916 research outputs found

    Teaching Rhyme Word Recognition Through Constant Time Delay to a Student with Moderate to Severe Disabilities

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    Marital Expectation Fulfillment and its Relationship to Height of Marital Expectations, Optimism, and Relationship Self-Efficacy Among Married Individuals

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    Problem The literature is clear that individuals report higher marital satisfaction when their expectations are fulfilled in marriage, but there is disagreement in the literature as to what role height of expectations plays in expectation fulfillment. Further research in this area was needed to clarify these disagreements and identify variables that interact with height of expectations to determine marital satisfaction. Method Participants completed surveys that measured their a) martial satisfaction, b) optimism, c) relationship self-efficacy, d) height of marital expectations, and e) the extent to which participants felt their marital expectations were being met. Structural equation modeling was used to test a proposed model of the relationship between participants’ height of martial expectations, optimism, relationship self-efficacy, belief that their marital expectations are being met, and their marital satisfaction. Results Structural equation modeling indicated that the original model was a poor fit for the data. Modification indices were used to revise the model. The revised model excluded optimism, as it did not contribute much to the model. It also accounted for relationships that had not originally been considered. The revised model revealed that high expectations were negatively correlated with marital satisfaction, unless they were fulfilled. Fulfillment of expectations was positively correlated with marital satisfaction. Having a combination of high expectations and high relationship self-efficacy was the best predictor of feeling that one’s expectations were met in marriage. Relationship self-efficacy accounted for the largest variance in marital expectation fulfillment. Conclusions This study lays to rest the long-standing disagreement in the literature about whether high marital expectations are good or bad. It suggests that whether one’s expectations are fulfilled impacts marital satisfaction more than the height of their expectations. This has implications for marriage researchers, marriage educators, and mental health professionals who work with couples. It suggests the need to shift focus from modifying the expectations of the couples we work with and instead focus on how the couple can get their expectations met. This study suggests that one way to do this may be to increase each partners’ relationship self-efficacy, a variable that is related to expectation fulfillment

    The Impact of Disease-Modifying Therapy Access Barriers on People With Multiple Sclerosis: Mixed-Methods Study.

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    BACKGROUND: In the United States, people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) can face difficulty accessing disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) because of insurance, pharmacy, or provider policies. These barriers have been associated with poor adherence and negative health outcomes. OBJECTIVE: The goals of this study were to describe the overall occurrence of difficulties and delays associated with gaining access to DMTs among people with RRMS, to assess DMT adherence during periods of reduced access, and to contextualize the patients\u27 journey from receipt of a prescription for DMT to obtaining and taking their medication when faced with access barriers. METHODS: We recruited US-based adults self-reporting RRMS from a Web-based health data-sharing social network, PatientsLikeMe. Individuals were invited to complete a Web-based survey if they reported a diagnosis of RRMS and were prescribed a DMT for MS. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with 10 respondents who reported experiencing an MS-related relapse during the time they had experienced challenges accessing DMTs. RESULTS: Among 507 survey completers, nearly half were either currently experiencing an issue related to DMT assess or had difficulty accessing a DMT in the past (233/507, 46.0%). The most frequently reported reasons for access difficulty were authorization requirements by insurance companies (past issues: 78/182, 42.9%; current issues: 9/42, 21%) and high out-of-pocket costs (past issues: 54/182, 29.7%; current issues: 13/42, 31%). About half (20/39, 51%) of participants with current access issues and over a third (68/165, 41.2%) of those with past issues went without their medication until they could access their prescribed DMT. Relapses were reported during periods of reduced DMT access for almost half (56/118, 47.5%) of those with past issues and nearly half (22/45, 49%) of those with current issues. Resolving access issues involved multiple stakeholder agents often coordinated in a patient-led effort. Among those who had resolved issues, about half (57/119, 47.9%) reported that doctors or office staff were involved, under half (48/119, 40.3%) were involved themselves, and about a third (39/119, 32.8%) reported the drug manufacturer was involved in resolving the issue. Follow-up interviews revealed that the financial burden associated with obtaining a prescribed DMT led to nonadherence. Additionally, participants felt that DMT treatment delays and stress associated with obtaining the DMT triggered relapses or worsened their MS. CONCLUSIONS: This study expands current research by using a patient-centered, mixed-methods approach to describe barriers to MS treatment, the process to resolve barriers, and the perceived impact of treatment barriers on outcomes. Issues related to DMT access occur frequently, with individuals often serving as their own agents when navigating access difficulties to obtain their medication(s). Support for resolution of DMT access is needed to prevent undue stress and nonadherence

    Compelling Statement Agreements in Bankruptcy Cases: Holding Their Feet to the Fire

