91 research outputs found

    Research teen awareness about the dangers of smoking and the reasons

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    This article discusses the reasons associated with the abuse of adolescent smoking. The questions of the harmful effects of tobacco on the human body components. Referent group were students of rural schoolsВ статье рассматриваются причины, связанные со злоупотреблением подростками курением. Освещены вопросы вредного воздействия компонентов табака на организм человека. Реферетной группой являлись школьники сельской школ


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    ABSTRACT Article is devoted to the hot topic of identification of the malefactor in the automated computer system. In the article, standard models of the system of identification of users are described, and methods of optimization and increase of functional capabilities of the similar system are offered. Main areas of work: statistical techniques, wavelet transformation, reduction of load of the computer system by reduction of volumes of the expert knowledge bases checking legality of the operations which are carried out by the user by means of transfer of these functions for the self-training monitoring system of current status of system with use of statistical decisive rules. In the article, the subject of development of modern valuation methods of crypto firmness of the enciphering mechanisms used in cryptographic protocols using EdlmanaLipton's model is touched

    Diagnostic methodics of personal development of university students in studying the humanities

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    © The author(s). The urgency of the research of diagnostic methodics of personal development of university students in studying the humanities does not lose its science - based and practice - oriented value and at the present transitional time, which has put higher education before the need to train professionals with personal qualities as required to modify the social structure of the labor market and the needs of the personality. The purpose of the article is in scientific - practical justification of the set of diagnostic methodics of personal development of students and experimental verification of their efficiency in the process of studying the humanities. The article presents: theoretical - methodic foundations of the structure, content and implementation techniques of diagnostic methodics of personal development of students in studying the humanities and identifies practical significance of the methodic for the formation of competent professionals demanded by modern job market. The leading method of this study is to monitor the personal development of university students in the process of studying the humanities. The article stuff is designed for university teachers of humanities, young scientists and students, who are interested in research activities in the humanitarian sphere. It is recommended to university methodists and students of further teacher training centers of continuing professional education


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    Subjects and methods. Thirty patients, including 9 (30.0%) men and 21 (70.0%) women, with signs of radiculopathy (RP) in late-stages Lyme borreliosis (LB) were examined. A control group comprised 30 patients with vertebrogenic RP in the presence of dystrophic changes in the vertebral column. Results. 56.7% of the patients with LB were observed to have its primary chronic course in the absence of the acute period of LB. The latter with the signs of RP showed a topic association between the pain location and the tick bite site in 43.3% of the patients. A gradual disease development was more frequently (63.3%) observed in LB while the periods of remission and exacerbation were more typical (56.7%) in vertebrogenic RP. In the patients with LB, pain syndrome depended on posture and physical exercise less frequently (30.0%) than in those with vertebrogenic RP (96.7%). Bilateral pain irradiation was more characteristic of RP in LB than in dystrophic lesions of the vertebral column. The symptoms of tonic muscle tension and limited movement volume in the afflicted part of the vertebral column were significantly less common in the patients with LB than in those with vertebrogenic RP. LB was marked by a concomitance of radicular and polyneuritic disorders (83.3%) and vertebrogenic RP was characterized by a preponderance of the radicular-type of sensitivity disorder (100%). Systemic inflammatory syndrome and polysystemacy of manifestations were more characteristic of LB. The benefits of nonsteriodal antiinflammatory drugs in LB patients with RP were significantly worse than in those with vertebrogenic RP; regression of symptoms in LB was seen only after a course of specific antibiotic therapy

    State fetoplacental complex in pregnancy with benign ovarian tumors

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the state of fetoplacental complex markers in patients with benign ovarian tumors. There have been prospectively studied three groups of women. Group 1 - the main (n = 50), pregnant women with benign ovarian tumors that were operated on during pregnancy. Group 2 - the comparison group (n = 50) - pregnant women with benign ovarian tumors, who had a history of surgical treatment. Group 3 - control (n = 50) - healthy pregnant women with physiological course of gestation, with no clinical or laboratory signs of benign ovarian tumors, the same parity pregnancies.Цель исследования заключалась в оценке маркеров состояния фетоплацентарного комплекса у пациенток с доброкачественными опухолями яичников. Было проведено проспективное исследование трёх групп женщин. 1 группа — основная (n=50), беременные с доброкачественными опухолями яичников, которые были прооперированы во время беременности. 2 группа - группа сравнения (n = 50) - беременные с доброкачественными опухолями яичников, которые имели оперативное лечение в анамнезе. 3 группа - контрольная (n =50) - здоровые беременные с физиологическим течением гестации, без клинических и лабораторных признаков доброкачественных опухолей яичников, аналогичного паритета

