488 research outputs found

    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users2019; awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Argyreia nervosa Burm.

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    Pharmacognostical parameters for the leaves of Argyreia nervosa Burm were studied with the aim of drawing the pharmacopoeial standards for this species. Macroscopical and microscopical characters, physio-chemical constants, quantitative microscopy parameters, extractive values with different solvents, fluorescence analysis of dry powder, its reaction after treatment with chemical reagents under visible light and UVlight at 254 nm and 366 nm. Preliminary phyto chemical screening on the leaves Argyreia nervosa Burm were studied. The determination of these characters will help future researchers in their Phytochemical as well as Pharmacological analyses of this species

    Seaweeds and its Applications: A Review

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    Kelp is one of the main living assets of the sea Despite their wide applications in food and feed businesses they have acquired significance as restorative sources due to their high mending antimicrobial and antioxidative properties As a rich wellspring of important compound parts ocean growth is utilized in different businesses like beauty care products Fuel water treatment and so on Being a plant of remarkable construction and biochemical arrangement ocean growth could be utilized profoundly for its multi-useful properties as food energy medication and beauty care products The dispersion properties and wide use of kelp are examined exhaustively in this pape

    Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of \u3cem\u3eSapindus trifoliatus\u3c/em\u3e Vahl.

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    Pharmacognostical parameters for the leaves of Sapindus trifoliatus Vahl. were studied with the aim of drawing the pharmacopoeial standards for this species. Macroscopical and microscopical characters, physio-chemical constants, extractive values with different solvents, fluorescence analysis of dry powder, its reaction after treatment with chemical reagents under visible light and UV light at 254 nm and 366 nm. Preliminary phytochemical studies on the leaves of Sapindus trifoliatus were performed. The determination of these characters will aid future investigators in their pharmacological analyses of this species

    Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of \u3cem\u3eArgyreia nervosa\u3c/em\u3e (Burm. \u3cem\u3ef\u3c/em\u3e.) Bojer

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    Pharmacognostical parameters for the leaves of Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer were studied with the aim of drawing the pharmacopoeial standards for this species. Macroscopical and microscopical characters, physio-chemical constants, quantitative microscopy parameters, extractive values with different solvents, fluorescence analysis of dry powder, its reaction after treatment with chemical reagents under visible light and UV light at 254 nm and 366 nm. Preliminary phyto chemical screening on the leaves of Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer were studied. The determination of these characters will help future researchers in their Phytochemical as well as Pharmacological analyses of this species

    Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Pregnant Women attending Institute of Venereology.

