12 research outputs found

    Alternative methods for the treatment of post-menopausal troubles

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    [english] Menopause is described as the transition from the reproductive phase of a women to the non reproductive. Changes in hormone levels might lead to complaints and health consequences especially during peri- and postmenopause. Hormone therapy has a potential damaging health risk profile and is recommended for temporal limited therapy for acute vasomotor symptoms only.The present HTA-report aims to assess the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of alternative treatment methods for women with postmenopausal symptoms in Germany regarding patient relevant endpoints (reduction of symptoms and frequency of adverse events and improvement of quality of life).A systematic literature search was carried out in 33 relevant databases in September 2010. Citations were selected according to pre-defined criteria and were extracted and evaluated.In the systematic research 22 studies are identified for the effectiveness evaluation, 22 primary studies and one review.High doses of isolated genistein reduce the frequency/intensity of hot flashes while low doses of genistein show no significant effect. Intake of isoflavone extract such as genistein, daidzein, glycitein in various combinations does not have an effect on improvement of cognitive function or vaginal dryness. The effect of black cohosh and hop extract for menopausal complaints cannot be determined since results are heterogenous. The combination of isoflavone, black cohosh, monk’s pepper, valerian and vitamin E has a positive effect on menopause symptoms. Ginkgo biloba shows no significant effect on menopause symptoms and cognitive improvement beside mental flexibility. Acupuncture has a significant influence on hot flashes especially in severe cases.No final statement can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of alter­ne treatment methods due to qualitative shortcomings of included studies and a general limited availability of studies in this field. Furthermore, the generalization of the present HTA is limited due to the inclusion of only postmenopausal women.<br><br>[german] Als Wechseljahre wird der Übergang von der reproduktiven Phase der Frau zur nicht-reproduktiven beschrieben. Insbesondere in der Peri- und Postmenopause können Beschwerden aufgrund des sich veränderten Hormonspiegels auftreten. Aktuell wird die Hormontherapie wegen der mit dieser verbundenen Risiken nur noch zur kurzfristigen Behandlung akuter vasomotorischer Symptome empfohlen. Von den betroffenen Frauen werden alternative und komplementäre Heilmethoden eingesetzt.Im vorliegenden Health Technology Assessment (HTA) sollen die Effektivität und Kosteneffektivität alternativer Behandlungsmethoden von postmenopausalen Wechseljahresbeschwerden in Deutschland hinsichtlich der patientenrelevanten Endpunkte Verringerung der Symptomatik, Häufigkeit unerwünschter Ereignisse sowie Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bewertet werden. In 33 relevanten Datenbanken wird im September 2010 eine systematische Literatursuche durchgeführt. Gefundene und relevante Literaturstellen werden gemäß vorab definierter Kriterien selektiert. Die Daten der Literaturstellen werden gezielt herausgesucht, bewertet und zusammenfassend beurteilt.Aus der systematischen Recherche werden 22 Studien, davon 15 Primärstudien und ein Review zur Bewertung der Effektivität identifiziert.Hochdosiertes isoliertes Genistein reduziert die Anzahl/Schwere von Hitzewallungen, während niedrig dosiertes Genistein keinen signifikanten Effekt zeigt. Die Gabe von Isoflavonextrakten, die Genistein, Daidzein, Glycitein in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung enthalten, hat keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Verbesserung kognitiver Fähigkeiten oder vaginale Trockenheit. Traubensilberkerzen- und Hopfenextrakt führen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen bezüglich der Wirksamkeit bei postmenopausalen Beschwerden, sodass keine abschließende Aussage zur Effektivität getroffen werden kann. Die Kombination von Isoflavonen, Traubensilberkerze, Mönchspfeffer, Baldrian und Vitamin E hat eine positive Wirkung auf postmenopausale Symptome. Ginkgo biloba zeigt keinen signifikanten Effekt auf postmenopausale Symptome und eine kognitive Verbesserung mit Ausnahme der mentalen Flexibilität. Akupunktur hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf Hitzewallungen, insbesondere auf deren Schweregrad.Aufgrund der qualitativen Mängel (Concealment, Randomisierung, Fallzahlplanung) der eingeschlossenen Studien und der begrenzten Anzahl an Studien kann keine abschließende zusammenfassende Bewertung zur Wirksamkeit alternativer Heilmethoden gegeben werden. Die Verallgemeinerbarkeit des vorliegenden HTA wird durch die Beschränkung auf postmenopausale Frauen reduziert

    Stable biochemically micro-patterned hydrogel layers control specific cell adhesion and allow long term cyclic tensile strain experiments

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    Poly(dimethylsiloxane) can be covalently coated with ultrathin NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) hydrogel layers which permit covalent binding of cell adhesive moieties, while minimizing unspecific cell adhesion on non-functionalized areas. We applied long term uniaxial cyclic tensile strain (CTS) and revealed (a) the preservation of protein and cell-repellent properties of the NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) coating and (b) the stability and bioactivity of a covalently bound fibronectin (FN) line pattern. We studied the adhesion of human dermal fibroblast (HDFs) on non-modified NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) coatings and on the FN. HDFs adhered to FN and oriented their cell bodies and actin fibers along the FN lines independently of the direction of CTS. This mechanical long term stability of the bioactive, patterned surface allows unraveling biomechanical stimuli for cellular signaling and behavior to understand physiological and pathological cell phenomenon. Additionally, it allows for the application in wound healing assays, tissue engineering, and implant development demanding spatial control over specific cell adhesion

    Myoblast morphology and organization on biochemically micro-patterned hydrogel coatings under cyclic mechanical strain

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    Mechanical forces and geometric constraints play critical roles in determining cell functionality and tissue development. Novel experimental methods are essential to explore the underlying biological mechanisms of cell response. We present a versatile method to culture cells on adhesive micro-patterned substrates while applying long-term cyclic tensile strain (CTS). A polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) mold is coated with a cell repulsive NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) hydrogel which in turn is covalently patterned by fibronectin using micro-contact printing. This results in two-dimensional, highly selective cell-adhesive micro-patterns. The substrates allow application of CTS to adherent cells for more than 4 days under cell culture conditions without unspecific adhesion. The applicability of our system is demonstrated by studying the adaptive response of C2C12 skeletal myoblasts seeded on fibronectin lines with different orientations relative to the strain direction. After application of CTS (amplitude of 7%, frequency of 0.5 Hz) we find that actin fiber organization is dominantly controlled by CTS. Nuclei shape is predominantly affected by the constraint of the adhesive lines, resulting in significant elongation. Morphologically, myotube formation was incomplete after 4 days of culture, but actin striations were observed exclusively on the 45 degrees line patterns subjected to CTS, the direction of maximum shear strain