181 research outputs found

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    The article describes and analyses the results of the monitoring carried out following the results of the training of specialists trained for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation in accordance with the state plan for the training of management personnel. The data of the last monitoring of the 2019/2020 academic years were compared with the results of previous years using general scientific and specific sociological methods. Based on the results of the analysis, the author proposes changes and innovations in the methodology for assessing the professional competence of the graduates of the Program. The assessment methodology has a clear structure, stages, uses mathematical tools to calculate the level of competence in order to exclude subjectivity in the analysis

    Impact of topical anti-inflammatory therapy on morpho-functional characteristics of epidermal barrier. Optimization of atopic dermatitis treatment schedules

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    In this literature review data regarding impact of topical therapy with topical corticosteroids (TCS) and tacrolimus ointment on morpho-functional characteristics of epidermal barrier is analyzed. Whereas TCS has profound negative impact on nearly all epidermal barrier parameters, including epidermal structure and thickness, integrity and cohesion of stratum corneum, protease activity, hydration, pH, differentiation, lipid lamellae structure etc., tacrolimus ointment (Protopic®) exerts positive effect on the majority of the aforementioned parameters, thus allowing to compensate deleterious effect of TCS. These data allow defining recommendations upon optimization of topical therapy of atopic dermatitis with stepwise switching from TCS to Protopic® ointment

    Resource consumption and patient employability during systemic therapy and biological therapy

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    An important aspect of the treatment of patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis is the cost of the applied methods of therapy, the costs of the healthcare system associated with the treatment of such patients, and the effect of the disease on the ability to work. The costs of the health care system are the most important component of assessing the use of various methods of therapy and are characterized not only by the financial side, but also by the assessment of the workload of medical organizations and the health care system in general. Research results. During this program, it was found that the use of GIBP is associated with a decrease in the average duration of one hospitalization case: this indicator was 2.07 days, while in patients on other types of therapy it reached an average of 10.01 days. In patients receiving other types of therapy, the average number of hospitalizations in a round-the-clock hospital was significantly higher and amounted to 0.53 compared with the GAI — the indicator corresponded to 0.10. In addition, patients on the BAU were less likely to seek outpatient care and received fewer sick leaves, which were characterized by a shorter duration. Conclusions. The use of GIBP reduces the burden on the dermatological and rheumatological service, reduces the duration of hospitalizations, and significantly improves the socio-economic situation of patients due to a more significant preservation of their ability to work

    Таргетная терапия псориаза: ингибирование сигнального пути ИЛ-23 — данные клинических исследований и реальной практики

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    The article presents the results of clinical studies of the efficacy and safety of the use of a new drug of genetically engineered biological therapy guselkumab. Guselkumab is the first representative of the interleukin-23 (IL-23) inhibitor class and has a number of advantages over existing therapy. According to direct comparative randomized clinical trials, guselkumab is superior in the short-term and, most importantly, in the long-term to most genetically engineered biologic drugs, including TNF- inhibitors, secukinumab and ustekinumab. In phase 3 studies (VOYAGE 1 and VOYAGE 2), the ECLIPSE study shows that guselkumab can achieve complete (PASI 100) and almost complete (PASI 90) skin cleansing by 16 weeks from the start of therapy in 37.4 and 73.3% of patients, respectively, with a subsequent increase in the proportion of patients with clean and almost clean skin by 24 weeks to 44.4 and 80.2%, respectively, and maintaining the achieved performance indicators for 4 years at the level of 51.7 and 84.0% respectively. One of the potential advantages of IL-23 inhibitors is also the long-term maintenance of the achieved effect after treatment cessation. Guselkumab therapy is characterized by a favorable safety profile comparable to ustekinumab. During the follow-up period of patients in the course of randomized controlled trials of phase 3, data were obtained on the high safety of the drug and the absence of significant risks for serious infections, cardiovascular events, malignancies or suicidal tendencies. The drug is effective for insufficient response to adalimumab and ustekinumab. The article presents 3 clinical cases of guselkumab use in patients with severe, including "problematic" psoriasis, comorbid pathology, with inefficiency or intolerance to systemic therapy, with secondary inefficiency of adalimumab. All patients managed to achieve a PASI of 90/100. No adverse events were observed.В статье представлены результаты клинических исследований эффективности и безопасности применения нового препарата генно-инженерной биологической терапии гуселькумаба. Гуселькумаб является первым представителем класса ингибиторов ИЛ-23 и имеет ряд преимуществ перед существующей терапией. По данным прямых сравнительных рандомизированных клинических исследований, гуселькумаб превосходит по эффективности в краткосрочной и, что особенно важно, в долгосрочной перспективе большинство ГИБП, в том числе ингибиторы ФНО-, секукинумаб, устекинумаб. В исследованиях фазы 3 (VOYAGE 1 и VOYAGE 2), исследовании ECLIPSE показано, что гуселькумаб позволяет достичь полного (PASI 100) и почти полного (PASI 90) очищения кожи уже к 16-й неделе от начала терапии у 37,4 и 73,3% пациентов соответственно, с последующим нарастанием доли пациентов с чистой и почти чистой кожей к 24-й неделе до 44,4 и 80,2% соответственно и удержанием достигнутых показателей эффективности в течение 4 лет на уровне у 51,7 и 84,0% соответственно. Одним из потенциальных преимуществ ингибиторов ИЛ-23 также является длительное поддержание достигнутого эффекта после прекращения лечения. Терапия гуселькумабом характеризуется благоприятным профилем безопасности, сопоставимым с устекинумабом. В период наблюдения пациентов в ходе рандомизированных контролируемых исследований 3-й фазы были получены данные о высокой безопасности препарата и отсутствии существенных рисков в отношении серьезных инфекций, сердечно-сосудистых событий, злокачественных новообразований или суицидальных наклонностей. Препарат эффективен при недостаточном ответе на адалимумаб и устекинумаб. В статье представлены 3 клинических случая применения гуселькумаба у пациентов с тяжелым, в том числе проблемным псориазом, коморбидной патологией, с неэффективностью либо непереносимостью системной терапии, с вторичной неэффективностью адалимумаба. У всех пациентов удалось достигнуть PASI 90/100. Нежелательные явления не отмечались

