5 research outputs found

    The structure of the psychological adaptation in patients with schizophrenia depending on duratioh of a disease

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    То study the structure of psychological adaptation in patients with schizophrenia in comparative aspect depending on duration of a disease 140 persons were examined. 97 schizophrenia patients with the first psychotic episode are the basic group (average age 31,88 + 8,06 years), 43 schizophrenia patients (average age 40,37 + 9,55 years) with more than 5 years duration of process are in the comparison group. Methods of investigation: clinical-psychopathological, pathopsychological (Heim’s questionnaire - coping diagnostics, life style index* questionnaire, ‘Self-stigmatization’ questionnaire), statistical (Student T-criterion). It has been established along schizophrenia chronisation psychological defence structure protection gains the most disadaptive and pathoprotective content. On schizophrenia patients with the First Psychotical Episode (FPE) 'negation', 'compensation', 'reactive formation' dominates. In the comparison group "negation", 'regression', 'replacement 'reactive formations' are the leading factors, and the level of intensity considerably increasing. The level of self-stigmatization increases, its dominating form changes: rate shift of autopsychotic and socioreversive form of self-stigmatization to the compensatory and socioreversive forms. The use frequency of adaptive coping-mechanisms in behavioral and cognitive spheres by schizophrenia patients with the FPE is more than the use level of relatively adaptive and no adaptive coping-strategies. In emotional sphere relatively adaptive coping-strategies dominate. On duration of the disease (more than 5 years) relatively adaptive and (or) no adaptive copings become dominative in the coping structure of all three spheres, but the use level of adaptive coping-strategies considerably decreases.С целью изучения структуры психологической адаптации у больных шизофренией в сравнительном аспекте в зависимости от продолжительности течения заболевания обследовано 140 человек. 97 больных шизофренией с первым психотическим эпизодом (ППЗ) составили основную группу (средний возраст 31,88 ± 8,06 лет), 43 больных шизофренией (средний возраст 40,37 ± 9,55 лет) с длительностью процесса более 5 лет - группу сравнения. Методы исследования: клинико-психопатологический, патопсихологический (методика Хейма, опросник «Индекс жизненного стиля», опросник «Самостигматизация»), статистический (t-критерий Стьюдента). Установлено, что по мере хронизации шизофрении структура психологической защиты (ПЗ) приобретает наиболее дезадаптивное патопротекторное содержание. У больных шизофренией с ППЗ доминируют «отрицание», «компенсация», «реактивные образования». В группе сравнения ведущими являются «отрицание», «регрессия», «замещение», «реактивные образования», причем уровень их напряженности значительно возрастает. Возрастает уровень самостигматизации (CC), изменяется её доминирующая форма: сдвиг частоты аутопсихотической и социореверсивной форм CC в сторону компенсаторной и социореверсивной форм. Частота использования адаптивных копинг - механизмов в поведенческой и когнитивной сферах больными шизофренией с ППЗ превышает уровень использования относительно адаптивных и неадаптивных копингов. В эмоциональной сфере доминируют относительно адаптивные копинг - стратегии. При длительном течении заболевания (более 5 лет) в структуре копинга во всех трех сферах доминирующими становятся относительно адаптивные и (или) неадаптивные копинги, а уровень использования адаптивных копингов значительно снижается

    Andragogic Approaches to Professional Skills Development of the Teachers of the XXI Century

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    В статье рассматривается андрагогический подход к непрерывному образованию современного педагога. Общепринятая идея непрерывного образования взрослых людей для адаптации к изменениям в быстро меняющемся мире, для успешного функционирования и устойчивого развития требует внимательного и осмысленного взгляда на образование взрослых. Предлагаются андрагогические технологии решения проблемы обучения и повышения квалификации современного педагога.The article deals with the andragogical approach to the continuous education of a modern teacher. The generally accepted idea of lifelong adults’ education for adapting to changes in a rapidly changing world, for successful functioning and sustainable development requires a careful and meaningful look at adults’ education. Andragogical technologies for solving the problem of training and professional skills development of a modern teacher are proposed

