30 research outputs found

    Trapped electrons in the quantum degenerate regime

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    A full strength Coulomb interaction between trapped electrons can be felt only in absence of a neutralizing background. In order to study quantum degenerate electrons without such a background, an external trap is needed to compensate for the strong electronic repulsion. As a basic model for such a system, we study a trapped electron pair in a harmonic trap with an explicit inclusion of its Coulomb interaction. We find the eigenenergy of the ground state, confirming earlier work in the context of harmonium. We extend this to a complete set of properly scaled energies for any value of the trapping strength, including the excited states. The problem is solved either numerically or by making harmonic approximations to the potential. As function of the trapping strength a crossover can be made from the strongly to the weakly-coupled regime, and we show that in both regimes perturbative methods based on a pair-wise electron description would be effective for a many-particle trapped electron system, which resembles a Wigner crystal in the ground state of the strongly coupled limit.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    An optical lattice with sound

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    Funding: We acknowledge funding support from the Army Research Office. Y.G. and B.M. acknowledge funding from the Stanford Q-FARM Graduate Student Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, respectively. S.G. acknowledges support from NSF Grant No. DMR-1653271.Quantized sound waves—phonons—govern the elastic response of crystalline materials, and also play an integral part in determining their thermodynamic properties and electrical response (for example, by binding electrons into superconducting Cooper pairs). The physics of lattice phonons and elasticity is absent in simulators of quantum solids constructed of neutral atoms in periodic light potentials: unlike real solids, traditional optical lattices are silent because they are infinitely stiff. Optical-lattice realizations of crystals therefore lack some of the central dynamical degrees of freedom that determine the low-temperature properties of real materials. Here, we create an optical lattice with phonon modes using a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) coupled to a confocal optical resonator. Playing the role of an active quantum gas microscope, the multimode cavity QED system both images the phonons and induces the crystallization that supports phonons via short-range, photon-mediated atom–atom interactions. Dynamical susceptibility measurements reveal the phonon dispersion relation, showing that these collective excitations exhibit a sound speed dependent on the BEC–photon coupling strength. Our results pave the way for exploring the rich physics of elasticity in quantum solids, ranging from quantum melting transitions to exotic ‘fractonic’ topological defects in the quantum regime.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Entanglement and replica symmetry breaking in a driven-dissipative quantum spin glass

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    Funding: We are grateful for funding support from the Army Research Office, NTT Research, and the Q-NEXT DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center. Surya Ganguli acknowledges funding from NSF CAREER award #1845166. B.M. acknowledges funding from the Stanford QFARM Initiative and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.We describe simulations of the quantum dynamics of a confocal cavity QED system that realizes an intrinsically driven-dissipative spin glass. A close connection between open quantum dynamics and replica symmetry breaking is established, in which individual quantum trajectories are the replicas. We observe that entanglement plays an important role in the emergence of replica symmetry breaking in a fully connected, frustrated spin network of up to 15 spin-1/2 particles. Quantum trajectories of entangled spins reach steady-state spin configurations of lower energy than that of semiclassical trajectories. Cavity emission allows monitoring of the continuous stochastic evolution of spin configurations, while backaction from this projects entangled states into states of broken Ising and replica symmetry. The emergence of spin glass order manifests itself through the simultaneous absence of magnetization and the presence of nontrivial spin overlap density distributions among replicas. Moreover, these overlaps reveal incipient ultrametric order, in line with the Parisi replica symmetry breaking solution for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. A nonthermal Parisi order parameter distribution, however, highlights the driven-dissipative nature of this quantum optical spin glass. This practicable system could serve as a test bed for exploring how quantum effects enrich the physics of spin glasses.Peer reviewe

    Entanglement and replica symmetry breaking in a driven-dissipative quantum spin glass

