fisheries resources. Managing environment must be done by giving an exact amount of attention to the environmental development. Moreover it also needed to seek dynamic balance between human, as individual and part of society, with its environment. Regarding this, global development should not only consider the cost and benefit ratio concept or market mechanism, but also the social cost in order to ensure the progress of sustainable development. Ecological sustainable development is one of the efforts to construct a safe, fair, peace and prosper Indonesia. This could be achieved if the government deigns to respond the strategic environmental management in global, regional as well as national framework. It means that the environmental management must be laid on the principal of sustainable use and conservation of resources to prevent ecological, economical and cultural loss. To meet this end, it needed a harmonization between national and international law instrument; and in this case is the National Law No. 45/2009 about fisheries which is the completion of Law No. 31/2004 and the UNCLOS 1982. The Law No. 45/2009 has both local and global dimension, since it accommodates the aspect of local autonomy, along with the provision stated in UNCLOS 1982. However, the implementation of this said Law could also generate problems, i.e. in substantial aspects, infrastructural and local culture which in one point might affect relation with another country. In this regards, the harmonization between international and national law is one possible solution

    Aspek Hukum yang Menunjang Pengembangan Industri Kreatif di Indonesia

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    Industri kreatif adalah industri yang bermuara pada intelektualitas, ide, dan gagasan yang orisinil dan direalisasikan berdasarkan pemikiran dan tindakan nyata guna menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan dalam rangka peningkatan ekonomi.Industri kreatif dperkirakan dapat leblh mampu bertahan menghadapi krisis karena berbasis pada ide dan kreatifitas manusia yang tanpa batas. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka perlindungan hukum yang berkaitan dengan hak kekayaan intelektual, persoalan kontrak baik nasional maupun intemasional harus selalu ditingkatkan agar para pelaku perdagangan dapat saling memperoleh manfaat yang seimbang sehingga tercipta mekanisme pasar yang sehat

    The Situation Development of Timor Leste Refugees Post Election From The Social and Legal Aspect

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    As neighbouring countries not only based upon its geographical but also its historical, Indonesia and Timor Leste has developed a lot of effort to overcome residual issues that arose from Timor Leste separation from Indonesia such as the refugee problem. Protection of Refuges is a classical issue in International Law. Even though the right to seek asylum has been ensrined in The Indonesia constitution (UUD 1945, Law Number 999, Law Number 37/1999. Until now Indonesia has not ratified or acceded to any international instruments on refugees. In the cases of Timor Leste's Refugees. Indonesia and Timor Leste have to create a bilateral cooperation based on peaceful co existence principles, and good neighbour lines principles

    Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Kelautan Dan Perikanan Di Era Otonomi Daerah

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    Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan adalah upaya mewujudkan Indonesia yang aman, damai, adil, demokratis dan sejahtera. Hal ini dapat tercapai apabila negara mampu merespons perkembangan lingkungan strategis baik yang mencakup aspek global, regional dan nasional dengan tetap memperhatikan kearifan lokal. Dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaan wilayah laut lahirnya UU no 45 tahun 2009 yang merupakan penyempurnaan dari Undang-undang no. 31 tahun 2004 tentang perikanan mempunyai dimensi lokal karena memperhatikan aspek otonomi daerah, memiliki dimensi global karena mengakomodir ketentuan-ketentuan dalam UNCLOS 1982. Akan tetapi implementasi UU tersebut menimbulkan banyak persoalan, selain faktor substansinya maka persoalan sarana, prasarana dan budaya masyarakat yang merupakan kendala. Artinya pengelolaan perikanan di Indonesia tidak memperhatikan "Sustainable use and conservation of resources", yang berakibat adanya ecological loss economic resources loss, social and cultural loss

    The Construction of Law in Order to Escalate the Bilateral Relationship between Indonesia and Timor-Leste

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    Hal. 64- 7

    State responsibility for Ex East Timur Refugee Related to the Succession of State

