6,494 research outputs found

    Kinetics of step bunching during growth: A minimal model

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    We study a minimal stochastic model of step bunching during growth on a one-dimensional vicinal surface. The formation of bunches is controlled by the preferential attachment of atoms to descending steps (inverse Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect) and the ratio dd of the attachment rate to the terrace diffusion coefficient. For generic parameters (d>0d > 0) the model exhibits a very slow crossover to a nontrivial asymptotic coarsening exponent β0.38\beta \simeq 0.38. In the limit of infinitely fast terrace diffusion (d=0d=0) linear coarsening (β\beta = 1) is observed instead. The different coarsening behaviors are related to the fact that bunches attain a finite speed in the limit of large size when d=0d=0, whereas the speed vanishes with increasing size when d>0d > 0. For d=0d=0 an analytic description of the speed and profile of stationary bunches is developed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Kinetic Roughening in Deposition with Suppressed Screening

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    Models of irreversible surface deposition of k-mers on a linear lattice, with screening suppressed by disallowing overhangs blocking large gaps, are studied by extensive Monte Carlo simulations of the temporal and size dependence of the growing interface width. Despite earlier finding that for such models the deposit density tends to increase away from the substrate, our numerical results place them clearly within the standard KPZ universality class.Comment: nine pages, plain TeX (4 figures not included

    Equilibrium of anchored interfaces with quenched disordered growth

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    The roughening behavior of a one-dimensional interface fluctuating under quenched disorder growth is examined while keeping an anchored boundary. The latter introduces detailed balance conditions which allows for a thorough analysis of equilibrium aspects at both macroscopic and microscopic scales. It is found that the interface roughens linearly with the substrate size only in the vicinity of special disorder realizations. Otherwise, it remains stiff and tilted.Comment: 6 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of oscillatory shape evolution for electromigration-driven islands

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    The shape evolution of two-dimensional islands under electromigration-driven periphery diffusion is studied by kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations and continuum theory. The energetics of the KMC model is adapted to the Cu(100) surface, and the continuum model is matched to the KMC model by a suitably parametrized choice of the orientation-dependent step stiffness and step atom mobility. At 700 K shape oscillations predicted by continuum theory are quantitatively verified by the KMC simulations, while at 500 K qualitative differences between the two modeling approaches are found.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Linear theory of unstable growth on rough surfaces

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    Unstable homoepitaxy on rough substrates is treated within a linear continuum theory. The time dependence of the surface width W(t)W(t) is governed by three length scales: The characteristic scale l0l_0 of the substrate roughness, the terrace size lDl_D and the Ehrlich-Schwoebel length lESl_{ES}. If lESlDl_{ES} \ll l_D (weak step edge barriers) and l0lmlDlD/lESl_0 \ll l_m \sim l_D \sqrt{l_D/l_{ES}}, then W(t)W(t) displays a minimum at a coverage θmin(lD/lES)2\theta_{\rm min} \sim (l_D/l_{ES})^2, where the initial surface width is reduced by a factor l0/lml_0/l_m. The r\^{o}le of deposition and diffusion noise is analyzed. The results are applied to recent experiments on the growth of InAs buffer layers [M.F. Gyure {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 81}, 4931 (1998)]. The overall features of the observed roughness evolution are captured by the linear theory, but the detailed time dependence shows distinct deviations which suggest a significant influence of nonlinearities

    Breakdown of step-flow growth in unstable homoepitaxy

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    Two mechanisms for the breakdown of step flow growth, in the sense of the appearance of steps of opposite sign to the original vicinality, are studied by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and scaling arguments. The first mechanism is the nucleation of islands on the terraces, which leads to mound formation if interlayer transport is sufficiently inhibited. The second mechanism is the formation of vacancy islands due to the self-crossing of strongly meandering steps. The competing roles of the growth of the meander amplitude and the synchronization of the meander phase are emphasized. The distance between vacancy islands along the step direction appears to be proportional to the square of the meander wavelengthComment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamics of a disordered, driven zero range process in one dimension

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    We study a driven zero range process which models a closed system of attractive particles that hop with site-dependent rates and whose steady state shows a condensation transition with increasing density. We characterise the dynamical properties of the mass fluctuations in the steady state in one dimension both analytically and numerically and show that the transport properties are anomalous in certain regions of the density-disorder plane. We also determine the form of the scaling function which describes the growth of the condensate as a function of time, starting from a uniform density distribution.Comment: Revtex4, 5 pages including 2 figures; Revised version; To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Drift causes anomalous exponents in growth processes

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    The effect of a drift term in the presence of fixed boundaries is studied for the one-dimensional Edwards-Wilkinson equation, to reveal a general mechanism that causes a change of exponents for a very broad class of growth processes. This mechanism represents a relevant perturbation and therefore is important for the interpretation of experimental and numerical results. In effect, the mechanism leads to the roughness exponent assuming the same value as the growth exponent. In the case of the Edwards-Wilkinson equation this implies exponents deviating from those expected by dimensional analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX; accepted for publication in PRL; added note and reference

    Short-time scaling behavior of growing interfaces

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    The short-time evolution of a growing interface is studied within the framework of the dynamic renormalization group approach for the Kadar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation and for an idealized continuum model of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The scaling behavior of response and correlation functions is reminiscent of the ``initial slip'' behavior found in purely dissipative critical relaxation (model A) and critical relaxation with conserved order parameter (model B), respectively. Unlike model A the initial slip exponent for the KPZ equation can be expressed by the dynamical exponent z. In 1+1 dimensions, for which z is known exactly, the analytical theory for the KPZ equation is confirmed by a Monte-Carlo simulation of a simple ballistic deposition model. In 2+1 dimensions z is estimated from the short-time evolution of the correlation function.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX with epsf style, 4 figures in eps format, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interfaces with a single growth inhomogeneity and anchored boundaries

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    The dynamics of a one dimensional growth model involving attachment and detachment of particles is studied in the presence of a localized growth inhomogeneity along with anchored boundary conditions. At large times, the latter enforce an equilibrium stationary regime which allows for an exact calculation of roughening exponents. The stochastic evolution is related to a spin Hamiltonian whose spectrum gap embodies the dynamic scaling exponent of late stages. For vanishing gaps the interface can exhibit a slow morphological transition followed by a change of scaling regimes which are studied numerically. Instead, a faceting dynamics arises for gapful situations.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 9 Postscript figure