151 research outputs found


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    The transformation of the intermolecular complex of chromium (III)–polymer into the intramolecular one was revealed to be the main reason for degradation of polyelectrolyte hydrogels based on sulfonated and carboxylated polyacrylamides crosslinked by chromium (III) acetate during thermal aging, while the mineralized water addition caused polymer salts to precipitate. Hydrogel destruction occurred at a relatively high content of carboxylate groups formed due to the hydrolysis of amide or substituted amide groups. NMR 13C and NMR 1H spectroscopy showed that the hydrolysis of the functional groups in polyelectrolyte hydrogel containing a sulfo group proceeded slowly, thus resulting in a higher resistance to thermal aging as compared to that based on carboxylated polyacrylamide.Установлено, что при тепловом старении полиэлектролитных гидрогелей на основе карбоксилированного и сульфонированного полиакриламидов, сшитых ацетатом хрома (III), основной причиной их деградации является превращение межмолекулярного комплекса хром (III)–полимер во внутримолекулярный, а в минерализованной воде – высаждение полимерных солей. Разрушение гидрогеля происходит при достаточно высоком содержании карбоксилатных групп, образующихся в результате гидролиза амидных или замещенных амидных групп макромолекул. Методами спектроскопии ЯМР 13С и ЯМР 1Н обнаружено, что гидролиз функциональных групп в гидрогеле, содержащем сульфогруппу, протекает медленнее, что приводит к его более высокой устойчивости к тепловому старению по сравнению с гидрогелем на основе карбоксилированного полиакриламида

    Фоточувствительный материал на основе сополимера метилметакрилата с метакриламидом

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    A new photosensitive polymer based on methylmethacrylate with methacrylamide and phenanthrenequinone has been obtained and investigated. The possibility for recording of holographic gratings in this material is shown. Chemical conditions for the formation of holograms has been discussed and confirmed by the spectral characteristics of the material.Изучен процесс формирования голографического изображения в полимерной регистрирующей среде на основе низкомолекулярного сополимера метилметакрилата c полярным сомономером метакриламидом, содержащей в качестве фоточувствительной добавки 9, 10-фенантренхинон. Спектральным методом показано, что при мольной доле полярного сомономера в смеси мономеров, равной 0,5, при воздействии светового излучения происходит химическое присоединение 9,10-фенантренхинона к сополимеру. Это позволяет записывать в такой среде голографические изображения. Установлено, что формирование голографической решетки в ней происходит значительно быстрее (в течение 30 с), чем в гомополимере метилметакрилата и его сополимерах, имеющих высокую молекулярную массу (105-106). Низкая молекулярная масса рассматриваемого сополимера (102-103) способствует снижению упорядоченности его надмолекулярной структуры, в результате чего диффузионные процессы, сопровождающие образование голографической решетки в процессе ее записи, начинаются и заканчиваются значительно быстрее

    Increase the strength characteristics of polymer films by radiation graft polymerization

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    The possibility of increasing the strength characteristics of polymer films based on polyethylene and polyamide by radiation graft polymerization was investigated. Two methods of graft polymerization (direct method and the method of polymer mixtures cross-linking) on the PMMA films surface were studied. The possibility of increasing the strength and elasticity of polymeric films by radiation modification of polymethyl methacrylate was shown

    Набухание гидрогеля на основе сополимера акриламида и акрилата натрия в водных растворах хлорида меди (II) с добавками аминокислот

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    Swelling of acrylamide and sodium acrylate copolymer polyelectrolyte hydrogel in aqueous Cu(II) chloride solutions with additives of proteinogenic amino acids glycine and L-histidine has been studied. Research relevance is due to the application of such systems in agrochemical products that are supposed to have high water absorption capacity in the presence of microelements ions and amino acids, which are used to prevent nutritional deficiency and make plants resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases. Gravimetry, atomic absorption spectrometry, FTIR ATR spectroscopy and molecular absorption spectrophotometry were used. The impact of acidity (pH 3, 5 and 7) of aqueous Cu(II) chloride solutions with amino acids additives on the hydrogel swelling degree and Cu(II) ions absorption has been determined. The reasons for changes in the hydrogel swelling degree in aqueous Cu(II) chloride solutions in presence of glycine and L-histidine have been found. The main product of the crosslinked copolymer interaction with the components of 0.01 M aqueous Cu(II) chloride solution with the addition of 0.04 M glycine or L-histidine at pH 3 has been assumed to be a mixed Cu(II) ions complex with functional groups of both copolymer and amino acids.Изучено набухание полиэлектролитного гидрогеля на основе сополимера акриламида и акрилата натрия в водных растворах хлорида Cu(II) с добавками аминокислот глицина и L-гистидина. Актуальность исследований обусловлена применением таких систем в агрохимических препаратах, которые должны сохранять высокую водоудерживающую способность в присутствии ионов микроэлементов и аминокислот, используемых для устранения дефицита питания и придания растениям устойчивости к неблагоприятным погодным условиям и болезням. Использовали гравиметрический метод анализа, а также атомно-абсорбционную спектрометрию, Фурье-ИК НПВО спектроскопию и молекулярную абсорбционную спектрофотометрию. Определено влияние кислотности (рН 3, 5 и 7) водных растворов хлорида Cu(II) с добавками аминокислот на степень набухания гидрогеля и поглощение им ионов Cu(II). Установлены причины изменения степени набухания гидрогеля в водных растворах хлорида Cu(II) в присутствии глицина и L-гистидина. Высказано предположение, что основным продуктом взаимодействия сшитого сополимера с компонентами 0,01 М водного раствора хлорида Cu(II) с добавкой 0,04 M глицина или L-гистидина при рН 3 является смешанный комплекс ионов Cu(II) с функциональными группами сополимера и аминокислот

