748 research outputs found

    Semi-Nonparametric Estimation and Misspecification Testing of Diffusion Models

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    We propose novel misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in Kristensen (Journal of Econometrics, 2010). We first demonstrate that given a preliminary estimator of either the drift or the diffusion term in a diffusion model, nonparametric kernel estimators of the remaining term can be obtained. We then propose misspecification tests of semparametric and fully parametric diffusion models that compare estimators of the transition density under the relevant null and alternative. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators and tests under the null are derived, and the power properties are analyzed by considering contiguous alternatives. Test directly comparing the drift and diffusion estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also analyzed. Markov Bootstrap versions of the test statistics are proposed to improve on the finite-sample approximations. The finite sample properties of the estimators are examined in a simulation study.diffusion process; kernel estimation; nonparametric; specification testing; semiparametric; transition density

    Testing Conditional Factor Models

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    Using nonparametric techniques, we develop a methodology for estimating conditional alphas and betas and long-run alphas and betas, which are the averages of conditional alphas and betas, respectively, across time. The tests can be performed for a single asset or jointly across portfolios. The traditional Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken (1989) test arises as a special case of no time variation in the alphas and factor loadings and homoskedasticity. As applications of the methodology, we estimate conditional CAPM and multifactor models on book-to-market and momentum decile portfolios. We reject the null that long-run alphas are equal to zero even though there is substantial variation in the conditional factor loadings of these portfolios.

    Higher Order Improvements for Approximate Estimators

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    Many modern estimation methods in econometrics approximate an objective function, through simulation or discretization for instance. The resulting "approximate" estimator is often biased; and it always incurs an efficiency loss. We here propose three methods to improve the properties of such approximate estimators at a low computational cost. The first two methods correct the objective function so as to remove the leading term of the bias due to the approximation. One variant provides an analytical bias adjustment, but it only works for estimators based on stochastic approximators, such as simulation-based estimators. Our second bias correction is based on ideas from the resampling literature; it eliminates the leading bias term for non-stochastic as well as stochastic approximators. Finally, we propose an iterative procedure where we use Newton-Raphson (NR) iterations based on a much finer degree of approximation. The NR step removes some or all of the additional bias and variance of the initial approximate estimator. A Monte Carlo simulation on the mixed logit model shows that noticeable improvements can be obtained rather cheaply.

    Estimation of Dynamic Latent Variable Models Using Simulated Nonparametric Moments

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    Abstract. Given a model that can be simulated, conditional moments at a trial parameter value can be calculated with high accuracy by applying kernel smoothing methods to a long simulation. With such conditional moments in hand, standard method of moments techniques can be used to estimate the parameter. Because conditional moments are calculated using kernel smoothing rather than simple averaging, it is not necessary that the model be simulable subject to the conditioning information that is used to define the moment conditions. For this reason, the proposed estimator is applicable to general dynamic latent variable models. It is shown that as the number of simulations diverges, the estimator is consistent and a higher-order expansion reveals the stochastic difference between the infeasible GMM estimator based on the same moment conditions and the simulated version. In particular, we show how to adjust standard errors to account for the simulations. Monte Carlo results show how the estimator may be applied to a range of dynamic latent variable (DLV) models, and that it performs well in comparison to several other estimators that have been proposed for DLV models.dynamic latent variable models; simulation-based estimation; simulated moments; kernel regression; nonparametric estimation

    Indirect likelihood inference

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    Given a sample from a fully specified parametric model, let Zn be a given finite-dimensional statistic - for example, an initial estimator or a set of sample moments. We propose to (re-)estimate the parameters of the model by maximizing the likelihood of Zn. We call this the maximum indirect likelihood (MIL) estimator. We also propose a computationally tractable Bayesian version of the estimator which we refer to as a Bayesian Indirect Likelihood (BIL) estimator. In most cases, the density of the statistic will be of unknown form, and we develop simulated versions of the MIL and BIL estimators. We show that the indirect likelihood estimators are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed, with the same asymptotic variance as that of the corresponding efficient two-step GMM estimator based on the same statistic. However, our likelihood-based estimators, by taking into account the full finite-sample distribution of the statistic, are higher order efficient relative to GMM-type estimators. Furthermore, in many cases they enjoy a bias reduction property similar to that of the indirect inference estimator. Monte Carlo results for a number of applications including dynamic and nonlinear panel data models, a structural auction model and two DSGE models show that the proposed estimators indeed have attractive finite sample properties.indirect inference; maximum-likelihood; simulation-based

    SNM Guide

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    This is a guide that explains how to use software that implements the simulated nonparametric moments (SNM) estimator proposed by Creel and Kristensen (2009). The guide shows how results of that paper may easily be replicated, and explains how to install and use the software for estimation of simulable econometric models.econometric software; dynamic latent variable models; simulation-based estimation; simulated moments; kernel regression; nonparametric estimation

    Semi-Nonparametric Estimation and Misspecification Testing of Diffusion Models

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    Nonparametric IV estimation of shape-invariant Engel curves

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    This paper concerns the identification and estimation of a shape-invariant Engel curve system with endogenous total expenditure. The shape-invariant specification involves a common shift parameter for each demographic group in a pooled system of Engel curves. Our focus is on the identification and estimation of both the nonparametric shape of the Engel curve and the parametric specification of the demographic scaling parameters. We present a new identification condition, closely related to the concept of bounded completeness in statistics. The estimation procedure applies the sieve minimum distance estimation of conditional moment restrictions allowing for endogeneity. We establish a new root mean squared convergence rate for the nonparametric IV regression when the endogenous regressor has unbounded support. Root-n asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency of the parametric components are also given under a set of Ѭow-level' sufficient conditions. Monte Carlo simulations shed lights on the choice of smoothing parameters and demonstrate that the sieve IV estimator performs well. An application is made to the estimation of Engel curves using the UK Family Expenditure Survey and shows the importance of adjusting for endogeneity in terms of both the curvature and demographic parameters of systems of Engel curves.

    Bounding quantile demand functions using revealed preference inequalities

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    This paper develops a new technique for the estimation of consumer demand models with unobserved heterogeneity subject to revealed preference inequality restrictions. Particular attention is given to nonseparable heterogeneity. The inequality restrictions are used to identify bounds on quantile demand functions. A nonparametric estimator for these bounds is developed and asymptotic properties are derived. An empirical application using data from the U.K. Family Expenditure Survey illustrates the usefulness of the methods by deriving bounds and confidence sets for estimated quantile demand functions.