5 research outputs found

    Optimum Combination of Food Crops and Livestock Farms as a Strategy to Maximize Farmers' Income in Kupang Regency– Indonesia

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    Dry land farming in Kupang Regency consists of a combination of food crops farming and horticulture like corn, rice, beans and tubers with livestock such as cattle, pigs, goats and local chickens. Those farms were carried out in a traditional combination heritantly using simple technology and subsistence. The research purpose were to analyze the combination of various types of crops cultivated and types of livestock raised by the farmers in order to achieve maximum income and to analyze the contribution of various types of food crops and horticulture and types of livestock to increase the farmers’ income. The data were analyzed by applying a simplex algorithm approach. The results showed that the optimum combination of resources that generate maximum income was IDR 47,646,888.86. Contributions of various farms were as follow: food crops and horticulture including rice (X1) of  IDR 2,115,984.17; corn (X2) of  IDR. 754.840.28; peanuts (X3) of  IDR 184,970.33; and sweet potatoes (X4) of IDR 1,432,994.17. Then, the contribution of livestock likes : cattle (X5) reached at IDR 2,689,130.43; goats (X6) at IDR 1,098,571.43; pigs (X7) IDR 58,851.35 and chickens (X8) IDR 293.310.81; and off-farm activities (X9) at IDR 262,458.

    Alternatif Kebijakan Pengendalian Pemotongan Sapi Bali Betina Produktif di Timor Barat

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    Salah satu persoalan yang terjadi di daerah sentra  produksi  adalah pemotongan betina produktif. Fenomena tersebut diduga terjadi pula di Timor Barat sebagai salah satu daerah kantong produksi sapi bali. Sapi bali adalah salah satu plasma nuftah yang memiliki persoalan sistemik karena melibatkan banyak pelaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya pengendalian pemotongan betina produktif dalam manajemen dan kelembagaan aktual. Pendekatan pemahaman sistem  agribisnis sapi bali di Timor Barat dilakukan dengan prespektif dinamika sistem. Informan kunci ditentukan melalui pemetaan pelaku dalam rantai pasok sapi bali. Penentuan informan kunci menggunakan metode snow ball sampling. Banyaknya informan kunci tergantung pada kejenuhan informasi yang diperoleh. Data, informasi, dan pengetahuan primer dikumpulkan berdasarkan observasi, focuss group diskusi (FGD), dan wawancara mendalam (indepth study)  dengan informan kunci. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas: data numerik, data tertulis, dan model mental. Pemodelan dengan dinamika sistem akan menggunakan perangkat lunak Ventana Simulation (Vensim). Hasil analisis dan pembahasan menunjukkan manajemen dan kelembagaan aktual yang melibatkan berbagai pelaku dalam sistem ketersediaan daging sapi untuk pasar lokal belum memiliki peran untuk pengendalian pemotongan betina produktif. Kebijakan yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan pemotongan sapi bali betina produktif, adalah meningkatkan calf crop dan menekan mortalitas.Kata kunci: betina produktif, pemotongan, sapi bali, sistem, Timor Barat. ABSTRACTOne of the problems that occur in the center of production is slaughtering productive cows. This phenomenon is thought to occur in West Timor as one of the production center of bali cattle production. Bali cattle are one of the plasma nuftah which has systemic problems due to involve many actors. This study aims to determine the efforts to control the slaughtering of productive cows in actual management and institutions. An understanding approach to the bali cattle agribusiness system is carried out with a perspective dynamics system. Key informants were determined through mapping of actors in the supply chain of bali cattle. Determination of key informants is applying the snow ball sampling methods. Data are collected based on observation, FGD, and in-depth interviews. Data collected consists of: numeric and written data, and also mental models. Modeling with dynamics system will use Vensim software. The results show that actual management and institutions do not yet have a role to control the slaughtering of productive cows. The policy needed to control the slaughter of productive bali cows is to increase calf crop and  reduce mortality.Keywords: productive, slaughtering, bali cows, system, West Timo


