101 research outputs found

    Utvrđivanje uzroka nastanka havarije motora SUS na osnovu retrospektivne funkcije dijagnostike

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    The was a failure on the drive engine of the road vehicle. On it, maintenance procedures were carried out in the service. After an extremely short period of operation, engine failure by the same mechanism of occurrence occurred again. The paper sheds light on the problem of engine malfunctions, establishes cause-and-effect relationships and proposes measures to eliminate the causes of failure.Publishe

    General procedures in diagnosis of malignant diseases in dogs and cats

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    Tumors occur in all domestic and wild animals. They are most often diagnosed in dogs and cats, and their numbers increase from year to year. In the recent years, cancer is believed to be the most frequent cause of pet deaths. A speedy and reliable diagnosis is of paramount importance because it enables the veterinarian to begin therapy and make a prognosis. The objective of an early diagnosis is to enable the detection of neoplastic diseases before the tumor spreads throughout the organism, consequently enabling the timely administration of therapy and providing greater chances for curing the animal. A tumor is diagnosed on the grounds of the anamnesis, clinical picture, and special diagnostic procedures. The most frequently applied diagnostic procedures are laboratory diagnostics, cytology, biopsy and pathohistology, imaging diagnostics (roentgenography and roentgenoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopy, computer tomography, magnetic resonance, and scintigraphy) and molecular diagnostics. Each of these methods has its advantages and faults in connection with costs, availability, sensitivity, specificity and quality of anatomic vs functional pictures. Every one of these techniques has its own field of implementation and each one provides different and additional information in connection with the nature and position of the primary lesion and the presence of metastases

    Rendgenska, ultrazvučna i endoskopska dijagnostika određenih oboljenja želuca kod pasa

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    In order to broaden the range of diagnostic methods for determining stomach diseases and to make these methods a greater part of the daily clinical practice, the procedures of radiological, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations should be worked out in more detail, their limits and possibilities should be established, the topographic-anatomical and morphological status of the stomach should be described in a radiological, ultrasound and endoscopic picture, and the most represented stomach diseases should be defined as well. The paper presents the results of six-month investigations of stomach diseases in dogs of different breeds and ages. A total of 20 animals were examined: seven German Shepherds, four golden retrievers, three rottweilers, two dobermans, two big schauzers, and two mixed-breed dogs. Cases of acute gastritis, chronic ulcerous gastritis, foreign body cases, and stomach tumors have been described.Da bi se spektar dijagnostičkih metoda oboljenja želuca proširio i bio prisutniji u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi, poželjno je da se detaljnije razradi postupak radiološkog, ultrazvučnog i endoskopskog pregleda, utvrde njihove granice i mogućnosti, opiše topografsko-anatomski i morfološki status želuca u radiološkoj, ultrazvučnoj i endoskopskoj slici i da se utvrdi koja su to najzastupljenija oboljenja ovog organa. U radu su prikazani rezultati šetomesečnih ispitivanja oboljenja želuca na psima različitih rasa i uzrasta. Ukupno je pregledano dvadeset jedinki i to: sedam nemačkih ovčara, četiri zlatna retrivera, tri rotvajlera, dva dobermana, dva velika šnaucera i dva mešanca. Opisani su slučajevi akutnog gastritisa, hroničnog ulceroznog gastritisa, stranog tela i tumora želuca

    Determination analysis of temperature regimes, functional characteristics and sliding curves of a hydrodynamic clutch

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    Analysis of output quality of power transmitters is possible in position when characteristics are determined earlier. This is the reason why we focused on determination of these characteristics for a concrete power hydro-transmitter. This means that the investigation task primarily consisted of determination of functional characteristics, defining of the sliding curves and temperature regimes of a concrete hydrodynamic clutch. Results of velocity and pressure field investigations in the working space of this clutch, obtained by use of the same test setup, are the basis for determination and analysis of the functional characteristics, sliding curves and temperature regimes. In this work we also analyzed function of the hydrodynamic transmitter in assembly with an internal combustion engine, as well as a process of acceleration and deceleration of a vehicle with this assembly in it

    Morfološke, imunofenotipske i kliničke karakteristike limfocitno - plazmocitnog duodenitisa pasa

