18 research outputs found

    Securing Internet Protocol (IP) Storage: A Case Study

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    Storage networking technology has enjoyed strong growth in recent years, but security concerns and threats facing networked data have grown equally fast. Today, there are many potential threats that are targeted at storage networks, including data modification, destruction and theft, DoS attacks, malware, hardware theft and unauthorized access, among others. In order for a Storage Area Network (SAN) to be secure, each of these threats must be individually addressed. In this paper, we present a comparative study by implementing different security methods in IP Storage network.Comment: 10 Pages, IJNGN Journa

    Doped Helium Nanodroplets in Intense Few-cycle Infrared Pulses

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung ultrakurzer (10 fs, 800 nm) Laserpulse mit Helium-Nanotröpfchen. In Einpulsmessungen konnte bei Spitzenintensitäten im Bereich von 10^14 bis 10^15 W/cm^2 gezeigt werden, dass weniger als 10 Dotierungsatome in einem aus 10000 Heliumatomen bestehenden Tröpchen um eine vollständige Ionisierung zu “zünden” ausreichen. Diese experimentellen Beobachtungen, die durch theoretische Modellrechnungen gestützt werden, zeigen erstmalig die sehr effiziente Absorption und resonante Kopplung intensiver Laserfelder im nahen Infraroten an Cluster-Nanoplasmen auf einer Zeitskala von 10 fs. Anhand von Pump-Probe Messungen, die mit zwei zeitlich verzögerten Laserpulsen durchgeführt wurden, konnte die Auswirkung der Dotierung auf die bei der Ausdehnung des teilweise ionisierten Clusters auftretende Nanoplasma- Resonanz untersucht werden. Die Rolle der sich im Zentrum des Clusters befindlichen hochgeladenen Dotierungsatome (typischerweise Xenon) und der sie umgebenden Schale aus Helium-Ionen auf die auf (Sub-) Pikosekunden-Zeitskalen stattfindende Clusterexpansion wurde untersucht. Hierbei wurde erstmalig die Wichtigkeit der sich schnell ausdehnenden Helium-Schalen experimentell erkannt, wodurch die vorliegende Arbeit den Anstoß zu einer neuen Betrachtungsweise der expansionsinduzierten Resonanz in dotierten Nanotröpfchen liefert

    Multilayer nanoparticle arrays for broad spectrum absorption enhancement in thin film solar cells

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    In this paper, we present a theoretical study on the absorption efficiency enhancement of a thin film amorphous Silicon (a-Si) photovoltaic cell over a broad spectrum of wavelengths using multiple nanoparticle arrays. The light absorption efficiency is enhanced in the lower wavelengths by a nanoparticle array on the surface and in the higher wavelengths by another nanoparticle array embedded in the active region. The efficiency at intermediate wavelengths is enhanced by the simultaneous resonance from both nanoparticle layers. We optimize this design by tuning the radius of particles in both arrays, the period of the array and the distance between the two arrays. The optimization results in a total quantum efficiency of 62.35% for a 300nm thick a-Si substrate.Comment: - Article Published in Optics Express on 7 Apr 2014. Link: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-22-103-A80

    Transdermal Delivery of Febuxostat Using Elastic Liposomes – Formulation and Characterisation