    Approaches to the estimation of severity level of chronic venous insufficiency at pregnant women

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    Resaerch purpose consisted in optimisation of the classification approach to definition of severity level of venous insufficiency at pregnant women. The current of pregnancy at 188 women with chronic venous insufficiency is estimated. Disease severity level was defined on A.V.Pokrovskogo's classification and by the international classification CEAP. It is established that changes of a hormonal background and pregnancy complications interfere with an objective estimation of severity level of disease at pregnant women on A.V.Pokrovskogo’s classifications, therefore use of international classification CEAP at pregnant women more comprehensible as reflects a clinical picture more precisely and allows to pick up adequate methods of correction.Цель работы - оптимизация классификационного подхода к определению степени тяжести венозной недостаточности у беременных. Оценено течение беременности у 188 женщин с хронической венозной недостаточностью. Степень тяжести заболевания определялась по классификации А.В.Покровского и по международной классификации СЕАР. Установлено, что изменения гормонального фона и гестационные осложнения препятствуют объективной оценке степени тяжести заболевания у беременных по классификации А.В.Покровского, поэтому использование международной классификации СЕАР у беременных более обоснованно, так как точнее отражает клиническую картину и позволяет подобрать адекватные методы коррекции

    Current of gestation at the combination of chronic venous insufficiency and extragenital pathologies

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    During work the analysis of character of a current of pregnancy and its outcomes at women with combination chronic venous insuffiency and extragenital pathologies is carried out. It is spent prospective research of 188 pregnant women. All women had diagnosed chronic venous insuffiency. The basic group (n=95) has been subdivided into subgroups, depending on the disease accompanying current chronic venous insuffiency. hypertensive illness (n=16), a chronic pyelonephritis (n=32) and a chronic gastritis (n=47). The control group included the pregnant women suffering only chronic venous insuffiency without other somatic pathology (n=93). !t is shown that chronic venous insuffiency in various combinations with extragenital pathology at pregnant women raises frequency of development gestational complications and burdens a current of the patrimonial certificate that demands preliminary correction of somatic diseases at pregnancy planning, and continuations of therapy during gestation.В ходе работы проведён анализ характера течения беременности и ее исходов у женщин с сочетанием ХВН и экстрагенитальной патологии. Проведено проспективное исследование 188 беременных. Все женщины имели диагностированную ХВН. Основная группа (n=95) была подразделена на подгруппы, в зависимости от заболевания, сопровождающего течение ХВН: гипертоническая болезнь (n=16), хронический пиелонефрит (n=32) и хронический гастрит (n=47). Группа контроля включала беременных, страдающих только ХВН без другой соматической патологии (n=93). Показано, что ХВН в различных сочетаниях с экстрагенитальной патологией у беременных повышает частоту развития гестационных осложнений и отягощает течение родового акта, что требует заблаговременной коррекции соматических заболеваний при планировании беременности, и продолжения терапии в течение гестации

    Enhanced Aggression, Reduced Self-Grooming Behavior and Altered 5-HT Regulation in the Frontal Cortex in Mice Lacking Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1)

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    The Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1) is one of the six functional receptors belonging to the family of monoamine-related G protein-coupled receptors (TAAR1-TAAR9) found in humans. However, the exact biological mechanisms of TAAR1 central and peripheral action remain to be fully understood. TAAR1 is widely expressed in the prefrontal cortex and several limbic regions, interplaying with the dopamine system to modulate the reward circuitry. Recent clinical trials suggest the efficacy of TAAR1 agonists as potential novel antipsychotic agents. Here, we characterize behavioral and neurochemical phenotypes of TAAR1 knockout mice, focusing on aggression and self-grooming behavior that both strongly depend on the monoaminergic signaling and cortico-striatal and cortico-limbic circuits. Overall, we report increased aggression in these knockout mice in the resident-intruder test, accompanied by reduced self-grooming behavior in the novelty-induced grooming test, and by higher cortical serotonin (5-HT) tissue levels. Further studies are necessary to explore whether TAAR1-based therapies can become potential novel treatments for a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders associated with aggression. © 2022 by the authors.Applied Genetics MIPT, (075-15-2021-684)Suzhou University of Science and TechnologyThis study was supported by the project ID: 93018770 of St. Petersburg State University. K.A.D., A.V.K. and N.A.K. are supported by the project ID: 93020614 of St. Petersburg State University. A.V.K. partially used the facilities and equipment of the Resource Fund of Applied Genetics MIPT (support grant 075-15-2021-684). His contribution was partially supported by the Neurobiology Program of Sirius University of Science and Technology

