36 research outputs found

    Laminin 521 Stabilizes the Pluripotency Expression Pattern of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Initially Derived on Feeder Cells

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    Human embryonic stem (hES) cells represent an important tool to study early cell development. The previously described use of human recombinant laminin (LN) 521 represented a step forward in generating clinically safe culture conditions. To test the short-term effect of LN521 on cultured hES cells, five male hES cell lines were cultured on human foreskin fibroblasts (hFFs), Matrigel, LN521, and LN121 and characterized by qPCR, immunofluorescence analysis, as well as their potential for three-germ layer differentiation. Variations in gene expression related to pluripotency, stemness, and testicular cells at different passages and culture conditions were evaluated by qPCR. All cell lines expressed pluripotency markers at protein and RNA level and were able to differentiate into cell types of the three germ layers after being cultured on LN521 for nine passages. Reduction in variation of pluripotency marker expression could be observed after culturing the cells on LN521 for nine passages. hES cells cultured on LN521 exhibited less differentiation, faster cell growth, and attachment when compared to hES cells cultured on LN121 or Matrigel. Our results indicate a positive effect of LN521 in stabilizing pluripotency gene expression and might be the first step towards more controllable and robust culture conditions for hES cells

    Cutavirus in cutaneous malignant melanoma

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    A novel human protoparvovirus related to human bufavirus and preliminarily named cutavirus has been discovered. We detected cutavirus in a sample of cutaneous malignant melanoma by using viral enrichment and high-throughput sequencing. The role of cutaviruses in cutaneous cancers remains to be investigated

    Cell-based non-invasive prenatal testing for monogenic disorders:confirmation of unaffected fetuses following preimplantation genetic testing

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    PURPOSE: Proof of concept of the use of cell-based non-invasive prenatal testing (cbNIPT) as an alternative to chorionic villus sampling (CVS) following preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders (PGT-M). METHOD: PGT-M was performed by combined testing of short tandem repeat (STR) markers and direct mutation detection, followed by transfer of an unaffected embryo. Patients who opted for follow-up of PGT-M by CVS had blood sampled, from which potential fetal extravillous throphoblast cells were isolated. The cell origin and mutational status were determined by combined testing of STR markers and direct mutation detection using the same setup as during PGT. The cbNIPT results with respect to the mutational status were compared to those of genetic testing of the CVS. RESULTS: Eight patients had blood collected between gestational weeks 10 and 13, from which 33 potential fetal cell samples were isolated. Twenty-seven out of 33 isolated cell samples were successfully tested (82%), of which 24 were of fetal origin (89%). This corresponds to a median of 2.5 successfully tested fetal cell samples per case (range 1–6). All fetal cell samples had a genetic profile identical to that of the transferred embryo confirming a pregnancy with an unaffected fetus, in accordance with the CVS results. CONCLUSION: These findings show that although measures are needed to enhance the test success rate and the number of cells identified, cbNIPT is a promising alternative to CVS. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: N-20180001 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10815-021-02104-5

    Uppeldisaðstæður og kannabisnotkun unglinga

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    Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að skoða hvort stuðningur og eftirlit foreldra og samsetning fjölskyldunnar hefði áhrif á kannabisnotkun unglinga. Notast var við gögn úr rannsókninni „Heilsa og lífskjör skólanema“. Þátt tóku 1918 nemendur í 10. bekk og af þeim svöruðu 1897, eða 98,9%. Rannsóknarspurningarnar voru eftirfarandi: Er kynjamunur á kannabisnotkun unglinga? Hefur stuðningur og aðhald foreldra áhrif á kannabisnotkun unglinga? Eru tengsl á milli uppeldishátta foreldra og kannabisnotkunar unglinga? Höfundar töldu megindlega aðferð henta best til að svara rannsóknarspurningunum. Við úrvinnslu gagna var kannabisnotkun unglinga borin saman við kyn, fjölskyldugerð, stuðning, aðhald og uppeldishætti foreldra. Þótt drengir greindu oftar frá notkun kannabisefna en stúlkur var munurinn ekki marktækur. Einnig kom fram að unglingar sem búa hjá báðum líffræðilegum foreldrum sínum neyta sjaldnast kannabisefna. Því meira eftirlit sem foreldrar hafa með unglingum, þeim mun ólíklegra er að þeir neyti kannabisefna. Neikvætt samband var á milli stuðnings foreldra og kannabisnotkunar unglinga. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að unglingar sem fá mikinn stuðning frá foreldrum sínum eru líklegri til að neyta kannabisefna. Börn staðfastra foreldra neyta sjaldnast kannabisefna, en börn hinna vanrækslusamari neyta þeirra oftast

    A Combination of Culture Conditions and Gene Expression Analysis Can Be Used to Investigate and Predict hES Cell Differentiation Potential towards Male Gonadal Cells.

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    Human embryonic stem cell differentiation towards various cell types belonging to ecto-, endo- and mesodermal cell lineages has been demonstrated, with high efficiency rates using standardized differentiation protocols. However, germ cell differentiation from human embryonic stem cells has been very inefficient so far. Even though the influence of various growth factors has been evaluated, the gene expression of different cell lines in relation to their differentiation potential has not yet been extensively examined. In this study, the potential of three male human embryonic stem cell lines to differentiate towards male gonadal cells was explored by analysing their gene expression profiles. The human embryonic stem cell lines were cultured for 14 days as monolayers on supporting human foreskin fibroblasts or as spheres in suspension, and were differentiated using BMP7, or spontaneous differentiation by omitting exogenous FGF2. TLDA analysis revealed that in the undifferentiated state, these cell lines have diverse mRNA profiles and exhibit significantly different potentials for differentiation towards the cell types present in the male gonads. This potential was associated with important factors directing the fate of the male primordial germ cells in vivo to form gonocytes, such as SOX17 or genes involved in the NODAL/ACTIVIN pathway, for example. Stimulation with BMP7 in suspension culture resulted in up-regulation of cytoplasmic SOX9 protein expression in all three lines. The observation that human embryonic stem cells differentiate towards germ and somatic cells after spontaneous and BMP7-induced stimulation in suspension emphasizes the important role of somatic cells in germ cell differentiation in vitro

    Laminin 521 Stabilizes the Pluripotency Expression Pattern of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Initially Derived on Feeder Cells

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    Human embryonic stem (hES) cells represent an important tool to study early cell development. The previously described use of human recombinant laminin (LN) 521 represented a step forward in generating clinically safe culture conditions. To test the short-term effect of LN521 on cultured hES cells, five male hES cell lines were cultured on human foreskin fibroblasts (hFFs), Matrigel, LN521, and LN121 and characterized by qPCR, immunofluorescence analysis, as well as their potential for three-germ layer differentiation. Variations in gene expression related to pluripotency, stemness, and testicular cells at different passages and culture conditions were evaluated by qPCR. All cell lines expressed pluripotency markers at protein and RNA level and were able to differentiate into cell types of the three germ layers after being cultured on LN521 for nine passages. Reduction in variation of pluripotency marker expression could be observed after culturing the cells on LN521 for nine passages. hES cells cultured on LN521 exhibited less differentiation, faster cell growth, and attachment when compared to hES cells cultured on LN121 or Matrigel. Our results indicate a positive effect of LN521 in stabilizing pluripotency gene expression and might be the first step towards more controllable and robust culture conditions for hES cells