11 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Tanaman Singkong Menjadi Produk Es Krim Untuk Masyarakat Desa Kepek Kecamatan Saptosari Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Cassava or cassava is one of the largest food sources in Indonesia. Cassava is an alternative food that is rich in carbohydrates. In Kepek Village, Saptosari District, there are many crops produced from agriculture, namely rice, corn, cassava, peanuts, and soybeans. This journal will discuss the process of making ice cream with cassava-based ingredients, as well as a discussion of the mapping of village potentials owned by Kepek Village, Saptosari District. The method of making cassava ice cream is by utilizing the harvest products owned by Kepek Village, Saptosari District, by peeling and washing cassava. Then do soaking in water for 24 hours. Combine water, coconut milk, cornstarch, sugar, refined salt, sweetened condensed milk, and emulsifier in a saucepan. After that, the ice cream was put in the freezer for 24 hours with a temperature parameter of 4Ā°C. The results of the development of making ice cream using cassava as a base ingredient can find out another effective and interesting process regarding the utilization of agricultural products, namely cassava

    Kajian Daerah Resapan Air Sebagai Peningkatan Sumber Daya Air Desa Krambilsawit Kecamatan Saptosari Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Krambil Sawit Village often experiences drought and sometimes it is difficult to get clean water sources. Biopores, absorption wells and reforestation are methods to maintain water availability by conserving groundwater. The purpose of this research is to provide important knowledge and information to residents in Krambil Sawit village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta to obtain clean water by making biopores, absorption wells and reforestation.Ā In this Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) using online system, the method used is a qualitative research method that begins with conducting a location survey and analyzing data from Krambil Sawit Village, google maps, and online news portals available on Google. Socialization of biopores, absorption wells, and reforestation through videos and e-booksĀ  made by groups 35 KKNĀ  78.Ā The results of the community service research conducted by the 35 Group were that the community obtained important knowledge and information regarding groundwater conservation by making biopic infiltration holes, infiltration wells and improved reforestation that can process standing rainwater into a source of clean water that is beneficial to residents around the village. Krambil Sawit Village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

    Pemetaan Potensi Desa Ngestirejo

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    The village potential mapping was carried out in Ngestirejo Village, Gunungkidul Regency which was selected in accordance with the decision of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta (UAJY). The purpose of this paper is to see and describe the potential that exists in Ngestirejo Village that can be developed by the local community which can be found through various sources on the internet and written works of other sources. Ngestirejo Village has several village potentials that can be developed, such as in the tourism sector, which consists of natural and cultural tourism and agriculture

    Pengembangan Potensi Desa Kanigoro Melalui Wisata Pantai Pringjono Serta Penyuluhan Tentang Covid-19

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    Kanigoro Village is a village that has a lot of beauty, but unfortunately, these beauties are still not exposed. For this reason, the compilers agreed to do two types of work programs in Kanigoro Village; Village Potentials and Pocket Books. Regarding the potential of the village, the compilers choose Pringjono Beach because this beach can be a characteristic of Kanigoro Village. Then the compilers also choose to make a Pocketbook about Covid-19 because the Covid-19 pandemic is still a trend in Indonesia and the world. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge of village potential that can be utilized especially in the Kanigoro Village and provide knowledge and understanding of the Covid-19 pandemic which is currently a hot topic. The method that the compilers do is to observe village data through the village website and other information related through news or other official websites. The result of these activities is that Pringjono Beach as the potential of Kanigoro Village expected to advance Kanigoro Village of income and image village. In addition, through the pocketbook ā€œSmart Against Covid-19ā€, the people of Kanigoro Village also have a proper understanding of the Covid-19 virus, especially the dangers, prevention, and handling