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    A case study focused on the agroindustry of Baun smoked pork in the District of Amarasi Barat Regency of Kupang has been conducted from September to October 2016. The aims of the study were: (1) to assess consumer perceptions about the peculiarities of Baun smoked pork; (2) to identify the efforts made by the producer in maintaining the customers; (3) to analyze factors that influence consumer demand, and (4) to analyze the extent of the production response to the demand of smoked pork. Ninety consumer respondents were included in this study following a simple random sampling procedure during 30 days of interviewed (3 respondents/day). The data obtained were descriptively analyzed for both qualitative and quantitative. Cobb-Douglas function was used to analyse the correlation and regression for quantitative data. The results showed that Baun smoked pork had a distinctive taste, with simple way of serving and on time. It also had available lesehan dining facilities. Factors that have a significant effect on the demand of smoked pork were the income and the number of family member. Furthermore, the production of smoked pork is influenced by consumer’s demand and day of production. The smoked pork production did not corresponding with the consumer demand, where the total demand of 2,624 kg per month. Therefore, producers should have the right strategy to maintain their potential consumers through the efforts of increasing the number of pig slaughtered especially at the week end. ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi konsumen tentang kekhasan produk se’i babi Baun; (2) mengidentifikasi upaya produsen dalam mempertahankan  pelanggan; (3) menganalisis faktor  yang mempengaruhi permintaan konsumen; (4) menganalisis sejauh mana respons produksi terhadap permintaan se’i babi. Pengambilan contoh  konsumen sebanyak 90 orang dilakukan secara acak sederhana dengan teknik pengambilan tiga orang per hari selama 30 hari. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis kuantitatif berupa analisis korelasi dan regresi dengan pendekatan fungsi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa se’i babi Baun memiliki rasa yang khas, cara penyajiannya sederhana dan tepat waktu serta tersedia fasilitas makan lesehan. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah permintaan se’i babi Baun yaitu pendapatan dan jumlah anggota keluarga. Selanjutnya, produksi se’i babi Baun dipengaruhi oleh permintaan konsumen dan hari produksi. Produksi belum merespon permintaan konsumen dimana jumlah permintaan sebanyak 2.624 kg per bulan belum dapat dipenuhi oleh produsen se’i babi. Oleh karena itu, produsen harus memiliki strategi yang tepat untuk mempertahankan konsumen potensialnya melalui upaya meningkatkan jumlah ternak babi yang dipotong khususnya pada akhir minggu

    ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI MARGIN DI ANTARA LEMBAGA-LEMBAGA PEMASARAN TERNAK SAPI POTONG DI KABUPATEN KUPANG NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR (Anaysis of margin distribution between marketing beef cattle institutions in Kupang District East Nusa Tenggara)

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    The activities of the institutions involved in beef cattle marketing in Kupang District-ENT include: purchasing, transportation, sorting, standardization and grading, and so on. In carrying out these activities, traders sacrifice costs, labor and time. Therefore, marketing margins will be created as return for these sacrifices. This research was conducted by survey method. Data analysis was running by analysis of farmer's share and marketing margins. The results of the study: farmer's share has been fairly. The average farmer share was 59.01%. Marketing margin was 62.17%; profit margin was 66.71%. The largest profit margin is received by midlemen  traders was 60.70%, inter-island traders was 29.30%. There disparity in distribution of marketing margins, where  was 88.57% for midlemen and only 48.33% for inter-island traders.   ABSTRAK Kegiatan lembaga-lembaga yang terlibat dalam pemasaran ternak sapi potong di Kabupaten Kupang-NTT antara lain: pembelian, pengangkutan, sortasi, standarisasi dan grading, dan sebagainya. Dalam melakukan berbagai kegiatan tersebut, para pedagang mengorbankan biaya, tenaga dan waktu. Oleh karena itu akan tercipta margin pemasaran sebagai balas jasa terhadap segala pengorbanan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survai. Analisis data dilakukan dengan farmer’s share dan margin pemasaran. Hasil penelitian: farmer’s share sudah cukup  adil. Rata-rata farmer’s share 59,01%. Margin pemasaran 62,17%; profit margin 66.71%. Profit margin terbesar diterima pedagang perantara 60.70%, pedagang antar pulau 29.30%. Terjadi distribusi margin pemasaran yan timpang, yakni 88,57% diterima pedagang perantara dan 48,33% yang diterima pedagang antar pulau

