6 research outputs found

    Application of Batch and Automated (STP) Processes in Banking – Case Study Aseba BI

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    Strong competition in banking market has led to a significant reliance of banks on information technology. In the last decade, main progress has been made in introducing straightthrough processing (STP) and batch processing in banking information systems. In this paper we analyse the impact of application of these processes in banks. We choose four parameters to follow: system quality information quality, service quality and user satisfaction. As a sample of case study we select Aseba BI integrated banking information system, produced by ASSECO-SEE. Through the analysis of several examples: batch processing in core banking system, batch processing in credit module, STP in national payment processes, STP in international payment processes, automation of Treasury back office (TBO) and Treasury (Trading) and Securities trading we conclude that batch processing and STP have great impact on selected parameters

    Uticaj hrane na resorpciju lekova - osnovna razmatranja i mogućnost in vitro simulacije

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    Oral drug absorption is, generally, influenced by a number of factors related to drug substance/dosage form characteristics and gastrointestinal (GIT) conditions. Administration of a drug product with food, sometimes suggested in order to achieve better patient's compliance, may result in altered bioavailability as well as impaired therapeutic efficacy of the administered drug due to the significant postprandial changes in the gastrointestinal environment. Drug absorption may be accelerated, delayed, decreased, increased or not affected by the concomitant food intake. Although a number of factors with complex interrelationships may be responsible for the observed effect, they can be classified as physiologically and/or physicochemically based. Furthermore, they may be drug substance or dosage form (i.e. formulation) related. Although data obtained from the in vivo studies performed in volunteers represent a basis for further investigations, there is a great interest for in vitro simulation of such an interactions as the in vitro predictive methodology would considerably contribute drug development process and shorten the time and expenses for bringing drug products to the market. Such tests would be a useful tool in the development of formulations that would not be susceptible to the influence of co-administered meal and, furthermore, facilitate regulatory decision on the necessity to conduct food effect studies in vivo.Resorpcija lekova posle peroralne primene rezultat je brojnih i složenih interakcija koje zavise od karakteristika lekovite supstance, primenjenog lekovitog oblika i uslova koji vladaju u gastrointestinalnom traktu (GIT). S obzirom da se lekovi često uzimaju uz obrok sa ciljem poboljšanja komplijanse, promene u GIT-u, nastale kao posledica prisustva hrane, mogu uticati na biološku raspoloživost lekovite supstance i dovesti do varijacija u terapijskoj efikasnosti. Resorpcija lekova uzetih uz obrok može biti ubrzana, odložena, smanjena ili povećana usled fizioloških promena, kao i usled fizičkih i/ili hemijskih interakcija, kako lekovite supstance, tako i lekovitog oblika sa komponentama hrane. Mada je in vivo ispitivanje uticaja hrane najpouzdaniji način da se utvrdi mogućnost ispoljavanja lek-hrana interakcija, činjenica da se radi o dugotrajnim i skupim ispitivanjima, dovela je do intenzivnog rada na razvoju metodologije koja bi omogućila procenu uticaja hrane na osnovu podataka dobijenih in vitro. Identifikacija i procena uticaja pojedinačnih faktora koji mogu dovesti do promena u bioraspoloživosti lekova datih uz obrok predstavlja osnov za razvoj formulacija koje bi u manjoj meri bile podložne uticaju hrane. Razvoj odgovarajućih in vitro metoda bi, takođe, omogućio da se identifikuju preparati kod kojih postoji rizik od ispoljavanja lek - hrana interakcija odnosno, potreba za izvođenjem in vivo ispitivanja uticaja hrane

    Chronic kidney disease biomarkers in populations at risk: results of screening study carried out in Priboj

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    Introduction. Chronic kidney diseases are global health problem and thus close attention is devoted to their prevention and early detection. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease biomarkers in three groups at risk. Methods. The study included 77 persons divided into three groups: (1) 31 patients with hypertension that had lasted for five years; (2) 30 patients with type 2 diabetes diagnosed five or more years ago and (3) 16 examinees, aged ≥ 60, without hypertension and diabetes. All patients participated in the survey, after which blood pressure, body mass index, glucose serum level and urea and creatinine serum level were measured. Urine albumin and protein were determined by urine dipstick test and urine sediment was analyzed as well. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation 4. Results. These three groups were matched for gender and more than a half of patients with hypertension and diabetes were aged ≥ 60 years. Among patients with diabetes, 26 patients (86.6%) had hypertension, while overweight was found in 67.7% of patients with hypertension, 76.7% of those with diabetes and 25% of examinees aged ≥ 60 years. Normal blood pressure range had more than two-thirds of patients with hypertension and diabetes, and ACEI was used by 74.2% of patients with hypertension and 80% of patients with diabetes. Fasting serum glucose level was above 6.1 mmol/L in 23 (76.6%) of patients with diabetes. GFR below 60 ml/min/1.73m2 had 7 (22.6%) patients with hypertension, 14 (46.7%) patients with diabetes and 3 (18.8%) persons aged ≥ 60 years. Pathologic albuminuria (≥ 20 mg/L) had 22 (61%) patients with hypertension, 25 (83.4%) patients with diabetes and 10 (62.5%) examinees aged ≥ 60 years. Conclusion. Although the applied screening methods could overestimate the frequency of examined biomarkers for chronic kidney disease, the results of the study confirmed the importance of regular control of kidney function in population at risk for chronic kidney disease

    Gel combustion synthesis of transition metal ions doped Zn2SiO4 powder

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    We present here the synthesis procedure for obtaining Zn2SiO4:M2+ (M = Mn, Ni, Co) powder based on the combination of so-gel and combustion methods. Combustion is performed both in a conventional furnace and in a microwave oven in order to evaluate the influence of combustion conditions on the properties of synthesized material. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that obtained material has crystallized in rhombohedral structure of Zn2SiO4 (willemite) with traces of ZnO. The effects of combustion conditions are investigated further by means of thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance optical spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Based on these results we could conclude that microwave combustion synthesis can be successfully applied for Zn2SiO4-based products

    PMMA/Zn2SiO4:Eu3+(Mn2+) Composites: Preparation, Optical, and Thermal Properties

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    Luminescent composites of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and nanophosphors (Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, Zn2SiO4:Eu3+) were prepared by dispersion casting method. It was found that nanoparticles embedded in PMMA matrix preserve their typical phosphorescence emission. The influence of Zn2SiO4 nanofillers on thermal properties of PMMA was also investigated. A shift towards higher glass transition temperatures and slight improvements in thermal stability of the nanocomposites compared to pure PMMA were observed and are discussed herein