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    The most important morphological feature of the immune response in lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis (LPD) in dogs is the presence of a mononuclear infiltrate in the duodenal mucosa. The ethiopatogenesis of this disease is still unknown, nor are known all the immunophenotypic characteristics of the infiltrate cells, which would be of help in the elucidation of the pathogenesis of LPD. The study involved 60 adult dogs of different breeds and both sexes: 54 dogs with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting that lasted longer than three weeks and six clinically healthy dogs that served as controls. Hematological and biochemical analysis of blood, radiology, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnosis were carried out. Samples of duodenal mucosal biopta were examined by histopathological and immunohistochemical methods. During endoscopic examination, duodenal wall thickening, mucosal edema and hyperemia were observed in 46 dogs. Microscopic studies showed on the epithelial cells of the duodenum degenerative changes, and sometimes desquamation. Most of the intestinal crypts were dilated, irregularly shaped and filled with detritus. On immunohistochemical examination of samples of the duodenum in a number of dogs with LPD a predominant expression of CD3 + T lymphocytes was observed.Najvažnija morfološka karakteristika imunskog odgovora kod limfocitnoplazmocitnog duodenitisa (LPD) pasa je nalaz infiltrata mononuklearnih ćelija krvi u sluzokoži duodenuma. Do danas etiopatogeneza ove bolesti pasa nije u svemu poznata, a nisu poznate ni sve imunofenotipske karakteristike ćelija u infiltratu, koje bi bile značajne za razumevanje etiopatogeneze LPD. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 60 odraslih pasa, različitih rasa i oba pola: 54 psa sa simptomima dijareje i povraćanja koje je trajalo duže od tri nedelje i šest klinički zdravih pasa koji su služili kao kontrola. Urađene su hematološke i biohemijske analize krvi, a zatim je sprovedena radiološka, ultrazvučna i endoskopska dijagnostika. Uzorci mukoze duodenuma, uzeti biopsijom, ispitani su histopatološkim i imunohistohemijskim metodama. Pri endoskopskom pregledu, kod 46 pasa je zapažen zadebljali zid duodenuma, hiperemičnost i edem sluznice. Mikroskopskim ispitivanjima, na epitelnim ćelijama duodenuma uočene su degenerativne promene, a nekada i deskvamacija. Većina crevnih kripti je bila dilatirana, nepravilnog oblika i ispunjena detritusom. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjem uzoraka duodenuma kod većine pasa sa LPD uočena je dominacija CD3+T limfocita

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Ultrazvučni pregled abdomena pasa

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    Ultrazvučni pregled, poznat i kao ultrasonografija, je neinvaziv- na tehnika snimanja koja omogućava uočavanje unutrašnjih telesnih struktura beleženjem odjeka ili refleksije ultrazvučnih talasa. Za razli- ku od rendgenskih zraka koji su potencijalno opasni, ultrazvučni talasi se smatraju sigurnim. Svaki veterinar kliničar treba da bude svestan mogućnosti, ali i ograničenja ove dijagnostičke procedure. On mora da zna na koja pitanja ovaj vid pregleda može dati odgovore, ali i da bude svestan činjenice da negativan ultrazvučni nalaz ne isključuje uvek oboljenje. Najbitniji segment svakog ultrazvučnog pregleda je sistematičnost. Kod svakog pacijenta se treba držati istog redosleda pregleda organa. Ultrazvučni pregled abdomena psa obuhvata pre- gled hepatobilijarnog sistema, želuca, slezine, bubrega, nadbubrež- nih žlezdi, mokraćne bešike, genitalnih organa, creva, limfnih čvorova i krvnih sudova. Standardizovano, precizno i konkretno pisanje izve- štaja, nakon obavljenog ultrazvučnog pregleda, treba da bude velika pomoć veterinaru pri postavljanju dijagnoze ili planiranju sledećih di- jagnostičkih procedura

    Varijabilnost bioloških i agronomskih karaktera divljih grahorica (Vicia) flore Vojvodine

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    In flora of Vojvodina there are 23 vetch species of different origin Morphological variability, micromorphological analyses of seed testa organization of vegetative organs, content of elements (N, Ca) were presented in this work. Results given in this review paper suggest biodiversity of investigated wild wetch species. Taxonomic and genetic variability of species of Vicia genera can be very interesting from different point of view.U flori Vojvodine, na različitim staništima raste 23 vrste divljih grahorica U radu se daju staništa, botaničke i agronomske karakteristike, odnosno diverzitet grahorica, koji može biti od interesa za agronomsku praksu. Analizirani podaci ukazuju na morfološku, anatomsku i hemijsku varijabilnost biljaka i semena grahorica

    Analysis of economic indicators for GPS technologies application in Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB)

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    U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Uzorno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21.000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata traktor-priključna mašina pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na uzornom imanju. Detaljno su prikazani podaci samo za kukuruz. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije mineralnog hraniva i hemijske zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura. .This paper examined the level of savings in the application of modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21.000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Detailed data are shown only for maize. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. Tabulated are the data estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops.

    Analysis of economic indicators for GPS technologies application in Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB)

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    U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Uzorno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21.000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata traktor-priključna mašina pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na uzornom imanju. Detaljno su prikazani podaci samo za kukuruz. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije mineralnog hraniva i hemijske zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura. .This paper examined the level of savings in the application of modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21.000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Detailed data are shown only for maize. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. Tabulated are the data estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops.