11 research outputs found

    Effects of Photo and Genotype-Based Misidentification Error on Estimates of Survival, Detection and State Transition using Multistate Survival Models

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    We simulated multistate capture histories (CHs) by varying state survival (ϕ), detection (p) and transition (ψ), number of total capture occasions and releases per capture occasion and then modified these scenarios to mimic false rejection error (FRE), a common misidentification error, resulting from the failure to match samples of the same individual. We then fit a multistate model and estimated accuracy, bias and precision of state-specific ϕ, p and ψ to better understand the effects of FRE on different simulation scenarios. As expected, ϕ, and p, decreased in accuracy with FRE, with lower accuracy when CHs were simulated under a shorter-term study and a lower number of releases per capture occasion (lower sample size). Accuracy of ψ estimates were robust to FRE except in those CH scenarios simulated using low sample size. The effect of FRE on bias was not consistent among parameters and differed by CH scenario. As expected, ϕ was negatively biased with increased FRE (except for the low ϕ low p CH scenario simulated with a low sample size), but we found that the magnitude of bias differed by scenario (high p CH scenarios were more negatively biased). State transition was relatively unbiased, except for the low p CH scenarios simulated with a low sample size, which were positively biased with FRE, and high p CH scenarios simulated with a low sample size. The effect of FRE on precision was not consistent among parameters and differed by scenario and sample size. Precision of ϕ decreased with FRE and was lowest with the low ϕ low p CH scenarios. Precision of p estimates also decreased with FRE under all scenarios, except the low ϕ high p CH scenarios. However, precision of ψ increased with FRE, except for those CH scenarios simulated with a low sample size. Our results demonstrate how FRE leads to loss of accuracy in parameter estimates in a multistate model with the exception of ψ when estimated using an adequate sample size

    Spatially explicit model of wintering common loons: conservation implications

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    Common loons Gavia immer are a conservation concern in New England due to a variety of anthropogenic factors, yet little is known about biotic and abiotic environmental factors determining their wintering distribution and abundance in nearshore and offshore waters. The primary objective of this study was to develop a spatially explicit abundance model of wintering common loons in the maritime waters of southern New England (USA) that could inform decisions about offshore development. Aerial line-transect surveys were conducted throughout a 3800 km2 study area off the coast of Rhode Island during the winters of 2010–2011 and 2011–2012. A density surface model (DSM) approach was used to account for imperfect detection and incorporate spatially explicit environmental covariates. Common loon densities were greatest in watersdeep, with high chl a surface concentrations (\u3e2 mg m−3). The DSM predicted 5047 (95% CI = 3993−6379) common loons in the study area during winter, which suggests this region provides key habitat for this species in eastern North America. This study highlights important areas for common loons in the region, suggests key biotic (primary productivity as measured by long-term chl a surface concentrations) and abiotic covariates (water depth) driving the spatial distribution and abundance of common loons in southern New England, and identifies sites that should be considered for protection from offshore development, including offshore wind facilities

    Rapid environmental degradation in a subarctic ecosystem influences resource use of a keystone avian herbivore

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    Summary 1. Environmental degradation can change resource use strategies of animals and thereby affect survival and fitness. Arctic herbivores may be especially susceptible to the effects of such environmental change because their rapid growth rates demand high-quality forage, which may be limited as environmental conditions deteriorate. We studied the consequences of a trophic cascade, driven by Lesser Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) overgrazing on the south-west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada, which has caused tidal marsh (TM) degradation and the reduction in highquality forage plants, on gosling growth and resource use. 2. We compared resource use and body size of goslings that inhabited tidal and freshwater marsh (FM) to determine how current foraging strategies influence growth and to test the hypothesis that during early growth goslings require and so consume high-quality TM plants, but that during later growth they may switch to foraging in lower-quality FM. 3. To investigate gosling resource use throughout growth, we measured once a week for 28 days the body size of goslings as well as stable isotope ratios (d C) in multiple tissues of goslings that were collected from both TM and nearby FM. We also measured the stable isotope ratios in forage plants sampled along transects and from gosling foreguts. We used an isotopemixing model to determine the contribution of FM plants to gosling tissues. 4. Contrary to the proposed hypothesis, goslings inhabiting FM or TM primarily consumed FM plants during early growth. Furthermore, goslings that foraged extensively in FM had similar growth rates and grew to a similar size and body mass, as goslings that foraged in the degraded TM. However, goslings that currently inhabit freshwater or TM were significantly smaller than goslings that inhabited TM in the 1980s prior to habitat degradation. 5. Consequences of smaller overall body size include decreased survival and fecundity for arcticnesting geese. The ability of phenotypically plastic responses to sustain persistence is limited by reaction norms and the extent of environmental change. Current research is assessing whether those limits have been reached in this system

    Using Land-Based Surveys to Assess Sea Duck Abundance and Behavior in Nearshore Waters of Southern New England, USA

