41 research outputs found

    Verknüpfung und Generierung von Mikrodaten: dargestellt am Beispiel des integrierten Mikrodatenfiles 1969 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Dank der Existenz leistungsstarker Computer mit großen Speicherkapazitäten ist es heute möglich geworden, in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung immer stärker mit Mikrodaten zu arbeiten. Der Beitrag skizziert einleitend die neueröffneten Forschungsperspektiven (die Reduzierung des Aggregationsniveaus erlaubt die Bildung und Überprüfung empirisch gehaltvoller Theorien und schafft gesellschaftspolitische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten). Insbesondere durch die gezielte Verknüpfung von Mikrodaten (Zusammenführung verschiedener Stichproben) öffnen sich bislang nicht vorhandene Forschungsperspektiven (Verbindung unterschiedlicher Fragestellungen, Berücksichtigung von Nebenwirkungen etc.). Die Verf. stellen die verschiedenen Arten der Generierung integrierter Mikrodatenfiles vor. Die theoretischen Erörterungen werden dann am Beispiel des Integrierten Mikrodatenfiles für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1969 veranschaulicht, das im Rahmen des SPES-Projektes erstellt wurde. Ausgangssituation (Forschungsziele etc.), die logische Zusammenführung von Merkmalen und die statistische Verknüpfung werden beschrieben. Ein weiterer Abschnitt des Beitrages beschäftigt sich mit der logischen Zusammenführung von Beobachtungseinheiten. Die Verf. betonen abschließend, daß die Verknüpfung und Korrektur von Mikrodaten notwendigerweise eine Reihe von Hypothesen voraussetzen; die Interpretation der Ergebnisse, die aus einem integrierten Mikrofile abgeleitet wurden, muß sich dieser Hypothesen bewußt sein. (JL

    Telomerase activity in `immortal' fish1We dedicate this publication to E.S. Quabius. This study would have been impossible without her initiating ideas.1

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    AbstractEukaryotic chromosome termini consist of telomeres, short sequence repeats. According to the telomere hypothesis, DNA replication leads to telomere shortening, resulting in a cellular mitotic clock. Telomerase resets it by telomere synthesis. In mammals with a limited growth phase, telomerase activity in somatic tissues is restricted to stem cell derivatives with high proliferation potential. But other animals, like some fish, grow throughout their life with little senescence. All somatic cells require a high proliferation capacity and telomerase should be active in all cells, irrespective of fish age. Indeed, we detected high telomerase activities in all analyzed organs of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

    Longevity of lobsters is linked to ubiquitous telomerase expression

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    AbstractMammals have high growth rates in embryonic and juvenile phases and no growth in adult and senescent phases. We analyzed telomerase activity in a fundamentally different animal which grows indeterminately. Lobsters (Homarus americanus) grow throughout their life and the occurrence of senescence is slow. A modified TRAP assay was developed and the lobster telomeric repeat sequence TTAGG was determined. We detected telomerase activities which were dependent on RNA and protein components, required dGTP, dATP and dTTP, but not dCTP. Telomerase products with a five nucleotide periodicity were generated. High telomerase activities were detected in all lobster organs. We conclude that telomerase activation is a conserved mechanism for maintaining long-term cell proliferation capacity and preventing senescence, not only in cellular models or embryonic life stages but also in adult multicellular organisms

    X20CoCrWMo10-9//Co3O4: a Metal-Ceramic Composite with Unique Efficiency Values for Water-Splitting in Neutral Regime

