642 research outputs found

    Spectral Density on the Lattice

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    Spectral density in the pseudoscalar and vector channels is extracted from the SU(2) lattice quenched data. It is shown to consist of three sharp poles within the energy range accessible on the lattice.Comment: 38 pages, uuencoded tar-compressed ps-fil

    Charmonium mass splittings at the physical point

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    We present results from an ongoing study of mass splittings of the lowest lying states in the charmonium system. We use clover valence charm quarks in the Fermilab interpretation, an improved staggered (asqtad) action for sea quarks, and the one-loop, tadpole-improved gauge action for gluons. This study includes five lattice spacings, 0.15, 0.12, 0.09, 0.06, and 0.045 fm, with two sets of degenerate up- and down-quark masses for most spacings. We use an enlarged set of interpolation operators and a variational analysis that permits study of various low-lying excited states. The masses of the sea quarks and charm valence quark are adjusted to their physical values. This large set of gauge configurations allows us to extrapolate results to the continuum physical point and test the methodology.Comment: 7 pp, 6 figs, Lattice 201

    Abelian Dominance in Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    Calculations of the chiral condensate ⟚ψˉψ⟩\langle \bar{\psi} \psi \rangle on the lattice using staggered fermions and the Lanczos algorithm are presented. Three gauge fields are considered: the quenched non-Abelian field, the Abelian field projected in the maximal Abelian gauge, and the monopole field further decomposed from the Abelian field. The results show that the Abelian monopoles largely reproduce the chiral condensate values of the full non-Abelian theory, both in SU(2) and in SU(3).Comment: 4 pages in Latex with 4 embedded Postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty, psfig.sty. All are uuencoded, gzipped in a self-extracting file. Contribution to Lattice'95, Melbourne, Australi

    Remarks on abelian dominance

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    We used a renormalisation group based smoothing to address two questions related to abelian dominance. Smoothing drastically reduces short distance fluctuations but it preserves the long distance physical properties of the SU(2) configurations. This enabled us to extract the abelian heavy-quark potential from time-like Wilson loops on Polyakov gauge projected configurations. We obtained a very small string tension which is inconsistent with the string tension extracted from Polyakov loop correlators. This shows that the Polyakov gauge projected abelian configurations do not have a consistent physical meaning. We also applied the smoothing on SU(2) configurations to test how sensitive abelian dominance in the maximal abelian gauge is to the short distance fluctuations. We found that on smoothed SU(2) configurations the abelian string tension was about 30% smaller than the SU(2) string tension which was unaffected by smoothing. This suggests that the approximate abelian dominance found with the Wilson action is probably an accident and it has no fundamental physical relevance.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    Chiral logs with staggered fermions

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    We compute chiral logarithms in the presence of "taste" symmetry breaking of staggered fermions. The lagrangian of Lee and Sharpe is generalized and then used to calculate the logs in π\pi and KK masses. We correct an error in Ref. [1] [C. Bernard, hep-lat/0111051]; the issue turns out to have implications for the comparison with simulations, even at tree level. MILC data with three light dynamical flavors can be well fit by our formulas. However, two new chiral parameters, which describe order a2a^2 hairpin diagrams for taste-nonsinglet mesons, enter in the fits. To obtain precise results for the physical coefficients at order p4p^4, these new parameters will need to be bounded, at least roughly.Comment: talk presented by C. Bernard at Lattice2002(spectrum); 3 pages, 2 figure