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    Nearshore waters provide very important habitat for sea ducks (Tribe Mergini) during migration and winter, but gathering information on sea duck use of shallow nearshore waters is challenging because traditional aerial and boat-based surveys are expensive, are usually conducted infrequently, and are often not feasible near the coast. The objective of this study was to use land-based surveys to characterize spatiotemporal variation in the abundance and behavior (e.g., foraging, flying) of Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) and scoters (Melanitta spp.) in nearshore waters of southern New England. Surveys (60–120 min per survey, n = 1,044 surveys) were conducted throughout the day from February 2009 to July 2010 to assess diurnal and seasonal variation in sea duck behavior and spatial distribution at nine sites in southern Rhode Island. The density of sea ducks resting or foraging on the water exhibited little diurnal variation, whereas flight activity dramatically increased nearer to sunrise. Sea duck densities and passage rates (individuals/km2/hr) peaked during migration periods from October through November and February through April, although there were important seasonal differences between sites. For example, the highest densities of Common Eider during fall were in a protected estuary, whereas abundance of scoters during fall was greater at a coastal headland. The relative activity of Common Eider on the water and in flight was similar among sites, whereas scoters exhibited highly variable activity among sites, particularly during winter and spring. The spatiotemporal patterns in abundance and behavior of sea ducks in nearshore waters that we detected using land-based surveys provides essential, complementary information to that available from other types of waterfowl and seabird surveys in southern New England

    Developing a wintering waterfowl community baseline for environmental monitoring of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island [version 3; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    In 2004, the Atlantic Ecology Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development began an annual winter waterfowl survey of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay. Herein, we explore the survey data gathered from 2004 to 2011 in order to establish a benchmark understanding of our waterfowl communities and to establish a statistical framework for future environmental monitoring. The abundance and diversity of wintering waterfowl were relatively stable during the initial years of this survey, except in 2010 when there was a large spike in abundance and a reciprocal fall in diversity. There was no significant change in ranked abundance of most waterfowl species, with only Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) and Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucllatus) showing a slight yet significant upward trend during the course of our survey period. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to examine the community structure of wintering waterfowl. The results of the NMDS indicate that there is a spatial structure to the waterfowl communities of Narragansett Bay and this structure has remained relatively stable since the survey began. Our NMDS analysis helps to solidify what is known anecdotally about the bay’s waterfowl ecology, and provides a formalized benchmark for long-term monitoring of Narragansett Bay’s waterfowl communities. Birds, including waterfowl, are preferred bioindicators and we propose using our multivariate approach to monitor the future health of the bay. While this research focuses on a specific area of New England, these methods can be easily applied to novel areas of concern and provide a straightforward nonparametric approach to community-level monitoring. The methods provide a statistic test to examine potential drivers of community turnover and well-suited visualization tools

    Root mean square error (left panels), residual bias (center panels) and standard error (right panels) of Ï•A estimates with the four different CH simulation scenarios.

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    <p>False rejection rate ranged from 0% to 25%. Lines represent mean values of the 1,000 simulated iterations. Line style represents number of releases per capture occasion and line color represents number of capture occasions simulated (3 or 10 capture occasions).</p

    Regional and intraseasonal variation in diet of wintering and staging Atlantic brant

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    Regional and intraseasonal patterns of food use influence populations through impacts on breeding success, survival, and distribution of individuals. We used both traditional foregut content analysis and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in liver and leg muscle to determine intraseasonal patterns in the diet of Atlantic brant geese (Branta bernicla hrota) from early winter through spring staging (1 Dec-31 May 2007-2008) along the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Overall, brant diet consisted of macroalgae (52%), salt marsh cordgrass (22%), eelgrass (18%), and terrestrial grass and clover (8%). Mean δ13C and δ15N values differed among these 4 food sources. Therefore, we used an isotope mixing-model (SIAR) to estimate the relative contributions of each source to brant diet among regions and months. Wintering brant in northern and southern regions ate mostly macroalgae throughout the wintering period and ate more salt marsh and terrestrial grasses in spring. Brant in central regions had a more stable diet from December to May. Regional and intraseasonal patterns in brant diet are likely affected by several factors including variation in food source availability and quality due to synergistic effects of long-term annual and intraseasonal changes in abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation. Our estimates of diet combined with information on brant daily energy requirements and forage quality can be used to more accurately determine carrying capacity of wintering brant geese given established population objectives

    Key seabird areas in southern New England identified using a community occupancy model

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    Seabirds are of conservation concern, and as new potential risks to seabirds are arising, the need to provide unbiased estimates of species\u27 distributions is growing. We applied community occupancy models to detection/non-detection data collected from repeated aerial striptransect surveys conducted in 2 large study plots off southern New England, USA; one off the coast of Rhode Island and the other in Nantucket Sound. A total of 17 seabird species were observed at least once in each study plot. We found that detection varied by survey date and effort for most species and the average detection probability across species was less than 0.4. We estimated the influence of water depth, sea surface temperature, and sea surface chl a concentration on species-specific occupancy. Diving species showed large differences between the 2 study plots in their predicted winter distributions, which were largely explained by water depth acting as a stronger predictor of occupancy in Rhode Island than in Nantucket Sound. Conversely, similarities between the 2 study plots in predicted winter distributions of surface-feeding species were explained by sea surface temperature or chlorophyll a concentration acting as predictors of these species\u27 occupancy in both study plots. We predicted the number of species at each site using the observed data in order to detect \u27hot-spots\u27 of seabird diversity and use in the 2 study plots. These results provide new information on detection of species, areas of use, and relationships with environmental variables that will be valuable for biologists and planners interested in seabird conservation in the region