13 research outputs found

    Tanatos i Eros u Mannovoj pripovijetci "Smrt u Veneciji"

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    n dieser Arbeit wird das Thema „Eros und Thanatos in Manns Erzählung Der Tod in Venedig behandelt. In der Einführung wird kurz erklärt, was die grundlegende Probleme sind und wie sie mit den psychoanalytischen literaturwissenschaftlichen Ansatz bearbeitet werden. Im ersten Teil wird die Bedeutung der beiden Hauptbegriffe Eros und Thanatos in der griechischen Mythologie erklärt. Danach folgt der theoretische Teil der Arbeit, worin die psychoanalytischen Grundthesen von Sigmund Freud erklärt werden. Freud behauptet, dass die menschliche Psyche aus drei Instanzen besteht: das Es, Ich und Über-Ich. Freud nennt die Kräfte, die zwischen den Instanzen vermitteln, Triebe. In Freuds Trieblehre werden diese Triebe als Todestriebe und Liebestriebe beschrieben. Liebestriebe betreffen das Überleben, das Vergnügen und die Fortpflanzung des Menschen, während die Todestriebe den Liebestrieben entgegengesetzt sind und danach streben, in einen der früheren Zustände zurückzukehren, das Organische ins Anorganische zu bringen bzw. das Lebendige in den Tod zu führen. Weiterhin wird auch der Traum des Protagonisten mithilfe Freuds Traumdeutung analysiert. Anhand der durchgeführten Analyse wird festgestellt, dass der Thanatos das Grundmotiv der Erzählung ist. Demnach ist Thanatos gegenüber dem Eros als primäres Motiv in der Erzählung zu betrachten. Dieses Motiv des Todes begleitet den Protagonisten von Anfang an und die Erzählung endet mit seinem anfangs angekündigtem Tod.U radu se obrađuje tema "Eros i Thanatos u Mannovoj pripovijetci Smrt u Veneciji". U uvodu se ukratko objašnjava što su osnovni problemi i kako se na njih može primijeniti psihoanalitički pristup književnim djelima. U prvom se dijelu rada objašnjava značenje dva glavna pojma Eros i Thanatos u grčkoj mitologiji. Potom slijedi teorijski dio rada, u kojemu se objašnjavaju osnovne psihoanalitičke teze Sigmunda Freuda. Freud tvrdi da je ljudska psiha sastavljena od tri entiteta: Ida, Ega i Superega. Freud naziva sile koje posreduju između triju entiteta, nagoni. U Freudovoj teoriji nagona opisuje ih se kao nagon smrti i ljubavi. Nagon ljubavi odnosi se na opstanak, zadovoljstvo i reprodukciju vrste, dok je nagon smrti suprotstavljen nagonu ljubavi, a teži povratku u prvobitno stanje, povratku organskog u anorgansko, odnosno povratku živog u neživo. U radu se nadalje analizira san protagoniste pomoću Freudova tumačenja snova. Na temelju provedene analize moguće je ustvrditi da je Thanatos temeljni motiv u pripovijetci. Sukladno tome Thanatos se naspram Erosa treba smatrati primarnim motivom pripovijetke. Motiv smrti prati protagonistu od početka, a pripovijetka i završava njegovom na početku najavljenom smrću

    Urologija koja to nije (Urology Denying its Name)

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    The Role of Total Antioxidant Status in Cerebral Vasoreactivity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