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    Kebijakan Penanganan Pengungsi di Indonesia: Kajian dari Konvensi Pengungsi 1951 dan Protokol 1967

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    The absence of law concerning refugees in Indonesia has caused weak coordination between related institutions in field. As a law-based country that highly appreciate human rights, ratification of The 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol must be apriority. Both instruments are relevant, since the substance are not only heavily loaded with regulation about human rights but also in line with cultural values and norms in Indonesia. As such, the process of ratification needs to consider the country readiness, in terms of technical, political and legal aspects, since those aspects are sometimes challenging. On this matter, ratification is expected to narrow the gap between national and international instruments of law

    Posthumanization An Attempt to Grant Substantial Justice for Migrant Workers

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    Globalization has affected many things in human life, one of which is regarding the human migration. (Indonesian) migrant workers are often suffered from inhumane action and unable to obtain maximum protection of their rights. It can also be said that they experience dehumanization. The latest example advertisement entitled "Indonesian maids are now on sale", circulated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October 2012. This advertisement is considered as dehumanization of Indonesian migrant workers, as if they were items that can be sold and traded. Attempts to humanize Indonesian labors can be done in various ways, such as by providing strong regulations. Some of these laws include the Law No. 39 year 2004 concerning the Protection and Placement of Indonesian Workers Abroad; Law No. 37 year 1999 on Foreign Relations; the ICCPR that has been ratified by the Government of Indonesia in Law no. 12 year 2005; Law No. 16 year 2012 on the Ratification of the International Convention on Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their Families; and Law No. 16 year 2011 about Legal Aid. Attempts to humanize Indonesian labors can be done in various ways, such as by providing strong regulations. Some of these laws include the Law No. 39 year 2004 concerning the Protection and Placement of Indonesian Workers Abroad; Law No. 37 year 1999 on Foreign Relations; the ICCPR that has been ratified by the Government of Indonesia in Law no. 12 year 2005; Law No. 16 year 2012 on the Ratification of the International Convention on Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their Families; and Law No. 16 year 2011 about Legal Aid

    Is There any Doubt Regarding Women's Leadership in Indonesia?

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    Women's leadership in Indonesia is still problematic. The problem relates to internal aspect which comes from women themselves, and external aspects, such as political, legal, economy, social, cultural and others. From the aspect of legal in abstracto, there is no different treatment between women and men in Indonesia in using their civil and political rights, but this is not so from the aspect of legal in concreto. Therefore, it needs to give attention to practical needs (legal problems) and strategic needs of women (politics) to solve the problems of women leadership. The synergy of these two must be balanced by establishing civil society, good governance and affirmative action on the 30% quota of women representation on the Board of Representatives

    Konsekuensi Indonesia Sebagai Anggota Tidak Tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB Periode 2019-2020 Dalam Perspektif Hukum Nasional

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    Indonesia adalah Negara dengan konstitusi yang outward looking. Hal ini menjadi sangat penting ketika Indonesia menjadi anggota tidak tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB setelah mendapatkan 144 Suara di pertemuan Majelis Umum PBB tanggal 8 Juli 2018 untuk jabatan 2019 – 2020. Agar keikutsertaan (peran) Indonesia di Dewan Keamanan PBB dapat optimal diperlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang Konteks Politik yang meliputi Dewan Keamanan PBB serta kemampuan merespons isu utama yang diagendakan (terorisme, krisis, nuklir, konfl ik Israel Palestina, isu HAM). Peran Indonesia juga harus memperhatikan kepentingan nasional untuk ikut serta menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan internasional sebagaimana tercantum dalam pembukaan UUD 1945. Selain itu untuk menerapkan Resolusi DK PBB yang merupakan langkah strategis diperlukan payung hukum berupa Undang-Undang yang pembuatannya harus mengacu pada UUD 1945, Pasal 10 UU 24/2000 dan UU No. 12/2011. Jika pembentukan payung hukum menjadi kendala maka harus dilakukan amandemen terhadap UU 24/2000
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