    The effect of cell-phone radiation on rabbits: Lymphocyte enzyme-activity data

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    The effect of a GSM 900/1800 mobile phone, which is a widespread source of electromagnetic radiation of the microwave frequency in the environment, on rabbits was studied at power densities of 5–7 μW/cm2. The biological effect was recorded by a sensitive method for the detection of the physiological regulation of enzyme activity inside lymphocytes in blood smears. Succinate dehydrogenase, which is the most powerful energy-supply enzyme in mitochondria, and lactate dehydrogenase, which is an enzyme of glycolysis, were measured. The lactate dehydrogenase to succinate dehydrogenase activity ratio was also calculated as an analog of the Warburg effect, which demonstrates the relationship between glycolysis and respiration. After 60 min of mobile-phone exposure each day for 11 days at a moderate dose, the emitted radiation induced a threefold increase in succinate dehydrogenase activity and a twofold decrease in lactate dehydrogenase activity. As a result, the lactate dehydrogenase/succinate dehydrogenase activity ratio falls from 15 to 5, thus indicating that respiration is predominant over glycolysis. The changes develop already after the first exposure and reach a maximum in 4 days. The predominance of respiration is usually considered as a beneficial state of an organism. However, continuous activation of respiration by mobile phone exposure may cause damage to the normal restorative processes that are supported by glycolysis during periods of rest. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    The effect of cell-phone radiation on rabbits: Lymphocyte enzyme-activity data

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    The effect of a GSM 900/1800 mobile phone, which is a widespread source of electromagnetic radiation of the microwave frequency in the environment, on rabbits was studied at power densities of 5–7 μW/cm2. The biological effect was recorded by a sensitive method for the detection of the physiological regulation of enzyme activity inside lymphocytes in blood smears. Succinate dehydrogenase, which is the most powerful energy-supply enzyme in mitochondria, and lactate dehydrogenase, which is an enzyme of glycolysis, were measured. The lactate dehydrogenase to succinate dehydrogenase activity ratio was also calculated as an analog of the Warburg effect, which demonstrates the relationship between glycolysis and respiration. After 60 min of mobile-phone exposure each day for 11 days at a moderate dose, the emitted radiation induced a threefold increase in succinate dehydrogenase activity and a twofold decrease in lactate dehydrogenase activity. As a result, the lactate dehydrogenase/succinate dehydrogenase activity ratio falls from 15 to 5, thus indicating that respiration is predominant over glycolysis. The changes develop already after the first exposure and reach a maximum in 4 days. The predominance of respiration is usually considered as a beneficial state of an organism. However, continuous activation of respiration by mobile phone exposure may cause damage to the normal restorative processes that are supported by glycolysis during periods of rest. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Rates of drug resistance and risk factor analysis in civilian and prison patients with tuberculosis in Samara Region, Russia

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV rates continue to escalate in Russia, but true rates for drug resistance, especially multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB), are unknown. A study was conducted with the aims of identifying first line drug resistance, both in the civilian and prison sectors, for new and previously treated cases; and risk factors for the development of drug resistance. Methods: A cross sectional survey was undertaken of 600 patients (309 civilians, 291 prisoners) with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB over a 1 year period during 2001–2 in Samara Oblast, Russia. Results: The prevalence of isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide resistance in new TB cases (civilian and prison patients) was 38.0%, 25.2%, 34.6%, 14.7%, and 7.2%, respectively. The prevalence of MDR TB was 22.7%, 19.8%, and 37.3% in all new cases, new civilian cases, and new prison cases, respectively, with an overall prevalence of 45.5% and 55.3% in previously treated cases. Factors associated with resistance included previous TB treatment for more than 4 weeks, smoking (for isoniazid resistance), the presence of cavitations on the chest radiograph, and imprisonment. HIV was not associated with resistance in all patients. The rates of resistance were significantly higher in prisoners, with rate ratios (RR) of 1.9 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.2) for MDR TB, 1.9 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.2) for rifampicin, and 1.6 (95% CI 1.0 to 2.6) for isoniazid. Conclusions: Rates of first line drug resistance are high, particularly in prisoners and previously treated cases. TB control programmes should initially focus on standardised treatment to maximise cure, combined with measures to reduce institutional TB spread (particularly in prisons) coupled with early diagnosis of MDR TB to reduce the spread and development of resistance