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    Water splitting allows the storage of solar energy into chemical bonds (H2+O2) and will help to implement the urgently needed replacement of limited available fossil fuels. Particularly in neutral environment electrochemically initiated water splitting suffers from low efficiency due to high overpotentials caused by the anode. Electro-activation of X20CoCrWMo10-9, a Co-based tool steel resulted in a new composite material (X20CoCrWMo10-9//Co3O4) that catalyzes the anode half-cell reaction of water electrolysis with a so far unequalled effectiveness. The current density achieved with this new anode in pH 7 corrected 0.1 M phosphate buffer is over a wide range of overpotentials around 10 times higher compared to recently developed, up-to-date electrocatalysts and represents the benchmark performance advanced catalysts show in regimes that support water splitting significantly better than pH 7 medium. X20CoCrWMo10-9//Co3O4 exhibited electrocatalytic properties not only at pH 7, but also at pH 13, which is much superior to the ones of IrO2-RuO2, single-phase Co3O4- or Fe/Ni- based catalysts. Both XPS and FT-IR experiments unmasked Co3O4 as the dominating compound on the surface of the X20CoCrWMo10-9//Co3O4 composite. Upon a comprehensive dual beam FIB-SEM (focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy) study we could show that the new composite does not exhibit a classical substrate-layer structure due to the intrinsic formation of the Co-enriched outer zone. This structural particularity is basically responsible for the outstanding electrocatalytic OER performance

    Health care costs, utilization and patterns of care following Lyme disease

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    BACKGROUND:Lyme disease is the most frequently reported vector borne infection in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control have estimated that approximately 10% to 20% of individuals may experience Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome - a set of symptoms including fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and neurocognitive complaints that persist after initial antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease. Little is known about the impact of Lyme disease or post-treatment Lyme disease symptoms (PTLDS) on health care costs and utilization in the United States. OBJECTIVES:1) to examine the impact of Lyme disease on health care costs and utilization, 2) to understand the relationship between Lyme disease and the probability of developing PTLDS, 3) to understand how PTLDS may impact health care costs and utilization. METHODS:This study utilizes retrospective data on medical claims and member enrollment for persons aged 0-64 years who were enrolled in commercial health insurance plans in the United States between 2006-2010. 52,795 individuals treated for Lyme disease were compared to 263,975 matched controls with no evidence of Lyme disease exposure. RESULTS:Lyme disease is associated with 2,968highertotalhealthcarecosts(952,968 higher total health care costs (95% CI: 2,807-3,128, p<.001) and 87% more outpatient visits (95% CI: 86%-89%, p<.001) over a 12-month period, and is associated with 4.77 times greater odds of having any PTLDS-related diagnosis, as compared to controls (95% CI: 4.67-4.87, p<.001). Among those with Lyme disease, having one or more PTLDS-related diagnosis is associated with 3,798 higher total health care costs (95% CI: 3,542-4,055, p<.001) and 66% more outpatient visits (95% CI: 64%-69%, p<.001) over a 12-month period, relative to those with no PTLDS-related diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS:Lyme disease is associated with increased costs above what would be expected for an easy to treat infection. The presence of PTLDS-related diagnoses after treatment is associated with significant health care costs and utilization

    Rare brain biopsy findings in a first ADEM-like event of pediatric MS: histopathologic, neuroradiologic and clinical features

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    Pediatric MS tends to present more often with an acute onset and a polysymptomatic form of the disease, possibly with encephalopathy and large tumefactive lesions similar to those observed in some cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which makes it more difficult to differentiate between an explosive and severe onset of MS vs. ADEM. An ADEM-like first demyelinating event can be the first attack of pediatric MS, but international consensus definitions require two or more non-ADEM demyelinating events for diagnosis of MS. In our patient KIDMUS MRI criteria for MS (Mikaeloff et al. J Pediatr 144:246–252, 2004a; Mikaeloff et al. Brain 127:1942–1947, 2004b) were negative at first attack, but Barkhof criteria for lesion dissemination in space in adults (Barkhof et al. 120:2059–2069, 1997), Callen modified MS-criteria and Callen MS-ADEM criteria for children (Callen et al. Neurology 72:961–967, 2009a; Callen et al. Neurology 72:968–973, 2009b) were positive suggesting pediatric MS. As the clinical course was devastating with non-responsiveness upon high-dose immune modulatory therapy and due to the absence of an alternative diagnosis other than demyelinating disease brain biopsy was performed. Brain biopsy studies or autopsy case reports of fulminant pediatric MS patients are extremely rare. Histopathology revealed an inflammatory demyelinating CNS process with confluent demyelination, indicating the likelihood of a relapsing disease course compatible with an acute to subacute demyelinating inflammatory disease. This pattern was corresponding to the early active multiple sclerosis subtype I of Lucchinetti et al. (Ann Neurol 47(6):707–717, 2000)