    Carst marble on Tyrnyauz deposit

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    The karst of marbles is considered as the least studied type of karst. Here we have pinpointed the karst area of the ore field of the Tyrnyauz deposit. Lithological and petrographic characteristics of the skarned marbles of Tyrnyauz are given, their chemical activity is determined. Tectonogenic fissure-karst drainage system of the deposit is analyzed. The main factors of karst formation have been determined and the development of the karst marbles of the Tyrnyauz ore field at various depths is predicte

    Efficacy of adding systemic glucocorticosteroids to standard therapy in adolescents with severe acne: a randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction. Isotretinoin is the first-choice drug in the treatment of severe forms of acne vulgaris. The combination of systemic retinoids with durant corticosteroids helps to reduce the likelihood of developing “retinoic” dermatitis and exacerbation of acne in the initial stages of isotretinoin therapy.Purpose of the study. Determination of the effectiveness of the combined use of isotretinoin and a durant corticosteroid in the treatment of severe forms of acne vulgaris.Materials and methods. Twenty six patients with “severe” or “very severe” grade on the IGA scale were included in this randomised, controlled comparative study. Thirteen patients (group A) were treated with isotretinoin 0.5 mg/kg/day (cumulative dose from 120 to 150 mg/kg) for 8 months and 2 injections of betamethasone dipropionate + betamethasone sodium phosphate at dose 1 ml (2 mg + 5 mg/1 ml) at first month (1 injection per two weeks) and thirteen patients (group B) were treated with combined therapy with isotretinoin at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day (cumulative dose from 120 to 150 mg/kg) for 8 months and assessment was based on the IGA scale, counting the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements, indicators DIA (dermatological index of acne) and DLQI and was done at baseline, 1, 4 and 8 months of treatment.Results. At month 8, compared to group B, group A showed more significant decrease in IGA score and 76% patients achieved “clear” or “almost clear skin” degree (76% vs. 30%). The reduction in the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements showed a marked clinical improvement in group A (89.2% vs 22.3 % for nodules). The decrease in DIA was 88.3% in group A and 71.3% in group B. Exacerbations of acne were recorded in 0% (group A) vs 38.0% (group B) of patients. We also found a relationship between the achievement of a 2-point reduction in the degree on the IGA scale after 8 months and the presence of exacerbations while taking isotretinoin (p = 0.012). Analyzing the DLQI between the two, we were unable to identify statistically significant differences.Conclusions. Combines use of long acting steroid with isotretinoin provides synergic effect while minimizing the side effect of isotretinoin (decreases the number of exacerbations), demonstrates a visible effect to patients within a month, thereby increasing compliance, improving the quality of life and reducing the risk of scarring

    The effect of post-procedure care on the effectiveness of skin restoration and correction of side effects after aesthetic procedures

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    Introduction. The  duration of  the  skin  healing period and the  final result of  cosmetic procedures are influenced not only by the treatment protocol and the type of therapy chosen, but also by skin care in the early post-treatment period.Aim of study. Тo study the effectiveness and safety of the use of the topical agent “Traumeel® Cosmo gel” in patients in the early post-treatment period after cosmetic procedures, accompanied by traumatization of the skin.Materials and methods. 20 female patients aged 19 to 49 years, who sought help for the correction of age-related skin changes, acne vulgaris, scarring of the skin and received the procedure of cosmetological therapy, accompanied by damage to the skin. All patients were assigned to group 1 (20 patients). Depending on the method of cosmetological treatment, the external remedy “Traumeel® Cosmo gel” was applied from 2 to 3 times a day at the treated area for 7 ± 2 days.Results. According to the patients’ assessment of the effectiveness and comfort of the treatment, the use of the “Traumeel® Cosmo gel” in  the  early post-treatment period is an effective and safe method of  regenerative therapy of  the  skin  and has a  high therapeutic effectiveness, which was confirmed by the results of the study.Conclusions. Based on the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness by the doctor and patients, as well as the evaluation of the monitoring of the dermatological status, the quality of life index, the patient’s subjective assessment of their response to therapy, consider the therapeutic effectiveness to be high, significantly contributing to the improvement of the quality of life

    On the Issue of the Typology of Television Music Programs in Russia and China

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 03.03.2024 г.В статье исследуются современные российские и китайские телевизионные музыкальные программы и различные подходы к их классификации в России и Китае. Авторы приходят к выводу, что на сегодняшний день в отечественном научном дискурсе существует проблема определения данных программ и их классификации, так как существующие классификационные подходы очень сильно разнятся. Авторы на основе предложенных ранее типологий пытаются классифицировать российские и китайские телевизионные музыкальные программы.The article examines modern Russian and Chinese television music programs and various approaches to their classification in Russia and China. The authors conclude that today in the domestic scientific discourse there is a problem of defining these programs and their classification, since existing classification approaches vary greatly. Based on the previously proposed typologies the authors try to classify Russian and Chinese television music programs