10 research outputs found

    Retrofitting of multifamily housing: life-cycle costing aspects

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    This Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis deals with the feasibility of measures taken to improve thermal performance of building envelope in order to reduce energy demands for space heating. LCC analysis is carried out on one exemplary apartment in multifamily buildings with recently refurbished facades in Karaburma, a settlement in Belgrade. Results of the analysis show that by improving properties of envelope with poor thermal U value, the reduction of electricity consumed for heating in Belgrade climate is 28 %. Considering Serbian system for electricity charging, reduction of monthly costs for electricity can be doubled

    Design scenarios for an office building ā€“ energy and environmental aspects

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    The main concern of this research is to estimate energy performances of different scenarios of the hypothetical model of the office building in downtown of Belgrade. Specific conditions of sites in downtown make limitations in building design and application of energy efficient systems, but also represent a provocation for architects. Methodological approach entails three steps: design of different models of the office building, numerical simulations of the models in PHPPā€™2007 software and comparison of the results. For each hypothetical model of the office building three scenarios are created: basic scenario and scenarios of different solutions of envelope design regarding shading devices types. The design of hypothetical models and various scenarios is carried out through the educational process on the Master studio design project. Results are considered and presented through the heat and cooling energy demands as well as reduction of energy consumption for cooling in summer period by implementation of different shading devices. CO2 emissions are also discussed. Design methodology as well as results could generally be applicable for new office building design, both in Belgrade and in similar climatic conditions

    Energetski aspekt obnove prefabrikovanih stambenih objekata u Beogradu

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    Mnoga prigradska naselja su izgrađena u Beogradu posle Drugog svetskog rata. Zbog loÅ”ih energetskih performansi, prisutna je visoka potroÅ”nja energije za grejanje i hladjenje i emisija CO2. Jedan od predstavnika takve stambene arhitekture je naselje Konjarnik. Procena različitih scenarija za poboljÅ”anje energetskih karakteristika montažnih viÅ”eporodičnih objekata u Konjarniku je sprovedena u radu. Hipotetički modeli unapređenja energetskih performansi omotača postojeće zgrade su kreirani u cilju smanjenja energetskih zahteva za grejanje, a time i smanjenja emisije CO2. Analizom troÅ”kova održavanja kroz životni ciklus zgrade procenjena je efikasnost mera obnove u pogledu izvodljivosti, ekonomičnosti i uticaja na životnu sredinu

    Energy, ecological and economic aspects of improvement of the dwelling housing in Belgrade

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    The main concern of this research is building refurbishment. Different possibilities of energy performances improvement of existing dwelling housing in the settlement Konjarnik, Belgrade, Serbia, are estimated from energy and economic point of view. Two hypothetical models of improvement of building envelope are created. Different solutions for reduction of energy consumption for heating of existing dwelling housing as well as reduction of CO2 emissions are considered in economic analyses. Economic analyses use BLCC (Building Life Cycle Cost) software which produces multileveled grading of building scenarios and comparative analyses of grading results. The comparative analyses take into account initial building investments and energy cost savings through certain period of building`s use. The overall behaviour of different scenarios is measured according to: (a) initial/capital investments, (b) energy costs (c) operating, maintenance, and repair (OM&R) costs and (d) capital replacement costs. Results of the analyses are used as quantitative inputs for investment decision making

    Improving the District Heating System in Belgrade - Towards Smart Energy consumption

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    An efficient system of district heating is the element of a sustainable building that determines comfort interior microclimate. District heating supply exists in 55 towns in Serbia. In Belgrade 50% of apartments and houses are covered with it. At the moment, Public Utility Company ā€œBeogradske elektraneā€ uses lump billing method for collection for heating per square meter of residential space. Such billing method does not reflect the actual consumption of heat energy of each residential building. Furthermore, tenants who live in buildings with high consumption until now had no incentive to improve the energy efficiency of their building. By payment according to the lump sum principle no one is stimulated to rationally use expensive energy, neither plants nor consumers. According to the Law on energy in Serbia, Law on efficient use of energy and the Decision on the heat supply in the city of Belgrade, PUC "Beogradske elektrane" is obliged to install measuring device for payment per kWh of heat energy supplied, regarding fairer distribution of payment costs and rational energy management as well as increase energy efficiency of the buildings. Generation plants are required to switch to reading of the central heat meters (located in the substations) and to calculate consumption of heat energy of each building individually. The paper considers measures to improving the District Heating System in Belgrade in order to perceive the reduction of heating energy consumption and environmental pollution. Two case studies are presented as comparative analysis of future costs of central heating for apartments - one in a building from 70-s without insulation and proper windows and another one built recently at the same area in Belgrade

    Influence of glass component joints on the structural glass facade design

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    There is a strong relation between the type of glass components connection and the structural glass facade design. The objective of the paper is to study the different solutions of the design of the connections between elements of structural glass facades. Influenced by the load, in relation to the structural system, glass layer may be exposed to different types and intensities of stresses, which inevitably affect the design process in terms of selecting the type and dimensions of glass elements. In order to evaluate the impact of design of component joints on facade structural system and hence its design, some hypothetical models of structural glass components joints are created and numerical analyzes are carried out. Methodological approach entails three steps: creation of typology of joints which includes form and assembly types, design of hypothetical models of structural glass facade components joints and examination of structural stability of hypothetical models