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    Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with an oxidant-antioxidant imbalance. COPD patients have impaired cerebral vasoreactivity (CVR). Impaired CVR could be correlated with total antioxidant status (TAS) in plasma. Aim: To determine the role of systemic TAS in CVR of COPD patients. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, we included 120 participants (the mean age of 67±7.9, 87 males), 90 COPD patients categorized according to the severity of airway obstruction in mild, moderate, severe/very severe and 30 age- and sex-matched controls. We analyzed baseline mean flow velocities (MFV) of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the basilar artery (BA), the mean breath-holding index (BHIm) of those arteries (BHImMCA and BHImBA) by transcranial Doppler ultrasound and TAS in plasma. The level of significance was set to α=0.05. Results: A significant negative correlation between TAS and BHImBA (Rho=−0.445, P=0.01) was found only in the mild COPD group. In COPD groups, baseline MFV BA is in a significant positive correlation with BHImMCA and BHImBA (Rho=0.336, P=0.001 and Rho=0.647, P<0.001). According to the severity of airway obstruction in COPD groups, a significant positive correlation between baseline MFV BA and BHImBA was found: in mild (Rho=0.731, P<0.001), moderate (Rho=0.574, P=0.001) and severe/very severe (Rho=0.398, P=0.03). Conclusion: Systemic TAS was not correlated with CVR in all COPD groups. However, perfusion in the BA of COPD groups was in a significant positive correlation with the anterior and posterior CVR. The analysis of perfusion in the basal cerebral arteries should be part of a future study of CVR in COPD patients. (Hlavati M, Tomić S, Buljan K, Butković-Soldo S. The Role of Total Antioxidant Status in Cerebral Vasoreactivity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 48-61

    Heterotopična troplodna trudnoća komplicirana sindromom hiperstimulacije jajnika nakon in vitro fertilizacije

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is a rare event that occurs in less than 1% of pregnancies following in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, especially when complicated with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. We report a case of a 31-year-old woman in the 6th gestational week of pregnancy achieved after in vitro fertilization, who was complaining of acute lower abdominal pain and distension, breathing difficulties and vaginal spotting. Transvaginal ultrasound examination and laboratory tests confirmed the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in the presence of two viable gestational sacs. The patient’s condition worsened five days later with sudden onset of sharp abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, along with impaired laboratory test values. Laparoscopy was attempted, but enlarged ovaries and adhesions prevented further procedure, which was then converted to mini-laparotomy. Operative removal of the right tubal pregnancy resulted in uncomplicated course of the intrauterine twin pregnancy and delivery of two healthy neonates by cesarean section at 37 weeks of gestation. Clinicians need to be aware of this rare complication where ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome coexists with heterotopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer procedure. Enlarged ovaries may mask accurate ultrasound diagnosis, but timely surgical intervention can prevent fatal consequences and result in normal course and outcome of intrauterine pregnancy.Heterotopična trudnoća je rijetka i događa se u manje od 1% trudnoća nakon postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje i prijenosa zametaka, pogotovo kada je komplicirana sindromom hiperstimulacije jajnika. Prikazujemo slučaj 31-godišnje žene u 6. tjednu trudnoće postignute nakon izvantjelesne oplodnje, koja se žalila na akutnu bol u donjem desnom abdomenu, napetost, poteškoće s disanjem i vaginalnu sukrvicu. Transvaginalni ultrazvučni pregled i laboratorijski testovi su potvrdili ovarijsku hiperstimulaciju u prisutnosti dvije vijabilne gestacijske vrećice. Pacijentici se zdravstveno stanje pogoršalo pet dana kasnije s iznenadnom pojavom oštre boli, mučnine i povraćanja, zajedno s pogoršanim vrijednostima laboratorijskih testova. Pokušalo se učiniti laparoskopiju, ali su povećani ovariji i priraslice spriječili nastavak operacije te je ista konvertirana u mini-laparotomiju. Operacijsko odstranjenje desne tubarne trudnoće rezultiralo je nekompliciranim tijekom unutarmaternične blizanačke trudnoće i porodom dva zdrava novorođenčeta putem carskog reza u 37. tjednu gestacije. Kliničari moraju biti svjesni moguće rijetke komplikacije u kojoj sindrom hiperstimulacije postoji uz heterotopičnu trudnoću nakon postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje i transfera embrija. Povećani jajnici mogu omesti točnu ultrazvučnu dijagnozu, ali na vrijeme izvedena kirurška intervencija može spriječiti fatalne posljedice i rezultirati normalnim tijekom i ishodom intrauterine trudnoće

