3 research outputs found

    Report on SHAFE policies, strategies and funding

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    The objective of Working Group (WG) 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge exchange and to foster a cross-European interdisciplinary research capacity, to improve cooperation and co-creation with cross-sectors stakeholders and to introduce and educate students SHAFE implementation and sustainability (CB01, CB03, CB04, CB05). To enable the achievement of the objectives of Working Group 4, the Leader of the Working Group, the Chair and Vice-Chair, in close cooperation with the Science Communication Coordinator, developed a template (see annex 1) to map the current state of SHAFE policies, funding opportunities and networking in the COST member countries of the Action. On invitation, the Working Group lead received contributions from 37 countries, in a total of 85 Action members. The contributions provide an overview of the diversity of SHAFE policies and opportunities in Europe and beyond. These were not edited or revised and are a result of the main areas of expertise and knowledge of the contributors; thus, gaps in areas or content are possible and these shall be further explored in the following works and reports of this WG. But this preliminary mapping is of huge importance to proceed with the WG activities. In the following chapters, an introduction on the need of SHAFE policies is presented, followed by a summary of the main approaches to be pursued for the next period of work. The deliverable finishes with the opportunities of capacity building, networking and funding that will be relevant to undertake within the frame of Working Group 4 and the total COST Action. The total of country contributions is presented in the annex of this deliverable


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    ABSTRAK Preeklamsia dapat dicegah apabila didukung oleh kesadaran ibu hamil untuk patuh dalam pemanfaatan layanan ANC. ANC berkualitas yang dilakukan tenaga kesehatan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang kesehatan ibu hamil, bersalin dan nifas. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisa faktor yang paling berpengaruh dari ibu hamil preeklamsia supaya patuh dalam pemanfaatan layanan ANC di wilayah kecamatan Pemalang. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional bersifat explanatory research. Sebanyak 66 responden dipilih secara purposive, menggunakan quesioner, dan data diolah secara distribusi. Variabel yang berpengaruh : riwayat keturunan hipertensi dan atau DM (0,037), pengetahuan (p-value 0,021), akseptabilitas (p-value 0,018), dukungan dan sikap tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,041), dan dukungan suami (p-value 0,045). Variabel yang tidak berpengaruh : umur (p-value 0,239), paritas (p-value 0,714), tingkat pendidikan (p-value 0,394), pekerjaan (p-value 0,316), sikap (p-value 0,714), persepsi kerentanan (p-value 0,665), persepsi kegawatan (p-value 0,233), persepsi manfaat (p value 0,066) dan dukungan keluarga (p-value 0,067). Variabel paling dominan berpengaruh adalah variabel pengetahuan (p-value 0,015) dengan OR (Exp B) 5,527. Kata Kunci : Kepatuhan, ibu hamil preeklamsia, ANC 聽 ABSTRACT Preeclampsia can prevented if supported by the awareness of pregnant women to obey the service ANC. ANC performed by qualified health personnel and public awareness about the health of pregnant women, maternity and childbirth. The aim is to analyze the most influential factors of maternal preeclampsia to obey the ANC service utilization. Quantitative research with cross sectional on pregnant women with preeclampsia in Pemalang district. A 66 respondents taken with purposive, using quessionaire, data analyse with distribution. Related variables : hypertension or DM (0,037), knowledge (p-value 0.021), acceptability (p-value 0.018), support-attitude of health workers (p-value 0.041), and the support of her husband (p-value 0.045). Not related variable: age (p-value 0.239), parity (p-value 0.714), educational level (p-value 0.394), occupation (p-value 0.316), attitude (p-value 0.714), perception of vulnerability (p-value 0.665), perception of severity (p-value 0.233), perceived benefits (p-value 0.066), family support (p-value 0.067). Dominant variable is knowledge (p-value 0.015) OR (Exp B) 5.527. Keywords : Compliance, preeclampsia pregnant women, AN