33 research outputs found

    Anabaena bergii Ostenf. [f. minor (Kisselev) Kossinsk.] (Cyanoprokaryota): The first record in Serbia, its taxonomic status, and that of the genus Anabaena Bory ex Born. & Flah.

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    Within the framework of a detailed survey of the algal community in salt marshes of the Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia), we rather unexpectedly found the blue-green alga Anabaena bergii Ostenf. [forma minor (Kisselev) Kossinsk.] in water samples from Slatina Pond near Opovo. Our finding represents its first record in Serbia. The present paper gives general characteristics of this alga and of the habitat in which it was found. Based on analysis of a large number of works dealing with characteristics and the taxonomic status of the genus Anabaena, the species A. bergii, and its forma minor, it is concluded that there are numerous problems in taxonomy of the given genus, with no consensus among researchers. In light of the available data, the authors retain the name of the species A. bergii, but accept forma minor with some reserve


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    The study aimed to examine the changes in seed vigor and oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower over three years (2002-2005) in two type storage conditions differed in terms of air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Affected by storage longevity, on an average, seed vigor decreased by 13.5% in maize and by 26.5% in both soybean and sunflower, respectively. Seed oil content decreased by 0.58% in maize, 1.68% in soybean and 8.04% in sunflower. Differences in seed vigor and oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes into crop. Storage longevity was negatively associated with seed vigor and oil content. At storage conditions by 12°C/60%, decline of seed vigor was less by 7% (maize), by 11% (sunflower, soybean) and decreasing of seed oil content was less for 0.25% (maize), 0.53% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions by 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, followed by soybean and the highest ones in sunflower. Decreasing seed quality losses is possible with providing suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja dorađenog nezaprašenog sjemena hibrida kukuruza i suncokreta te sorata soje na vigor i sadržaj ulja nakon skladištenja od 36 mjeseci (2002.-2005.) u dva tipa skladišta različite temperature i vlage zraka (S1: 25°C/75% i S2 12°C/60%). Nakon skaldištenja, vigor sjemena je umanjen za 13,5% kod kukuruza, 26,5% kod soje i 27,1% kod suncokreta. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu je umanjen za 0,58% kod kukuruza, 1,68% kod soje i za 8,04% kod suncokreta. Duljinom skladištenja umanjen je vigor i sadržaj ulja. U uvjetima skladišta S1 je manje umanjenje vigora za 7% (kukuruz), 11% (suncokret, soja), kao i manje umanjenje sadržaja ulja za 0,25% (kukuruz), 0,53% (soja) i 1.75% (suncokret) u odnosu na uvjete skladištenja u skladištu S2. Kakvoća sjemena je tijekom skladištenja ovisna o vrsti kultivara, genotipu i uvjetima skladištenja


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    The study aimed to examine the changes in seed vigor and oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower over three years (2002-2005) in two type storage conditions differed in terms of air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Affected by storage longevity, on an average, seed vigor decreased by 13.5% in maize and by 26.5% in both soybean and sunflower, respectively. Seed oil content decreased by 0.58% in maize, 1.68% in soybean and 8.04% in sunflower. Differences in seed vigor and oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes into crop. Storage longevity was negatively associated with seed vigor and oil content. At storage conditions by 12°C/60%, decline of seed vigor was less by 7% (maize), by 11% (sunflower, soybean) and decreasing of seed oil content was less for 0.25% (maize), 0.53% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions by 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, followed by soybean and the highest ones in sunflower. Decreasing seed quality losses is possible with providing suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja dorađenog nezaprašenog sjemena hibrida kukuruza i suncokreta te sorata soje na vigor i sadržaj ulja nakon skladištenja od 36 mjeseci (2002.-2005.) u dva tipa skladišta različite temperature i vlage zraka (S1: 25°C/75% i S2 12°C/60%). Nakon skaldištenja, vigor sjemena je umanjen za 13,5% kod kukuruza, 26,5% kod soje i 27,1% kod suncokreta. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu je umanjen za 0,58% kod kukuruza, 1,68% kod soje i za 8,04% kod suncokreta. Duljinom skladištenja umanjen je vigor i sadržaj ulja. U uvjetima skladišta S1 je manje umanjenje vigora za 7% (kukuruz), 11% (suncokret, soja), kao i manje umanjenje sadržaja ulja za 0,25% (kukuruz), 0,53% (soja) i 1.75% (suncokret) u odnosu na uvjete skladištenja u skladištu S2. Kakvoća sjemena je tijekom skladištenja ovisna o vrsti kultivara, genotipu i uvjetima skladištenja