    Переход ионов меди из пленок на основе гидролизата полиакрилонитрильного волокна в водную фазу

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    It has been found that copper (II) migration into the aqueous phase from polyacrylonitrile fiber hydrolysate films containing copper sulfate (II) or copper (II) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, slows down with increased branching of macromolecules. Prolongation effect is more pronounced for copper sulfate (II) due to the formation of copper macromo-lecular complex with carboxylate groups of the copolymer.Установлено, что переход меди(II) в водную фазу из пленок гидролизата полиакрилонитрильного волокна с добавкой сульфата меди(II) или динатриевой соли этилендиаминтетраацетата меди(II) замедляется при увеличении степени разветвления макромолекул. Эффект пролонгации выражен сильнее в случае сульфата меди(II) вследствие формирования макромолекулярного комплекса меди с карбоксилатной группой сополимера

    Substance-Related Health Problems during Rave Parties in the Netherlands (1997–2008)

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    The objective of this study was to describe a 12-year (1997–2008) observation of substance-related incidents occurring at rave parties in the Netherlands, including length of visits to first-aid stations, substances used, and severity of the incidents. During rave parties, specifically trained medical and paramedical personnel staffed first aid stations. Visitors were diagnosed and treated, and their data were recorded using standardized methods. During the 12-year period with 249 rave parties involving about 3,800,000 visitors, 27,897 people visited a first aid station, of whom 10,100 reported having a substance-related problem. The mean age of these people was 22.3+/−5.4 years; 52.4% of them were male. Most (66.7%) substance-related problems were associated with ecstasy or alcohol use or both. Among 10,100 substance-related cases, 515 required professional medical care, and 16 of these cases were life threatening. People with a substance-related problem stayed 20 min at the first aid station, which was significantly longer than the 5 min that those without a substance-related health problem stayed. These unique data from the Netherlands identify a variety of acute health problems related to the use of alcohol, amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, and GHB. Although most problems were minor, people using GHB more often required professional medical care those using the other substances. We recommended adherence to harm and risk reduction policy, and the use of first aid stations with specially trained staff for both minor and serious incidents


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    The structure of macromolecular complexes of microelements (copper, cobalt) with copolymers of acrylamide and sodium acrylate has been shown by 13C  NMR spectroscopy to include only the carboxylate functional group of the macromolecule as a ligand. The stoichiometry of the complexes studied could not be determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy due to a high lability of the complexes. In determining the qualitative structure of macromolecular complexes by 13C  NMR spectroscopy experimental conditions (primarily the concentration ratio of the functional groups of the copolymer involved in the complexation, and metal ions) must be selected considering a paramagnetism value of the metal ion. It was found that the solution’s pH influences on the interaction of copper ion with a carboxylate group of the copolymer to form a macromolecular complex. Interaction increasesin the transition from the neutral to acidic (pH  5) medium, and complex practically not formed in alkaline medium (pH 9).Методом спектроскопии ЯМР  13C установлено, что в состав макромолекулярных комплексов микроэлементов (меди, кобальта) с сополимерами акриламида и акрилата натрия в качестве лиганда входит только карбоксилатная функциональная группа макромолекулы. Показано, что высокая лабильность исследованных комплексов препятствует установлению их количественного состава методом спектроскопии ЯМР  13C. При определении качественного состава макромолекулярных комплексов методом спектроскопии ЯМР  13 C условия проведения эксперимента (в первую очередь отношение концентраций функциональных групп сополимера, участвующих в комплексообразовании, и ионов металлов) необходимо подбирать с учетом величины парамагнитности иона микроэлемента. Обнаружено, что на взаимодействие ионов меди с карбоксилатной группой сополимера с образованием макромолекулярного комплексавлияет рН раствора. При переходе от нейтральной среды к кислой (рН  5) взаимодействие усиливается, а в щелочной среде (рН  9) комплекс практически не образуется

    Echium oil is not protective against weight loss in head and neck cancer patients undergoing curative radio(chemo)therapy: a randomised-controlled trial