    Konsep Garden City di Kawasan Kotabaru Yogyakarta

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    Abstract: Architecture is part of the overall process of the building and construction industry. The latest report by the World Green Building Council (WGBC) in 2019 states that buildings and construction are responsible for 39% of carbon emissions in the world. Therefore, the vision for 2050 needs to be supported by various research actions and their application in sustainability-related architecture. Simon Guy's writings about the practice of sustainable architecture that cannot be seen as a mere technological solution become the basis for inspiration on what types of research have been carried out. Architectural works analysis needs a more pluralistic view. Based on Simon Guy's research, a literature study using a rationalistic research paradigm with a quantitative deductive method was carried out. It is hoped that opportunities for design theme activities, research, and other activities with the theme of sustainable architecture can be identified. Based on the analysis of the six logics of sustainable architecture themes, there are still opportunities for studies in the eco-centric and eco-aesthetic fields. There is a finding that critical regional dimensions in sustainable architectural practice need to be clearly stated. At a more strategic level, the procurement of locally available materials and local development practices would be more profitable when considering the workforce's skills to reduce the negative impact of the ecological footprint on construction projects. The Socio-Cultural theme approach in solving energy problems and sustainable architecture is an essential issue in managing the future.Abstrak: Laporan terbaru World Green Building Council (WGBC) tahun 2019 menyebutkan bahwa bangunan dan konstruksi bertanggungjawab terhadap 39% emisi karbon di dunia. Visi untuk tahun 2050 perlu didukung dengan berbagai tindakan penelitian dan penerapannya dalam bidang arsitektur yang terkait dengan keberlanjutan. Tulisan Simon Guy tentang praktek arsitektur berkelanjutan yang tidak bisa dipandang sebagai pemecahan teknologi semata menjadi pijakan untuk menjadi inspirasi tentang jenis riset apa saja yang telah dilakukan. Pandangan yang lebih pluralistik dibutuhkan dalam menganalisis karya arsitektur. Penelitian studi pustaka ini berdasarkan tulisan Simon Guy yang menggunakan paradigma penelitian rasionalistik dengan metode deduktif kuantitatif. Diharapkan teridentifikasi peluang kegiatan bertema desain, penelitian dan kegiatan lain yang bertemakan arsitektur berkelanjutan. Berdasar analisis enam logika-logika tema arsitektur berkelanjutan, terbuka peluang yang lebih luas pada kajian-kajian bidang eco-centric dan eco aesthetic. Terdapat temuan bahwa dimensi regional yang penting dalam praktek arsitektur berkelanjutan harus dinyatakan dengan jelas. Pada tingkat yang lebih strategis pengadaaan bahan lokal yang tersedia dan praktek pembangunan daerah akan lebih menguntungkan apabila mempertimbangkan keterampilan tenaga kerja untuk mengurangi dampak negatif dari sisi jejak ekologis pada proyek konstruksi. Pendekatan tema Sosio-Kultural dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan energi dan arsitektur berkelanjutan menjadi isu penting dalam menata masa depan


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    Perancangan arsitektur seharusnya dapat mengakomodasi masyarakat dengan keterbatasan kemampuan fisik tertentu. Konsep aksesibilitas sudah mulai diterapkan pada fasilitas umum. Pengguna kursi roda memiliki standar dimensi ruang yang secara luas dipertimbangkan dalam perancangan bangunan. Rumah merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia. Perancangan rumah tinggal juga seharusnya dapat mengadaptasi kebutuhan bagi pengguna kursi roda. Sirkulasi yang diperhitungkan sesuai persyaratan adalah sirkulasi horisontal putaran kursi roda. Aktivitas dasar menghasilkan ruang-ruang inti dalam rumah tinggal sederhana. Kenyamanan sirkulasi pengguna kursi roda adalah faktor penting yang menentukan tata ruang-dalam rumah yang aksesibel

    Perancangan Taman Gizi Terpadu Pedukuhan Gumulan di Kelurahan Caturharjo

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    Gumulan village, one of 14 villages in Caturharjo Village, has the highest population density, which launched a movement of 14 vegetable villages in the form of a nutrition garden. This community service activity aimed to assist the Gumulan Village in reviving a nutrition garden that was abandoned due to the pandemic through an integrated nutrition garden design service with a green architecture approach. The added facilities based on the results of the identification of the villageā€™s problems and potency are intended to optimize the land use, empower communities and natural resources (bamboo), and develop local arts, which lead to improving the health and welfare of the population without destroying the environment. With the concept of green architecture, an integrated nutrition garden design can be realized as a space for gardening, exercising, playing, culinary tours, and performances that suit the environmental context


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    Sagan area is one of the historical regions in Yogyakarta. This area has a characteristic of the Dutch colonial heritage that visitors can still feel when they are there. These characteristics then become the region's identity that can give a particular feeling or impression to visitors, or can be called a sense of place. A sense of place is an essential aspect of architecture so that a design is maintained. A sense of place is defined as the bond between place and humans, which can be obtained from a combination of physical settings, activities, and meaning. This study aims to identify aspects of the sense of place, as seen from visitor preferences. The thing observed is related to the activity, physical settings, and what is felt by visitors. By knowing the preferences of visitors, it is hoped that it can be used to create a sense of place that suits the demands of today's needs. This research was conducted qualitatively and exploratively using a grounded theory approach. Data is collected through open-ended questionnaires about what respondents experienced. The data is then processed qualitatively by the method of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results showed that aspects of the Sagan region's physical setting, which are still preserved in the form of simple indische architectural features and tropical architecture, are the dominant factors that can create a sense of place. But based on an analysis of visitor preferences, changes in building functions are also needed to strengthen the sense of place of the Sagan region. Building functions that fit the character of today's visitors help visitors to feel the physical setting typical of the Sagan region. Thus it can be concluded that the sense of place can not only be formed by preserving its physical settings but also needs to be conducted a review of human preferences as actors who play a role in it