    Modulation of Behavioral and Neurochemical Responses of Adult Zebrafish by Fluoxetine, Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Lipopolysaccharide in the Prolonged Chronic Unpredictable Stress Model

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    Long-term recurrent stress is a common cause of neuropsychiatric disorders. Animal models are widely used to study the pathogenesis of stress-related psychiatric disorders. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is emerging as a powerful tool to study chronic stress and its mechanisms. Here, we developed a prolonged 11-week chronic unpredictable stress (PCUS) model in zebrafish to more fully mimic chronic stress in human populations. We also examined behavioral and neurochemical alterations in zebrafish, and attempted to modulate these states by 3-week treatment with an antidepressant fluoxetine, a neuroprotective omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a pro-inflammatory endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and their combinations. Overall, PCUS induced severe anxiety and elevated norepinephrine levels, whereas fluoxetine (alone or combined with other agents) corrected most of these behavioral deficits. While EPA and LPS alone had little effects on the zebrafish PCUS-induced anxiety behavior, both fluoxetine (alone or in combination) and EPA restored norepinephrine levels, whereas LPS + EPA increased dopamine levels. As these data support the validity of PCUS as an effective tool to study stress-related pathologies in zebrafish, further research is needed into the ability of various conventional and novel treatments to modulate behavioral and neurochemical biomarkers of chronic stress in this model organism. © 2021, The Author(s).This research was supported solely by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) grant 19‐15‐00053. K.A.D. is supported by the Special Rector’s Productivity Fellowship for SPSU PhD Students, and the lab is supported by St. Petersburg State University state budgetary funds (project ID 73026081). A.V.K. is the Chair of the International Zebrafish Neuroscience Research Consortium (ZNRC) and President of the International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS, www.stress-and-behavior.com) that coordinated this collaborative multi-laboratory project. The consortium provided a collaborative idea exchange platform for this study, it is not considered as affiliation and did not fund the study. A.V.K. lab is supported by the Southwest University (SWU) Zebrafish Platform Construction Fund (Chongqing, China). The authors thank Professor Raul R. Gainetdinov (Institute of Translational Biomedicine, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia) for his generous assistance with the HPLC studies in his laboratory. The funders had no role in the design, analyses, and interpretation of the submitted study, or decision to publish

    The influence of gestational remodeling in venous pool of the lower extremity and placental vessels on development of placentary insufficiency at the pregnancy burdened by a chronic venous isuffiency

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    It is spent prospective randomized research ot 3 groups of pregnant women. The basic group was made by 62 pregnant women with chronic venous insufficiency, receiving the differentiated treatment on the developed algorithm with application vein tonics (Flebodia 600). The comparison group included 62 pregnant women with for the first time revealed chronic venous insufficiency, receiving not differentiated therapy. The control group is presented by 25 pregnant women without a pathology. Have been estimated hemostasiological parametres, the control of a condition of venous system of the bottom finitenesses was spent by a duplex scanning. The condition a fetoplacental complex was estimated (biophysical profile of a fetus, Doppler sonography, cardiotocography). During research the positive correlation interrelation between hemocoagulation activity, peak systolic to end diastolic ratio, a resistance index uterines arteries and haemodynamics in the big hypodermic vein is received at duplex scanning that allows to assume the mechanism of development of placentary insufficiency at the pregnancy complicated by a chronic venous insufficiency and to develop the differentiated approach to therapy for preventive maintenance pathological gestational remodeling and thrombogenesis.Проведено проспективное рандомизированное исследование 2 групп беременных. Основную I группу составили 62 беременные с ХВН, получавшие дифференцированное лечение по разработанному алгоритму с применением флеботоников (Флебодиа 600). Группа II сравнения включала 62 беременных с впервые выявленной ХВН, получавших недифференцированную терапию. Группа контроля представлена 25 беременными без патологии. Были оценены гемостазиологические параметры, контроль состояния венозной системы нижних конечностей проводился методом дуплексного ангиосканирования. Оценивалось состояние фетоплацентарного комплекса (биофизический профиль плода, допплерография, кардиотокограмма). В ходе исследования получена положительная корреляционная взаимосвязь между гемокоагуляционной активностью, систолодиастолическим отношением, индексом резистентности маточных артерий и гемодинамикой в большой подкожной вене при дуплексном ангиосканировании, что позволяет предположить механизм развития плацентарной недостаточности при беременности, осложненной хронической венозной недостаточности и разработать дифференцированный подход к терапии для профилактики патологического гестационного ремоделирования и тромбообразования