    Medicinski proizvodi kao izvor izloženosti ftalatima

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    Phthalates are a group of phthalic acid esters used as plasticisers in a large number of products to improve their flexibility, softness, and extensibility. Their wide use in medical devices, however, raises a lot of concern, as they can enter the organism and have toxic effects on human liver, thyroid, kidneys, lungs, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, and respiratory system and are associated with asthma, obesity, autism, and diabetes. The aim of this review is to summarise current knowledge about phthalate migration from medical devices during different medical procedures and possible impact on patient health. It also looks at alternative plasticisers with supposedly lower migration rates and safer profile. Not enough is known about which and how many phthalates make part of medical devices or about the health impacts of alternative plasticisers or their migration rates.Ftalati su esteri ftalne kiseline, koji se koriste kao plastifikatori u velikom broju proizvoda kako bi poboljšali njihovu fleksibilnost, mekoću i rastezljivost. Uvelike se primjenjuju u proizvodnji medicinskih proizvoda, što stvara zabrinutost zbog migracije ftalata s proizvoda I njihova utjecaja na ljudsko zdravlje. Pregled objavljenih znanstvenih radova upućuje na povezanost ftalata s poremećajem reproduktivnog i endokrinog sustava, astmom, pretilošću, poremećajima u neurološkom razvoju, negativnim učincima na dišni sustav i toksičnim učincima na nekoliko organa, uključujući jetru, štitnjaču, bubrege i pluća. Cilj je ovoga preglednog rada sažeti dostupne zaključke članaka o migraciji ftalata s medicinskih proizvoda tijekom različitih medicinskih postupaka te o mogućem utjecaju na ljudsko zdravlje. U istraživanje su uključeni i članci o alternativnim plastifikatorima s nižom stopom migracije i sigurnijim profilom kako bi se utvrdio mogući sigurniji pristup medicinskim postupcima. Zaključci upućuju na otpuštanje ftalata u velikom broju različitih kritičnih, čak i kroničnih medicinskih postupaka, što može ozbiljno utjecati na zdravlje pacijenata. Za sada nema dovoljno podataka o udjelu pojedinih ftalata u proizvodnji medicinskih proizvoda ni o migracijskoj stopi i utjecaju na zdravlje alternativnih plastifikatora

    The impact of smoke point and aroma profile of sweet red pepper seed oil on culinary application and consumer acceptance

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    The category of edible plant oils with additional health and sustainable benefits is growing steadily. However, this category still represents a relatively small market segment known as ‘niche oils’. Oils derived from byproducts, especially seeds, are considered as functional foods due to their properties. However, to increase their usage, it is necessary to examine their sensory acceptability among consumers. The results of this research demonstrate that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil (Capsicum annuum L.), from the Podravka and Slavonka cultivars, is acceptable to consumers as an ingredient in meal preparation and in various processed food products, due to its favorable organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics. The quality of oil is highly dependent on the quick manipulation of pepper seeds. Pepper seeds, that have been dried for a shorter time, yield oil that has a higher smoke point (230 °C), which makes it suitable even for frying food. Aroma profile analysis revealed that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil is rich in terpene trans-β-ocimene (40%), as dominant component. Trans-β-ocimene plays a crucial role in the plant’s protective mechanisms their during growth and development. Consequently, sweet pepper seed oil represents a potential natural resource for isolating this terpene to be used as a biopesticide. Notably, this innovative oil is entirely produced from byproducts (seeds) and thus it provides an additional benefit for consumers who seek to contribute to the sustainability of our planet through their dietary choices. Therefore, this oil holds significant potential for closing the loop in the circular bioeconomy