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    We describe simulations of the quantum dynamics of a confocal cavity QED system that realizes an intrinsically driven-dissipative spin glass. A close connection between open quantum dynamics and replica symmetry breaking is established, in which individual quantum trajectories are the replicas. We observe that entanglement plays an important role in the emergence of replica symmetry breaking in a fully connected, frustrated spin network of up to fifteen spin-1/2 particles. Quantum trajectories of entangled spins reach steady-state spin configurations of lower energy than that of semiclassical trajectories. Cavity emission allows monitoring of the continuous stochastic evolution of spin configurations, while backaction from this projects entangled states into states of broken Ising and replica symmetry. The emergence of spin glass order manifests itself through the simultaneous absence of magnetization and the presence of nontrivial spin overlap density distributions among replicas. Moreover, these overlaps reveal incipient ultrametric order, in line with the Parisi RSB solution ansatz for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. A nonthermal Parisi order parameter distribution, however, highlights the driven-dissipative nature of this quantum optical spin glass. This practicable system could serve as a testbed for exploring how quantum effects enrich the physics of spin glasses.Comment: 23 pages including 11 figures and 8 appendices; section V and appendix F are ne

    Tunable-range, photon-mediated atomic interactions in multimode cavity QED

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    Funding: EPSRC program TOPNES (EP/I031014/1) (KEB, JK), Leverhulme Trust (IAF-2014-025) (JK).Optical cavity QED provides a platform with which to explore quantum many-body physics in driven-dissipative systems. Single-mode cavities provide strong, infinite-range photon-mediated interactions among intracavity atoms. However, these global all-to-all couplings are limiting from the perspective of exploring quantum many-body physics beyond the mean-field approximation. The present work demonstrates that local couplings can be created using multimode cavity QED. This is established through measurements of the threshold of a superradiant, self-organization phase transition versus atomic position. Specifically, we experimentally show that the interference of near-degenerate cavity modes leads to both a strong and {tunable-range} interaction between Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) trapped within the cavity. We exploit the symmetry of a confocal cavity to measure the interaction between real BECs and their virtual images without unwanted contributions arising from the merger of real BECs. Atom-atom coupling may be tuned from short range to long range. This capability paves the way toward future explorations of exotic, strongly correlated systems such as quantum liquid crystals and driven-dissipative spin glasses.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Enhancing associative memory recall and storage capacity using confocal cavity QED

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    Funding: Y.G. and B.M. acknowledgefunding from the Stanford Q-FARM Graduate Student Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, respectively. J.K. acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust (IAF-2014-025), and S.G. acknowledges funding from the James S. McDonnell and Simons Foundations and an NSF Career Award.We introduce a near-term experimental platform for realizing an associative memory. It can simultaneously store many memories by using spinful bosons coupled to a degenerate multimode optical cavity. The associative memory is realized by a confocal cavity QED neural network, with the modes serving as the synapses, connecting a network of superradiant atomic spin ensembles,which serve as the neurons. Memories are encoded in the connectivity matrix between the spins and can be accessed through the input and output of patterns of light. Each aspect of the scheme is based on recently demonstrated technology using a confocal cavity and Bose-condensed atoms. Our scheme has two conceptually novel elements. First, it introduces a new form of random spin system that interpolates between a ferromagnetic and a spin glass regime as a physical parameter is tuned—the positions of ensembles within the cavity. Second, and more importantly, the spins relax via deterministic steepest-descent dynamics rather than Glauber dynamics. We show that this nonequilibrium quantum-optical scheme has significant advantages for associative memory over Glauber dynamics: These dynamics can enhance the network’s ability to store and recall memories beyond that of the standard Hopfield model. Surprisingly, the cavity QED dynamics can retrieve memories even when the system is in the spin glass phase. Thus, the experimental platform provides a novel physical instantiation of associative memories and spin glasses as well as provides an unusual form of relaxational dynamics that is conducive to memory recall even in regimes where it was thought to be impossible.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Spinor self-ordering of a quantum gas in a cavity

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    Funding: J. K. acknowledges support from SU2P.We observe the joint spin-spatial (spinor) self-organization of a two-component BEC strongly coupled to an optical cavity. This unusual nonequilibrium Hepp-Lieb-Dicke phase transition is driven by an off-resonant two-photon Raman transition formed from a classical pump field and the emergent quantum dynamical cavity field. This mediates a spinor-spinor interaction that, above a critical strength, simultaneously organizes opposite spinor states of the BEC on opposite checkerboard configurations of an emergent 2D lattice. The resulting spinor density-wave polariton condensate is observed by directly detecting the atomic spin and momentum state and by holographically reconstructing the phase of the emitted cavity field. The latter provides a direct measure of the spin state, and a spin-spatial domain wall is observed. The photon-mediated spin interactions demonstrated here may be engineered to create dynamical gauge fields and quantum spin glasses.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe