2 research outputs found

    Self-perceived employability of university students: Connection with current labour market situation and some personality dispositions

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati odnos percipirane zapošljivosti studenata s objektivnom zapošljivošću i dispozicijskim osobinama. Objektivna zapošljivost je određena kao trenutno stanje na tržištu rada - definirani su lakše i teže zapošljivi studiji. Mjerene dispozicije su temeljna samoevaluacija (CSES), lokus kontrole (Rotter’s LOCS), pozitivan i negativan afekt (PANAS). Percipirana zapošljivost je mjerena pomoću ‘Skale samopercipirane zapošljivosti studenata’ (Rothwell i sur., 2008). Uzorak je činilo 230 studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Glavni nalazi navode da studenti trenutno lakše zapošljivih studija percipiraju višu razinu vlastite zapošljivosti. Značajne povezanosti s percipiranom zapošljivošću su dobivene za sve pojedinačne dispozicijske osobine, osim za lokus kontrole. Hijerarhijska regresijska analiza je pokazala da objektivna zapošljivosti ima najveći postotni doprinos u objašnjavanju varijance percipirane zapošljivosti, dok je dispozicija temeljne samoevaluacije pokazala značajan dodatni doprinos u objašnjavanju varijance percipirane zapošljivosti.The aim of this study was to investigate self-perceived employability of university students in relation to objective employability and personality dispositions. Objective employability was defined in terms of current trends in the labour market – highly employable and less employable groups of faculty studies were defined. Assessed personality dispositions include the core self-evaluations (CSES), locus of control (Rotter’s LOCS), positive and negative affect (PANAS). Self-perceived employability was measured with ‘Self-perceived employability scale for university students’ (Rothwell et al. 2008). This study’s sample included a total of 230 students at the University of Zagreb. General findings suggest that students from currently more employable faculty studies perceive higher levels of employability. Significant correlations with self-perceived employability were found for all individual personality disposition variables, except for locus of control. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that objective employability accounted for the highest percentage of explained variance of self-perceived employability, whereas the core self-evaluations disposition showed significant unique contribution to variance of self-perceived employability

    Determinants of Higher Education Students\u27 Self-Perceived Employability

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    Percipirana zapošljivost označuje pojedinčevu percepciju vlastite mogućnosti ostvarenja održiva zaposlenja, koje je u skladu s postignutom razinom kvalificiranosti, odnosno stručnom spremom. Ona je važna za određivanje slijeda tranzicija vezanih uz posao te za formiranje strategija nošenja s nestabilnosti posla. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati odnos percipirane zapošljivosti studenata s objektivnom zapošljivosti nakon završetka određenoga studija i nekim osobinama ličnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovao prigodan uzorak studenata (N = 230) s devet studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Objektivna zapošljivost nakon završetka studija određena je na temelju "Preporuka za obrazovnu upisnu politiku i politiku stipendiranja" (HZZ, 2013). Svi sudionici ispunili su on-line upitnike kojima su mjerene osobine ličnosti (temeljna samoevaluacija, lokus kontrole, pozitivan i negativan afekt) te percipirana zapošljivost. Provedene analize pokazale su da objektivna zapošljivost najviše pridonosi objašnjenju varijance percipirane zapošljivosti. Iako su sve osobine ličnosti (osim lokusa kontrole) bile značajno povezane s percipiranom zapošljivosti, značajan doprinos objašnjenju varijance percipirane zapošljivosti povrh objektivne zapošljivosti dobiven je samo za osobinu temeljne samoevaluacije.Self-perceived employability denotes how individuals view their possibilities of attaining sustainable employment in relation with their qualifications. Thus, employability perceptions hold invaluable importance when one is presented with job insecurity and also help form coping strategies. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between self-perceived employability, objective employability and personality dispositions. We used a convenience sample of students (N=230) from nine different faculty studies at the University of Zagreb. Objective employability was defined by "Recommendations for education enrollment and scholarship policy" (HZZ, 2013). Students participated via on-line survey by giving responses on self-perceived employability and personality disposition scales (core self-evaluations, locus of control, positive and negative affect). The analysis demonstrated that objective employability had the biggest account for variance explanation of self-perceived employability. Despite significant correlations displayed between all personality dispositions (except for locus of control) and self-perceived employability, only the core self-evaluations disposition accounted for the significant unique contribution to self- -perceived employability variance, besides objective employability