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    Background: Therapy-induced mucositis and dysphagia puts head and neck (H&N) cancer patients at increased risk for developing cachexia. Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA) have been suggested to protect against cachexia. We aimed to examine if echium oil, a plant source of n-3 FA, could reduce weight loss in H&N cancer patients undergoing radio(chemo)therapy with curative intent. Methods: In a double-blind trial, patients were randomly assigned to echium oil (intervention (I) group; 7.5 ml bis in die (b.i.d.), 235 mg/ml α-linolenic acid (ALA) + 95 mg/ml stearidonic acid (SDA) + 79 mg/ml γ-linolenic acid (GLA)) or n-3 FA deficient sunflower oil high oleic (control (C) group; 7.5 ml b.i.d.) additional to standard nutritional support during treatment. Differences in percentage weight loss between both groups were analysed according to the intention-to-treat principle. Erythrocyte FA profile, body composition, nutritional status and quality of life were collected. Results: Ninety-one eligible patients were randomised, of whom 83 were evaluable. Dietary supplement adherence was comparable in both groups (median, I: 87%, C: 81%). At week 4, the I group showed significantly increased values of erythrocyte n-3 eicosapentanoic acid (EPA, 14% vs −5%) and n-6 GLA (42% vs −20%) compared to the C group, without a significant change in n-6 arachidonic acid (AA, 2% vs −1%). Intention-to-treat analysis could not reveal a significant reduction in weight loss related to echium oil consumption (median weight loss, I: 8.9%, C: 7.6%). Also, no significant improvement was observed in the other evaluated anthropometric parameters. Conclusions: Echium oil effectively increased erythrocyte EPA and GLA FAs in H&N cancer patients. It failed however to protect against weight loss, or improve nutritional parameters. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT01596933

    Interaction between polymorphisms of the Human Leukocyte Antigen and HPV-16 Variants on the risk of invasive cervical cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the major risk factor for invasive cervical cancer (ICC), and non-European variants of HPV-16 are associated with an increased risk of persistence and ICC. HLA class II polymorphisms are also associated with genetic susceptibility to ICC. Our aim is to verify if these associations are influenced by HPV-16 variability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We characterized HPV-16 variants by PCR in 107 ICC cases, which were typed for <it>HLA-DQA1</it>, <it>DRB1 </it>and <it>DQB1 </it>genes and compared to 257 controls. We measured the magnitude of associations by logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>European (E), Asian-American (AA) and African (Af) variants were identified. Here we show that inverse association between <it>DQB1*05 </it>(adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.66; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.39–1.12]) and HPV-16 positive ICC in our previous report was mostly attributable to AA variant carriers (OR = 0.27; 95%CI: 0.10–0.75). We observed similar proportions of <it>HLA DRB1*1302 </it>carriers in E-P positive cases and controls, but interestingly, this allele was not found in AA cases (p = 0.03, Fisher exact test). A positive association with <it>DRB1*15 </it>was observed in both groups of women harboring either E (OR = 2.99; 95% CI: 1.13–7.86) or AA variants (OR = 2.34; 95% CI: 1.00–5.46). There was an inverse association between <it>DRB1*04 </it>and ICC among women with HPV-16 carrying the 350T [83L] single nucleotide polymorphism in the <it>E6 </it>gene (OR = 0.27; 95% CI: 0.08–0.96). An inverse association between <it>DQB1*05 </it>and cases carrying 350G (83V) variants was also found (OR = 0.37; 95% CI: 0.15–0.89).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that the association between HLA polymorphism and risk of ICC might be influenced by the distribution of HPV-16 variants.</p


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    The mechanism of deposition of a poly-L-lactide film from the active gas phase has been shown to be associated with destructing a macromolecule into large fragments rather than with depolymerizing a poly-L-lactide film to a monomer followed by its polycondensation on substrate. The transformation of the initial polymer powder into a thin film under the great energetic effect is accompanied by decreasing the molecule mass, while the D-isomer content increases from 4 to 12 %. In so doing, not only the phase state of the polymer changes from semi-crystalline to amorphous one, but the poly-L-lactide relaxation state is transformed from glass to rubber one; these changes could promote an accelerated release of different biocide additives from the film.Методами спектроскопии ЯМР 1 H и 13С и поляриметрии установлено, что при формировании тонких пленок поли-L-лактида путем осаждения из активной газовой фазы происходит деструкция исходного полимера до крупных фрагментов с сохранением полимерного состояния вещества. Одновременно конфигурационные превращения макромолекулы приводят к увеличению содержания в ней D-звеньев с 4 до 12 мол. %, в результате чего исходный аморфно-кристаллический полимер превращается в аморфный. Переход поли-L-лактида в тонкопленочное состояние сопровождается изменением не только фазового, но и релаксационного состояния полимера, что является дополнительной причиной ускорения высвобождения из пленки биоцидных добавок