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    Cilj je istraživanja bio procijeniti visinu, stabilnost i adaptabilnost prinosa ulja nekoliko domaćih hibrida suncokreta. Pokusi su provedeni na tri lokaliteta (Osijek, Karanac i Feričanci) tijekom 2002. i 2003. godine, a obuhvaćali su 9 eksperimentalnih i pet priznatih hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. U analizi stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti korištena su četiri parametra: ekovalenca, koeficijent regresije, odstupanje od regresije te model prema Francisu i Kannenbergu. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da postoje razlike u visini prinosa ulja te stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti između pojedinih hibrida. Visokim prinosima, stabilnošću i širokom adaptabilnošću izdvojili su se hibridi: Apolon, Olio, (59A x 5B) x O3 i (253A x 5B) x O3. Nisu utvrđene značajne korelacije između prinosa zrna i ulja i parametara stabilnosti, što upućuje da je moguće stvoriti visokog i stabilnog prinosa, široke opće adaptabilnosti. Jaka visoko značajna korelacija između ekovalence i varijance odstupanja od regresije upućuje na to da se procjena stabilnosti može izvršiti samo s jednim parametrom.The aim of this research work was to assess height, stability and adaptability of oil yield in several Croatian sun- flower hybrids. Trials were conducted on three locations (Osijek, Karanac and Feri anci) during vegetation years 2002 and 2003. In the research work nine experimental and five recognized sunflower hybrids of Agricultural Institute Osijek were included. Four parameters were used for analysis of stability and adaptability: ecovalence, regression coefficient, deviation from regression, Francis and Kannenberg model. The results showed differences between hybrids in oil yield, stability and adaptability. High oil yield, stability and wide adaptability have hybrids: Apolon, Olio, (59A x 5B) x O3 and (253A x 5B) x O3. There were no significant correlations between kernel and oil yield and stability parameters. It indicates possibility for creation of hybrids with high and stabile yield and wide general adaptability. Highly significant correlation between ecovalence and deviation of regression showed that it is possible to assess stability with just one parameter


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    Cilj je istraživanja bio analizirati komponente prinosa ulja, njihove međusobne odnose putem jednostavnih koeficijenata korelacije te izravne i neizravne učinke na prinos ulja putem path analize. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 24 hibrida suncokreta, a analizirani su: visina biljke, promjer glavice, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa, prinos zrna, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Potpuna korelacija utvrđena je izmeđ u prinosa zrna i prinosa ulja, jaka između hektolitarske mase i prinosa ulja te srednja između prinosa ulja i svojstava: masa 1000 zrna, visina biljke te sadržaj ulja. Između prinosa zrna i sadržaja ulja nije utvrđena korelacija. Najveći izravan utjecaj na prinos ulja ostvario je prinos zrna, zatim slijedi sadržaj ulja, a preostala četiri svojstva su u neznatnoj mjeri utjecala na prinos ulja jer je njihovo djelovanje bilo prikriveno neizravnim utjecajem, u prvom redu prinosom zrna.The objective of investigation was to analyse oil yield components and their relations by simple coefficient correlations as well as direct and indirect effects to oil yield by path analysis. Twenty-four sunflower hybrids were included in the investigation and their seven traits (plant height, head diameter, 1000 seed weight, hec- tolitar mass, grain yield, oil content and oil yield). Very strong positive correlation was estimated between grain yield and oil yield, strong positive correlation between hectolitar mass and oil yield, and middle corre- lation among oil yield and: 1000 seed weight, plaint height and oil content. There was no correlation between grain yields and oil content. Grain yield showed the strongest effect to oil yield. Oil content had lower effect to oil yield. Other traits showed no significant effect to oil yield, and their effect to oil yield was covered by indirect effect of grain yield

    Dystrophia retinae pigmentosa sine pigmento as a cause of early working disability

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    Prikazana su tri bolesnika (dva zaposlena na poslovima elektrovarioca, jedan na poslovima ljevača-talioca) kod kojih se radilo o nedijagnosticiranoj nasljednoj bolesti Dystrophia retinae pigmentosa sine pigmento prije zaposlenja, a kasnije je ta bolest bila razlog za promjenu poslova i radnih zadataka nakon kratkog radnog staža.Three cases of dystrophia retinae pigmentosa sine pigmento are described. In two welders and one founder the disease, which failed to be diagnosed at preemployment screening examination. appeared after a short period of work causing disability. The workers had to be removed from their workplaces and changed occupation