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    The main objective of this work was to formulate and evaluate the febuxostat loaded elastic liposomes. Elastic liposomes increases transdermal efficiency of drug and reduces the drawbacks of febuxostat, it improves bioavailability of drug and avoids enzymatic degradation in stomach., ELs formulation target the site of action by administering via transdermal route and also with effect of edge activator it improves the entrapment efficiency of drug. Elastic liposomes were prepared by thin film hydration technique using rotary flask evaporator. it was formulated by using soyabean lecithin (phospholipids), edge activators such as tween 80, span 80 and GMO. Concentration of lipid and surfactant set as an dependent variable. based on independent variable values optimised formulation was selected. These elastic liposomes were obtained by varying surfactant concentration from 5%-20% and phospholipid concentration based on this by varying its concentration about 12 formulations were prepared. From the evaluation of formulation concentration level was optimised. The prepared ELs of F1 to F12 formulation were evaluated for its physical and chemical characteristics such as particle size, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency, zeta potential .the evaluated batches shows good physio chemical characteristics especially F3 and F6 formulation shows good zeta potential range(-33.2,-46.2) and particle size range(217.3nm,165.5) compared to that of other formulation. On the basis of these result this selected formulation were chosen for In-vitro dissolution studies .this study was carried out by using dialysis membrane diffusion method by using phosphate buffer pH -7.4.the release of drug from F3 formulation has better sustainable effect compared to that of F6 formulation.so this chosen as an optimised elastic liposomal formulation and release kinetic studies were done for this formulation. From the results of release studies the data’s was fitted into kinetic release models and found out that the release mechanism follows higuchi kinetic model that indicates that the mechanism of release is diffusion. CHAPTER 08 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICS,COLLEGE OF PHARMACY,MMC,MADURAI Page 100 From these results of this formulation optimised formulation has been selected for formulating a gel. The stability of ELs formulation was evaluated after stored at room temperature and refrigeration temperature for 30 days. Entrapment efficiency and drug content were calculated at different time intervals. Refrigerated formulation shows better stability compare to that of formulation stored at room temperature. The optimised F3 formulation was further formulated as a transdermal gel ,it improves patient compliance and permeation capacity of drug. elastic liposomes were already having good permeation ability.by using gel as a carrier it also attenuate its permeability. ELs hydrogel was formulated using carbopol934 as a polymer with addition of triethanolamine which neutralise the gel. The formulated hydro gel was evaluated for physical and chemical characteristics like morphological characteristics-homogeneity, grittiness, clarity, pH of gel, viscosity and spreadability of gel .visual inspection of gel seems to be good in nature, it was clear , free from grittiness. The pH of gel obtained in the range of 6.5-7.4. its an optimum pH for topical application .Formulated gel had an better spreadability value in lesser time periodand it also had better viscosity value. In vitro skin permeation studies was done for F3 Els gel formulation by using goat skin as an permeation barrier in an open end test tube method ,it shows good permeability in 12 hours study about 90% of drug was get permeated over the skin From the result of physiochemical characterisation, In vitro characterisation studies, skin permeation studies, release kinetic studies.it was found that elastic liposomes containing febuxostat shows better permeation, it would increases therapeutic efficacy of drug in the treatment of gout. CONCLUSION: Elastic liposomes are especially optimised particles or vesicles which can provide a novel solution for transdermal delivery. febuxostat loaded elastic liposomes were prepared and evaluated for different parameters like microscopy, particle size, zeta potential, in-vitro drug release etc., from the above observation, it can be concluded that sonication is an essential tool for preparation, and while comparing the EE, elastic liposomes containing Phosphotidylcholine(PC): Span 80 at a ratio of 85:15(100%) showed the highest value with respect to all other formulations. The highest sustained action was observed for F3 formulation. The optimised elastic liposomal formulation F3 followed the Higuchi release over the 24 hours. The optimised F3 formulation was further formulated as topical hydrogel and evaluated.this result showed that it shows better skin permeation ability

    Aerodinamičan dizajn i analiza motorističke kacige s vizirom protiv odsjaja

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    The number of motorcycle accidents has increased in the last two decades. Helmet can protect the vehicle riders from severe injuries during road accident to certain extent. To design a functional helmet, it is important to analyse the shape of the helmet and visor portion. Therefore, the attempt has been made to design and analyze new helmet by considering the pressure drag and anti-glare visor. The pressure drag resistance presses the helmet against the neck portion of the rider. The shape of an aerodynamic helmet can reduce the drag pressure. The spherical shape and new aerodynamic shape helmets are designed using Pro-E software. Pressure drag is calculated and comparison is made on the basis of drag pressure.Broj motociklističkih nesreća u posljednja se dva desetljeća povećao. Kaciga u određenoj mjeri može zaštititi motocikliste od teških ozljeda koje je moguće zadobiti tijekom prometne nesreće. Prilikom dizajniranja funkcionalne kacige važno je analizirati oblik kacige i veličinu vizira. Iz tog se razloga pokušalo dizajnirati i analizirati novu kacigu uzimajući u obzir tlak otpora zraka i vizir protiv odsjaja. Tlak otpora zraka pritišće kacigu na vratni dio tijela vozača. Oblik aerodinamične kacige može smanjiti pritisak otpora zraka. Kacige sfernog oblika i novog aerodinamičnog oblika izrađene su pomoću Pro-E software-a. Izračunati su tlakovi otpora zraka za oba oblika kacige i napravljena je usporedba rezultata

    Filamentation without intensity clamping

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    We present measurements of the supercontinuum emission (SCE) from ultrashort Ti:Saph laser pulse filamentation in air in a tightly focused geometry. The spectral broadening of SCE indicates that peak intensities exceed the clamping value of a few 1013 W/cm2 obtained for filamentation in a loose focusing geometry by at least one order of magnitude. We provide an interpretation for this regime of filamenation without intensity clamping

    A Framework for Prediction and Storage of Battery Life in IoT Devices using DNN and Blockchain

