4 research outputs found

    Identification of a membrane-less compartment regulating invadosome function and motility

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    Abstract Depletion of liprin-α1, ERC1 or LL5 scaffolds inhibits extracellular matrix degradation by invasive cells. These proteins co-accumulate near invadosomes in NIH-Src cells, identifying a novel invadosome–associated compartment distinct from the core and adhesion ring of invadosomes. Depletion of either protein perturbs the organization of invadosomes without influencing the recruitment of MT1-MMP metalloprotease. Liprin-α1 is not required for de novo formation of invadosomes after their disassembly by microtubules and Src inhibitors, while its depletion inhibits invadosome motility, thus affecting matrix degradation. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching shows that the invadosome–associated compartment is dynamic, while correlative light immunoelectron microscopy identifies bona fide membrane–free invadosome–associated regions enriched in liprin-α1, which is virtually excluded from the invadosome core. The results indicate that liprin-α1, LL5 and ERC1 define a novel dynamic membrane-less compartment that regulates matrix degradation by affecting invadosome motility

    A Method to Culture GABAergic Interneurons Derived from the Medial Ganglionic Eminence

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    Understanding the mechanisms guiding interneuron development is a central aspect of the current research on cortical/hippocampal interneurons, which is highly relevant to brain function and pathology. In this methodological study we have addressed the setup of protocols for the reproducible culture of dissociated cells from murine medial ganglionic eminences (MGEs), to provide a culture system for the analysis of interneurons in vitro. This study includes the detailed protocols for the preparation of the dissociated cells, and for their culture on optimal substrates for cell migration or differentiation. These cultures enriched in interneurons may allow the investigation of the migratory behavior of interneuron precursors and their differentiation in vitro, up to the formation of morphologically identifiable GABAergic synapses. Live imaging of MGE–derived cells plated on proper substrates shows that they are useful to study the migratory behavior of the precursors, as well as the behavior of growth cones during the development of neurites. Most MGE-derived precursors develop into polarized GABAergic interneurons as determined by axonal, dendritic, and GABAergic markers. We present also a comparison of cells from WT and mutant mice as a proof of principle for the use of these cultures for the analysis of the migration and differentiation of GABAergic cells with different genetic backgrounds. The culture enriched in interneurons described here represents a useful experimental system to examine in a relatively easy and fast way the morpho-functional properties of these cells under physiological or pathological conditions, providing a powerful tool to complement the studies in vivo