    UPAYA PENINGKATAN POSISI TAWAR PETERNAK ANGGOTA KELOMPOK BAKAL KLASTER SAPI BALI DI KABUPATEN BELU DAN MALAKA, NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR - Effort to Improve the Bargaining Posistion of the Farmer Members of the Group will Cluster Bali Cattle in the District Belu and Malaka, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    AbstrakKesenjangan antara produksi dan kebutuhan domestik daging sapi saat ini telah mengakibatkan kecenderungan tingginya harga daging sapi nasional. Tingginya harga daging di pasar tersebut tidak dapat dinikmati oleh peternak antara lain karena posisi tawar peternaknya lemah. Salah satu model pengembangan yang untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut telah diinisiasi oleh Bank Indonesia adalah klaster. Pemasaran ternak sapi dalam manajemen kelompok bakal klaster melibatkan banyak pelaku yang saling terkait sehingga masalahnya menjadi kompleks dan dinamis. Pendekatan yang tepat untuk memahami persoalan adalah dinamika sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem pemasaran yang dilakukan dalam manejemen kelompok bakal klaster saat ini masih menempatkan peternak anggota kelompok dalam posisi tawar yang lemah. Peternak anggota hanya menerima harga dari pedagang pengumpul, pedagang pengumpul menerima harga dari koordinator pedagang pengumpul, dan koordinator pedagang pengumpul mendapatkan harga dari pedagang besar. Artinya harga di peternak anggota sangat  tergantung dari harga di pedagang besar. Kebijakan yang diusulkan untuk meningkatkan posisi tawar peternak adalah menerapkan harga pedagang pengumpul dan koordinator pedagang pengumpul di peternak. Hal ini dapat dilakukan apabila ada inovasi  kelembagaan usaha bersama simpan pinjam menjadi koperasi serta merangkul semua pedagang. Cara lainnya adalah dengan membentuk unit balai lelang agro di koperasi. Koperasi berfungsi menampung produksi anggota dan melelangnya kepada pedagang. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa skenario kebijakan menerapkan harga di tingkat pedagang akan meningkatkan keuntungan dan likuiditas keuangan peternak.Kata Kunci: Sapi Bali, posisi tawar, klaster, dinamika sistem, koperasiAbstractThe gap between production and domestic consumption of beef has now resulted in a tendency to high beef prices nationwide. The high price of meat in the market can not be enjoyed by farmers, among others, because of the weak bargaining position of the farmer. One of the development model to overcome these problems have been initiated by Bank Indonesia is a cluster.  Marketing of cattle in the cluster group management will involve many actors are interrelated so that the problem becomes complex and dynamic. The right approach to understanding the problem is the system dynamics. The results showed that the  marketing system are carried out in the management group will cluster is still putting breeders group members in a weak bargaining position. Breeders members only receive the price of the traders, traders receive price from collectors coordinator, and the coordinator of traders get the price of large traders. Means the price at farmer members highly dependent on the price at wholesalers. The proposed policy to improve the bargaining position of farmers is to apply the price collectors and traders in  breeder coordinator. This can be done if there is a joint effort of institutional innovation become savings and loan cooperatives and embrace all traders. Another way is to form a unit in the cooperative agro auction. Cooperative serves to accommodate the  production of the members and auction to the merchant. The simulation results show that the policy scenarios apply price at the merchant level will improve profitability and financial liquidity breeders.Keywords: Bali Cattle, bargaining position, cluster, system dynamics, cooperativ