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    Procjena općih (OKS) i specifičnih (SKS) kombinacijskih sposobnosti linija, učinaka gena te izdvajanje najboljih hibridnih kombinacija za visinu biljke i promjer glave sastavni je dio oplemenjivačkog programa na suncokretu, a provodi se zbog izbora linija koje će omogućiti stvaranje hibrida dobrih agronomskih svojstava. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 6 inbred linija, 15 dvolinijskih križanaca, 15 eksperimentalnih trolinijskih križanaca i tri priznata hibrida. U procjeni kombinacijskih sposobnosti korišteni su samo F1 izravni križanci. Značajnost razlika između srednjih vrijednosti hibrida je testirana LSD testom, u prvoj godini u odnosu na prosjek pokusa, a u drugoj u odnosu na komercijalni hibrid Orion, koji je standard za priznavanje hibrida suncokreta. Na oba lokaliteta, najviše učinke OKS za visinu biljke ostvarila je linija L- 5, a za promjer glave linija L- 103. Najniže učinke SKS za visinu biljke ostvarili su križanci 5A x 103B i 101A x 302B. Najbolje kombinacije za promjer glave su 5A x 302B i 103A x 219B. Udio genetske u odnosu na okolinsku varijancu bio je veći za visinu biljke, a manji za promjer glave. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su za visinu biljke aditivni genetski učinci važniji od dominantnih, a za promjer glave važniji su dominantni učinci.Estimation of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities of lines, gene effects as well as extraction of the best hybrid combinations for plant height and head diameter is integral part of sunflower breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. It conducts it due to choice of lines that will enable creation of hybrids with good agronomic traits. The research included 6 inbred lines, 15 single crosses, 15 experimental three way and three approved hybrids. Only F1 direct crosses were used in the estimation of combining abilities. Significance of differences among mean values of hybrids was tested by LSD test, in the first year in relation to mean of trial, and in the second year in relation to commercial hybrid Orion being a standard hybrid for approval of new sunflower hybrids. On both localities, the highest GCA effects for plant height were realized by the line L-5, and for head diameter line L-103. The lowest SCA effects for plant height had crosses 5A x 103B and 101A x 302B. The best combinations for head diameter are 5A x 302B and 103A x 219B. Portion of genetic in relation to environmental variance was higher for plant height, and lower for head diameter. The research has shown that additive gene effects for plant height were more important than dominant effects, but for head diameter dominant effects were more important


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    Procjena općih (OKS) i specifičnih (SKS) kombinacijskih sposobnosti linija, učinaka gena te izdvajanje najboljih hibridnih kombinacija za visinu biljke i promjer glave sastavni je dio oplemenjivačkog programa na suncokretu, a provodi se zbog izbora linija koje će omogućiti stvaranje hibrida dobrih agronomskih svojstava. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 6 inbred linija, 15 dvolinijskih križanaca, 15 eksperimentalnih trolinijskih križanaca i tri priznata hibrida. U procjeni kombinacijskih sposobnosti korišteni su samo F1 izravni križanci. Značajnost razlika između srednjih vrijednosti hibrida je testirana LSD testom, u prvoj godini u odnosu na prosjek pokusa, a u drugoj u odnosu na komercijalni hibrid Orion, koji je standard za priznavanje hibrida suncokreta. Na oba lokaliteta, najviše učinke OKS za visinu biljke ostvarila je linija L- 5, a za promjer glave linija L- 103. Najniže učinke SKS za visinu biljke ostvarili su križanci 5A x 103B i 101A x 302B. Najbolje kombinacije za promjer glave su 5A x 302B i 103A x 219B. Udio genetske u odnosu na okolinsku varijancu bio je veći za visinu biljke, a manji za promjer glave. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su za visinu biljke aditivni genetski učinci važniji od dominantnih, a za promjer glave važniji su dominantni učinci.Estimation of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities of lines, gene effects as well as extraction of the best hybrid combinations for plant height and head diameter is integral part of sunflower breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. It conducts it due to choice of lines that will enable creation of hybrids with good agronomic traits. The research included 6 inbred lines, 15 single crosses, 15 experimental three way and three approved hybrids. Only F1 direct crosses were used in the estimation of combining abilities. Significance of differences among mean values of hybrids was tested by LSD test, in the first year in relation to mean of trial, and in the second year in relation to commercial hybrid Orion being a standard hybrid for approval of new sunflower hybrids. On both localities, the highest GCA effects for plant height were realized by the line L-5, and for head diameter line L-103. The lowest SCA effects for plant height had crosses 5A x 103B and 101A x 302B. The best combinations for head diameter are 5A x 302B and 103A x 219B. Portion of genetic in relation to environmental variance was higher for plant height, and lower for head diameter. The research has shown that additive gene effects for plant height were more important than dominant effects, but for head diameter dominant effects were more important

    Supplementary material for: "Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities"

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    Table S1 Relative abudance (%) of epilithic diatoms on research localities of the Raška River. Table S2 Relative abudance (%) of potamoplankton at research localities of the Raška River. Table S3 Relative abudance (%) of macrozoobenthos on research localities of the Raška River.Supplementary material for: Stojanović, K., Živić, M., Dulić, Z., Marković, Z., Krizmanić, J., Milošević, D., Miljanović, B., Jovanović, J.,& Vidaković, D. (2017). Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer., 189(8), 403. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6114-0]Published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4545