6 research outputs found

    Type-after-type:Practical and complete type-safe memory reuse

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    Temporal memory errors, such as use-after-free bugs, are increasingly popular among attackers and their exploitation is hard to stop efficiently using current techniques. We present a new design, called Type-After-Type, which builds on abstractions in production allocators to provide complete temporal type safety for C/C++ programs-ensuring that memory reuse is always type safe-and efficiently hinder temporal memory attacks. Type-After-Type uses static analysis to determine the types of all heap and stack allocations, and replaces regular allocations with typed allocations that never reuse memory previously used by other types. On the heap, Type-After-Type splits available memory into separate pools for each type. For the stack, Type-After-Type efficiently implements type-safe memory reuse for the first time, pushing variables on separate stacks according to their types, unless they are provably safe (e.g., their address is not taken), in which case they are zero-initialized and kept on a special stack. In our evaluation, we show that Type-After-Type stops a variety of real-world temporal memory attacks and on SPEC CPU2006 incurs a performance overhead of 4.3% and a memory overhead of 17.4% (geomean)

    BinRec:Atack surface reduction through dynamic binary recovery

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    Compile-time specialization and feature pruning through static binary rewriting have been proposed repeatedly as techniques for reducing the attack surface of large programs, and for minimizing the trusted computing base. We propose a new approach to attack surface reduction: dynamic binary lifting and recompilation. We present BinRec, a binary recompilation framework that lifts binaries to a compiler-level intermediate representation (IR) to allow complex transformations on the captured code. After transformation, BinRec lowers the IR back to a "recovered" binary, which is semantically equivalent to the input binary, but has its unnecessary features removed. Unlike existing approaches, which are mostly based on static analysis and rewriting, our framework analyzes and lifts binaries dynamically. The crucial advantage is that we can not only observe the full program including all of its dependencies, but we can also determine which program features the end-user actually uses. We evaluate the correctness and performance of Bin-Rec, and show that our approach enables aggressive pruning of unwanted features in COTS binaries

    Fast and Generic Metadata Management with Mid-Fat Pointers

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    Delta Pointers: Buffer Overflow Checks Without the Checks

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    Despite decades of research, buffer overflows still rank among the most dangerous vulnerabilities in unsafe languages such as C and C++. Compared to other memory corruption vulnerabilities, buffer overflows are both common and typically easy to exploit. Yet, they have proven so challenging to detect in real-world programs that existing solutions either yield very poor performance, or introduce incompatibilities with the C/C++ language standard. We present Delta Pointers, a new solution for buffer overflow detection based on efficient pointer tagging. By carefully altering the pointer representation, without violating language specifications, Delta Pointers use existing hardware features to detect both contiguous and non-contiguous overflows on dereferences, without a single check incurring extra branch or memory access operations. By focusing on buffer overflows rather than other vulnerabilities (e.g., underflows), Delta Pointers offer a unique checkless design to provide high performance while still maintaining compatibility. We show that Delta Pointers are effective in detecting arbitrary buffer overflows and, at 35% overhead on SPEC, offer much better performance than competing solutions

    Fast and Generic Metadata Management with Mid-Fat Pointers

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