25 research outputs found

    Бронхофонография как метод для прогнозирования исходов респираторного дистресс-синдрома у недоношенных новорожденных

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    Respiratory distress syndrome infants — the most common pathology in preterm infants, as well as the reason for the formation of such chronic lung diseases as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Possibility of using new research techniques, such as bronchophonography to assess functional changes in the respiratory tract and predict the outcome of BPD in preterm with RDS is quite promising. The article presents the results of a prospective cohort study of comparative parameters broncho-phonography in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Using the method of logistic regression, a mathematical model to predict the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in this group of children. Determined that the most common form bronchopulmonary dysplasia premature, at which the probability of occurrence greater than or equal to 50%.Респираторный дистресс-синдром (РДС) новорожденных — наиболее частая патология недоношенных детей, а также причина формирования такого хронического заболевания легких, как бронхолегочная дисплазия. Возможность использования новых методик исследования, например бронхофонографии, для оценки функциональных изменений респираторного тракта и прогнозирования исхода в бронхолегочную дисплазию у недоношенных с РДС является достаточно перспективной. В статье изложены результаты когортного проспективного сравнительного исследования параметров бронхофонографии у недоношенных новорожденных с РДС. С помощью метода логистической регрессии построена математическая модель, позволяющая прогнозировать риск развития бронхолегочной дисплазии у данного контингента детей. Определено, что наиболее часто формируют бронхолегочную дисплазию недоношенные, у которых вероятность наступления события больше или равна 50%

    The choosing of genotoxicants for hygienic reglamentation in air

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    The industrial town inhabitants are exposed to a great number of chemical pollutants of unknown carcinogenicity. The correlation and regression analysis of relations between the children's lymphocytes genome instability indexes and chemicals accumulated in snow in their residence places were performed in Magmtigorsk town. The potential carcinogenic chemicals (methylphenanthrene, methylcyclopenthane, benzanthracene et al) that have the priority for the establishment of consumption standards were selected by this means.Описана стратегия выбора потенциальных канцерогенов из множества веществ, присутствующих в атмосферном воздухе промышленного города и приоритетных для углубленного изучения биологической активности и разработки гигиенических нормативов. Приведены результаты апробации этого подхода в Магнитогорске

    Development of methods for controlling organic impurities in wastewater treatment

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    Electrical conductivity was studied aqueous solutions of surface-active substances (surfactants) different nature depending on the concentration of electrolytes in solution, in order to control the content of harmful impurities of organic nature in mineralized waters conductometric method. It has been established that the specific electric conductivity decreased with increasing surfactant concentration, however, the nature of the changes in solutions of low-molecular and colloidal surfactants is different. In the case of low-molecular surfactants, the dependence has a linear form, for example, for a solution of butanol with an ionic potassium chloride force of 2 mol / m3, according to the equation: y = -0,0604x + 0,5085, and for solutions of colloidal surfactants – extremal, passing through a minimum. An increase in the ionic strength of the medium for solutions of surfactant ionogenic (sodium oleate) and nonionic type (neonol AF 9–10) leads to a decrease in the minimum on the concentration curve of electrical conductivity. A decrease in the value of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) for sodium oleate from 1.1 10-3 mol / dm3, up to 0.4 · 10-3 mol / dm3 at a concentration of potassium chloride in a solution of 2 mol / m3, and CMC = 0, 1 10-3 mol / dm3 at an ionic strength of the solution of 10 mol / m3. In the case of neonol AF 9–10 (CMC = 1.24 ? 10-4 mol / dm3), an increase in the electrolyte concentration, for example KCl from 2 to 75 mol / m3 in the solution, does not shift the CMC point in the entire ionic strength range of the medium. Thus, the extreme character of the dependence of the conductivity isotherms of colloidal surfactants in the region of low ionic strengths of the solution, can serve as an analytical signal for the detection of impurities of the amphiphilic nature and the possibility of predicting the overall mineralization of complex water

    Broncho-phonography as a method for predicting the outcome of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants

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    Respiratory distress syndrome infants — the most common pathology in preterm infants, as well as the reason for the formation of such chronic lung diseases as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Possibility of using new research techniques, such as bronchophonography to assess functional changes in the respiratory tract and predict the outcome of BPD in preterm with RDS is quite promising. The article presents the results of a prospective cohort study of comparative parameters broncho-phonography in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Using the method of logistic regression, a mathematical model to predict the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in this group of children. Determined that the most common form bronchopulmonary dysplasia premature, at which the probability of occurrence greater than or equal to 50%

    The study of antioxidant activity of white tea

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    Antioxidants protect the organism from the harmful effects of free radicals. High content of antioxidants is characteristic for red wine, olive oil, tea. Today in Russia is well studied the antioxidant activity of black and green tea, but the choice of teas found in the sale, much wider. The aim of the work was to study antioxidant activity of white tea, as well as its comparison with the parameters of green tea and rooibos. Spectrophotometrically compared the antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts white, green tea, drink rooibos using the adrenaline autooxidation reaction in alkaline medium (pH 10.65). The correctness of the spectrophotometric determination was confirmed on the device “Tsvet Yauza-01-AA” (Russia). As a standard used quercetin. In the initial period of time (up to 5 min) tea extracts “Java”, «Elixir immortality» and rooibos are equally affect the values of optical density. After 10 min the optical density takes different values for different extracts, however this time is recommended to determine antioxidant activity. The highest antioxidant activity of the extract has white tea «Greenfield». Rooibos extract antioxidant activity could be compared with “Elixir of immortality” white tea аctivity. The lowest value of antioxidant activity of green tea “Princess JAVA”. The effect of water temperature on the antioxidant activity of extracts was investigated. The highest value was found in tea «Greenfield» at a brewing temperature of 70 °C, which decreases with increasing temperature to 100 °C. The water temperature has a minimal effect on the antioxidant activity of the rooibos extract, but a small maximum at 80 °C is observed. The minimum value of antioxidant activity is the extract of green tea «Princess JAVA», but it increases with the temperature rise up to 100 °C. The study was conducted according to the content of antioxidants from the brewing time. For this, the device “Tsvet Yauza-01-AA” was used. To determine the selected white tea extract «Elixir of Immortality». The temperature was maintained at 100 °C. It is found that the recommended brewing time is two minutes


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