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    INTRODUCTION Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in women and children particularly in resource poor settings of developing world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 340 million new cases of STIs occurs world wide. 50% of new cases of STIs occur in South East Asia. STIs most commonly affect people aged 15 to 44 years, the most economically productive age. Many STIs are asymptomatic or people are reluctant to seek health care due to stigma attached to it. Women of child bearing age are at particular risk of sequelae from STIs due to the impact of many STIs on their reproductive health. Burden of STIs is not only due to acute episode of the infections, but it has long term and severe sequelae like infertility, ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory diseases. Both ulcerative and non ulcerative STIs enhance the risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV infection by five to ten folds. `Infections in pregnancy are common but few cause fetal infection and damage, particularly urgent is the need to control fetal wastage and congenital abnormalities due to maternal sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Pregnancy is vulnerable time for women. Hence STIs in the pregnant women are more serious than in non pregnant women. Risk factors like multiple sex partners may independently affect pregnancy outcome. Adolescent sexual activity is increasing globally. With the change in social norms, peer pressure and media influences, teenagers are engaging in premarital sex earlier leading to unintended pregnancy and STIs. In general, sexually transmitted infections appears to pose a much greater problem in pregnant adolescents than in older pregnant women due to their monogamous relationship. Infections in young adult have their most serious consequences later in life. Adolescents have miscarriages more often and are partly attributable to STI. Teenage pregnancy remains common in many societies. The incidence of Medical termination of Pregnancy is particularly high among adolescents. Violence and sexual abuse by men is another aspect where women and girls are the most frequent victims. Pregnancy may also be a sign of ongoing sexual abuse. Meticulous examination should be performed looking carefully for STIs in those cases. Physiological changes, anatomical changes in the genital tract, immunological alteration in a pregnant woman have been postulated to influence the course of STIs which pose special risk of infection for both mother and fetus. Pregnancy modifies the manifestation of many STIs and presents unique problems for diagnosis and management. Antenatal attendees are a section of population routinely used as a reference point for STI prevalence in the general population of women. Thus routine screening and treatment of certain genital infections in high risk population eventually may lead to reduction in adverse pregnancy outcomes. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : 1. To determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV among the pregnant women. 2. To study about the age distribution, socio economic status and Educational level of the pregnant women. 3. To study the prevalence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections among the pregnant women. CONCLUSION : * Vaginal discharge was more common than genital ulcer diseases. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (30%) was the commonest STI among the pregnant women, followed by Genital wart (20%), Bacterial vaginosis (20%) and syphilis(17.8%). * HIV infection was prevalent in 6 pregnant women (6.7%). * Hepatitis B was prevalent in 2 pregnant women (2.2%). * Around 88.8% of the pregnant women belong to the lower socio economic status i.e., less than Rs.2000/- per month. Nearly 76.7% of pregnant women belong to the age group of 16 - 25years. * Nearly 83.4% of the HIV infected pregnant women were affected with other sexually transmitted infections. Genital wart was the commonest viral infection among HIV infected pregnant women (33.3%). * Vulvovaginal candidiasis was coexisting with multiple STIs among pregnant women. Routine screening for sexually transmitted infections in all pregnant women should be included in the antenatal care. Effective treatment services should be made widely available for those who are found to be infected

    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users’ awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    A Correlative Study on Broncho Alveolar Cytology with Histopathology in Patients with Pulmonary Lesions.

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    The Respiratory Tract Serves The Dual Purpose Of Supplying Oxygen To And Removing Carbon Dioxide From The Circulating Blood And Is Likely To Develop All Neoplastic And Nonneoplastic Diseases. Patients With Diseases Of The Respiratory System Generally Present Because Of Symptoms, An Abnormality On A Chest Radiograph Or Both. The Diagnostic Modalities Available For Assessing The Patient With Suspected Or Known Respiratory System Disease Include Imaging Studies And Techniques For Acquiring Biopsy Specimens, Some Of Which Involve Direct Visualisation Of Part Of Respiratory System. Bronchoscopy Is One Among Such Procedures Which Not Only Visualizes The Respiratory System But Also Aids In Obtaining The Representative Sampling Material From The Regions That Are Directly Visualised And Also From The More Distal Pulmonary Parenchyma. Bal Is One Among Several Techniques Which Provides Sequential Access To Well Preserved Cells To Study The Natural History Of The Disease Process. As An Investigative Tool Bal Has Enormous Potential. Bal Has Been Found Useful In Diagnosing Opportunistic Infections In The Lung, Bronchoalveolar Hemorrhage And Alveolar Proteinosis. Bal Has Also Been Used To Investigate The Pathogenesis Of Such Diverse Lung Conditions Such As Emphysema, Ards, Occupation Lung Disease, Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions And Asthma. The Cytological Examination Of Cells Obtained By Bal Has Been Useful In The Diagnosis Of Primary Bronchogenic Cancer And The Metastatic Cancer To The Lung In Particular Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis. This Study Aims At Studying The Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples Obtained From The Lungs In Various Pulmonary Lesions And Its Histopathological Correlation

    Extent of Awareness of Distance Learners of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

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    The present research was framed to assess the awareness level of distance learners of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Three certificate courses were selected based on maximum number of enrollment, viz, Gardening & landscaping, Mushroom production & Solid waste management and vermicomposting. Ex-post facto research design was employed. A total of 150 respondents were selected from the three courses by equal allocation method proportionate random sampling. A well-structured questionnaire was prepared and the information was collected by sending questionnaires through post. The 108 individuals who responded were taken as the sample for the study. The results of the research pointed out that nearly three- fourths of the respondents possessed medium level of awareness on selected technologies
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