    Influence of yeast strains on plum fruit wine quality

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    Šljiva (Prunus domestica L.) je koštičava voćna vrsta vrlo cijenjena zbog poželjnih senzornih i nutritivnih svojstava plodova. Plodovi se konzumiraju svježi ili se prerađuju. Zbog relativno visokog sadržaja šećera i niže ukupne kiselosti plodovi sorte \u27Stanley\u27 predstavljaju dobar izbor za proizvodnju voćnih vina. Voćna vina proizvode se aktivnošću kvasaca u procesu alkoholne fermentacije. Obzirom da metabolizmom kvasaca nastaje čitav niz metabolita, izborom odgovarajuće vrste ili soja utječe se na tip vina koje se proizvodi. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj različitih vrsta kvasaca na osnovni kemijski sastav, koncentraciju ukupnih fenola i ukupnih antocijana voćnih vina od šljive. Korištene su dvije različite vrste kvasaca Lalvin ICV D21 – Saccharomyces cerevisiae i Lalvin EC 1118 – Saccharomyces bayanus. Vina proizvedena aktivnošću kvasca ICV D21 imala su viši sadržaj alkohola, ekstrakta te ukupnih fenola i ukupnih antocijana. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na značajan utjecaj vrste kvasca na kemijski sastav i kakvoću voćnih vina od šljive.Plum (Prunus domestica L.) is highly valued drupe because of its desirable sensory and nutritional properties. The fruits are consumed fresh or processed. The fruits of the ´Stanley´ variety are a good choice for the production of fruit wines due to their relatively high sugar content and lower total acidity. Fruit wines are produced by yeasts in the process of alcoholic fermentation. Yeast metabolism produces a number of metabolites, so we influence the type of the wine by choosing the appropriate strain. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different yeast strains on the basic chemical composition, concentration of total phenols and total anthocyanins of plum fruit wines. Two different commercial yeasts were used, Lalvin ICV D21 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lalvin EC 1118 - Saccharomyces bayanus. Wines produced under the influence of yeast ICV D21 had a higher content of alcohol, extract, total phenols and total anthocyanins. The obtained results of the research indicate a significant impact of yeast strains on the chemical composition and quality of plum fruit wines

    Abdominalni parakordom – prikaz slučaja

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    We report a very rare case of abdominal parachordoma. Parachordoma is indolent in nature, grows slowly and it has occasional recurrence after 3 months to 12 years and rare metastases. A 70-year-old female presented to our Department complaining of abdominal pain. Clinical examination showed a tumor mass in the pelvis and abdomen. Surgery was indicated. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of resected tumor tissue confirmed the diagnosis of parachordoma with metastases in the sigma and omentum.Prikazujemo vrlo rijedak slučaj abdominalnog parakordoma. Parakordom raste sporo, rijetko metastazira, a recidiv se može pojaviti nakon 3 mjeseca do 12 godina. Sedamdesetogodišnja pacijentica primljena je na Odjel za ginekološko-onkološku kirurgiju Klinike za tumore KBC „Sestre milosrdnice“ zbog bolova u donjem dijelu trbuha. Kliničkom obradom dijagnosticirana je tumorska masa u zdjelici i trbuhu. Učinjen je kirurški zahvat. Histološka i imunohistokemijska analiza potvrdila je dijagnozu parakordoma s metastazama u sigmi i omentumu

    Abdominalni parakordom – prikaz slučaja

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    We report a very rare case of abdominal parachordoma. Parachordoma is indolent in nature, grows slowly and it has occasional recurrence after 3 months to 12 years and rare metastases. A 70-year-old female presented to our Department complaining of abdominal pain. Clinical examination showed a tumor mass in the pelvis and abdomen. Surgery was indicated. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of resected tumor tissue confirmed the diagnosis of parachordoma with metastases in the sigma and omentum.Prikazujemo vrlo rijedak slučaj abdominalnog parakordoma. Parakordom raste sporo, rijetko metastazira, a recidiv se može pojaviti nakon 3 mjeseca do 12 godina. Sedamdesetogodišnja pacijentica primljena je na Odjel za ginekološko-onkološku kirurgiju Klinike za tumore KBC „Sestre milosrdnice“ zbog bolova u donjem dijelu trbuha. Kliničkom obradom dijagnosticirana je tumorska masa u zdjelici i trbuhu. Učinjen je kirurški zahvat. Histološka i imunohistokemijska analiza potvrdila je dijagnozu parakordoma s metastazama u sigmi i omentumu