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    Symposium - An Analysis of Developments in Bankruptcy La

    The Restricted Firearms License: A Proposal to Preserve Second Amendment Rights and Reduce Gun Violence in the United States

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    In the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, President Obama and others have called for legislative measures to combat gun violence. So far, most of these proposals have focused on three principal approaches: (1) making all firearms transfers subject to National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) approval, (2) limiting firearm magazine capacity, and (3) banning models of semi-automatic firearms that possess certain "military purpose" features.We strongly support the first of these approaches, which would eliminate the "gun show loophole" and require background checks for private party firearm sales. Instead of bans on magazine capacity and "military purpose" features, however – bans which together are commonly known as an "Assault Weapons Ban" (AWB) – we propose a five-year, renewable "Restricted Firearms License" program for the ownership of handguns, centerfire semi-automatic rifles, and semi-automatic shotguns

    Suspected Malignant Hyperthermia and the Application of a Multidisciplinary Response

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    Purpose: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a critical and potentially life-threatening emergency associated with inhaled anesthetic and depolarizing neuromuscular blocker administration. This is a single center’s response to MH. Summary: When signs of MH are observed, a page for “anesthesia STAT-MH crisis” is called, triggering a multidisciplinary response, including the deployment of a Malignant Hyperthermia Cart. The MH cart and the delegation of duties allows nurses, physicians and pharmacists to quickly understand their role in the stabilization, transition and recovery of a suspected MH patient. Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of multi-disciplinary involvement in these rare, but potentially fatal, cases

    The Role of Umwelt in Animal Curiosity: A Within and Between Species Comparison of Novelty Exploration in Mongooses

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    In its broadest sense, curiosity has been described as an intrinsic motivation to acquire novel information; this ‘novelty-seeking’ is notably in the absence of any immediate reward. One way to examine information seeking in animals, has been to present animals with novel objects and measure the way animals gather information through exploration. While this is a standardized and common paradigm, few studies have focused on what factors influence how animals perceive novelty, whilst considering the predicted impacts of an animal’s ‘umwelt’ on exploration. In this study we assessed explorative behaviors in mongooses through both an intra and interspecific view. First, in meerkats (Suricata suricatta) tested in their natural environment, we established that they distinguish familiar from unfamiliar and show increased exploration of novel objects. We also found that odor influenced the meerkats’ explorative action, so that non-odorous items were manipulated longer. Presence of conspecifics influenced approaches to novelty, but not the exploration per se. Human presence interacted with an individual’s level of habituation to impact approaches and exploration of novelty and we found a strong captivity effect on exploration between captive and wild meerkats. Between species analysis showed that yellow mongooses (Cynictis penicillate), a less social mongoose than meerkats, showed higher levels of novelty exploration, when tested within the same habitat. Thus, these findings show that multiple factors, including perceptual abilities (merkwelt) and social factors (sozialwelt), are decisive for when and how animals explore their environment and must be considered both when designing novelty paradigm tests and their interpretations

    Targeting Hispanic Immigrants with Food Safety Communications

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    Hispanics are the largest minority population in the United States, according to the 2000 U.S. Census, and the fastest growing. If they are immigrants, they are often dealing with cultural issues as well as new technological applications and social systems. The need for education programs and dissemination of food safety information to this growing segment of the population is evident. This study sought to determine the group’s knowledge of food safety and its primary channels for receiving such information. A questionnaire was developed and translated into Spanish. Face-to-face data collection facilitated by a trusted community partner proved to be a successful means of collecting data from this audience, who are often difficult to reach and may be unwilling to speak with people associated with government. Specific areas of lack of knowledge emerged. The respondents struggled most with questions about proper handling of leftovers containing meat, accurate water temperature for washing and rinsing dishes, handling frozen foods, and defrosting meat. From the attitude questions, the authors found that the target group felt food safety was important, was more threatened in food service outlets than in the home, and was overemphasized. The channel used most frequently and trusted most was television

    Analysis of Endocrine Response to Perceived Difference in Cross-cultural Interactions

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    We live in a world where awareness of ethnic and cultural diversity is an ever increasing reality. Business and education turn to the social sciences to inform them about how to manage and optimize cross-cultural interactions. Although much research has been done on the impact of cross-cultural interactions on a wide range of variables, one less researched area is the endocrine response to cross-cultural interactions. In this study we set out to investigate the endocrine response to cross cultural interactions and the impact of these interactions on perceived differences. To do so we measured the pre and post levels of the stress hormone cortisol of individuals communicating in dyads for 15 minutes. Results showed a significant impact of ethnic interaction on perceived differences and cortisol levels. Practical implications of these findings could have application in the areas of education, psychology, business and human relations in general. Implications for further research are discussed