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    As digitization increases, the need to automate various entities becomes crucial for development. The data generated by the IoT devices need to be processed accurately and in a secure manner. The basis for the success of such a scenario requires blockchain as a means of unalterable data storage to improve the overall security and trust in the system. By providing trust in an automated system, with real-time data updates to all stakeholders, an improved form of implementation takes the stage and can help reduce the stress of adaptability to complete automated systems. This research focuses on a use case with respect to the real time Internet of Things (IoT) network which is deployed at the beach of Chicago Park District. This real time data which is collected from various sensors is then used to design a predictive model using Deep Neural Networks for estimating the battery life of IoT sensors that is deployed at the beach. This proposed model could help the government to plan for placing orders of replaceable batteries before time so that there can be an uninterrupted service. Since this data is sensitive and requires to be secured, the predicted battery life value is stored in blockchain which would be a tamper-proof record of the data.Comment: Accepted for presentation at IEEE GLOBECOM 202

    A Cluster-Based Energy-Efficient Secure Optimal Path-Routing Protocol for Wireless Body-Area Sensor Networks

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    Recently, research into Wireless Body-Area Sensor Networks (WBASN) or Wireless Body-Area Networks (WBAN) has gained much importance in medical applications, and now plays a significant role in patient monitoring. Among the various operations, routing is still recognized as a resource-intensive activity. As a result, designing an energy-efficient routing system for WBAN is critical. The existing routing algorithms focus more on energy efficiency than security. However, security attacks will lead to more energy consumption, which will reduce overall network performance. To handle the issues of reliability, energy efficiency, and security in WBAN, a new cluster-based secure routing protocol called the Secure Optimal Path-Routing (SOPR) protocol has been proposed in this paper. This proposed algorithm provides security by identifying and avoiding black-hole attacks on one side, and by sending data packets in encrypted form on the other side to strengthen communication security in WBANs. The main advantages of implementing the proposed protocol include improved overall network performance by increasing the packet-delivery ratio and reducing attack-detection overheads, detection time, energy consumption, and delay

    Image characterization of certain Sobolev spaces under Schr¨odinger semigroup

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    This thesis deals with the study of characterizing the image of some function spaces under Schr¨odinger semigroup. This thesis is divided in to four parts. In chapter 2 we consider the Schr¨odinger semigroup for Laplacian � on Rn and characterize the image of Sobolev space on Rn under this semi group as weighted Bergman space HL2(C; um t (z)dz) (up to equivalence of norms). Similarly we characterize the image of Hermite-Sobolev space under Schr¨odinger semigroup associated to Hermite operator H on Rn. In chapter 3, we consider the Schr¨odinger semigroup for the Dunkl-Laplacian ��, associated to a finite reflection group G on Rn. We characterize the image of L2(Rn; eu2h�(u)du) under this semigroup as a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. For the reflection group Zn 2 , we identify the images of the Dunkl-Sobolev spaces in L2(Rn; h�(u)du) under the associated Schr¨odinger semigroup eit� as a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (up to equivalence of norms). Also we establish similar kind of results for Schr¨odinger semigroup associated to Dunkl-Hermite operator. Chapter 4 deals with the sampling in the space, HL2(C; um t (z)dz). We show that for given a separated sequence Z in C is a sampling for HL2(C; u0 t (z)dz) if and only if its lower density

    Chronic amoxicillin exposure affects Labeo rohita: assessment of hematological, ionic compounds, biochemical, and enzymological activities

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    Labeo rohita were exposed to amoxicillin at a concentration of 1 mg/L (Treatment -I) and 0.5 mg/L (Treatment-II) for a period of 35 days. Numerous alterations were found in amoxicillin treatment groups when compared to the control group. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and erythrocytes (RBCs) levels were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased. Leukocytes (WBC), mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) levels were significantly (P < 0.05) increased. In the plasma and gill tissues, ionic compounds (sodium, potassium, and chloride) levels were significantly declined throughout the treatment period. The plasma biochemical profiles were significantly altered: glucose level remained low (except at the end of 7th day in Treatment -I) till 35 days of the treatment period. Biphasic trend occurred in the protein level, significant increase was observed on 7th and 28th day (Treatment -I and -II), and 35th day (Treatment -I), and in remaining days its level was found to be decreased. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) activity in the plasma was inhibited significantly, whereas in the gill, liver, and kidney tissues the enzyme activity was elevated. Plasma glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) activity was inhibited throughout the study period. GPT activity in the gill was found to be elevated during the treatment period. Liver GPT activity was elevated in all the treatments except 28th (Treatment-I) and 35th day (Treatment-I, and II). GPT activity in the kidney was elevated (except 14th day in Treatment-II). Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was inhibited in plasma (except 14th day in Treatment-II), gill, liver (except 7th day in Treatment-I), and kidney tissues significantly (P < 0.05). The present study emphasizes that amoxicillin at 1 and 0.5 mg/L concentrations affects the hematological/biochemical/electrolytes/enzymological parameters of fish and these biomarkers serve as an effective test system for environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment