11,993 research outputs found

    ഏകവർഗ്ഗ മത്സ്യകൃഷി (Monoculture of finfish) Malayalam

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    ഏകവർഗ്ഗ മത്സ്യകൃഷ

    Mitigating bias in estimating epidemic severity due to heterogeneity of epidemic onset and data aggregation

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    Outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as influenza, are a major societal burden. Mitigation policies during an outbreak or pandemic are guided by the analysis of data of ongoing or preceding epidemics. The reproduction number, , defined as the expected number of secondary infections arising from a single individual in a population of susceptibles is critical to epidemiology. For typical compartmental models such as the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) represents the severity of an epidemic. It is an estimate of the early-stage growth rate of an epidemic and is an important threshold parameter used to gain insights into the spread or decay of an outbreak. Models typically use incidence counts as indicators of cases within a single large population; however, epidemic data are the result of a hierarchical aggregation, where incidence counts from spatially separated monitoring sites (or sub-regions) are pooled and used to infer . Is this aggregation approach valid when the epidemic has different dynamics across the regions monitored? We characterize bias in the estimation of from a merged data set when the epidemics of the sub-regions, used in the merger, exhibit delays in onset. We propose a method to mitigate this bias, and study its efficacy on synthetic data as well as real-world influenza and COVID-19 data

    Extreme throat initial data set and horizon area--angular momentum inequality for axisymmetric black holes

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    We present a formula that relates the variations of the area of extreme throat initial data with the variation of an appropriate defined mass functional. From this expression we deduce that the first variation, with fixed angular momentum, of the area is zero and the second variation is positive definite evaluated at the extreme Kerr throat initial data. This indicates that the area of the extreme Kerr throat initial data is a minimum among this class of data. And hence the area of generic throat initial data is bounded from below by the angular momentum. Also, this result strongly suggests that the inequality between area and angular momentum holds for generic asymptotically flat axially symmetric black holes. As an application, we prove this inequality in the non trivial family of spinning Bowen-York initial data.Comment: 11 pages. Changes in presentation and typos correction

    Simulation of an 1857-like Mw 7.9 San Andreas Fault Earthquake and the Response of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings in Southern California – A Prototype Study

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    In 1857, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 occurred on the San Andreas fault, starting at Parkfield and rupturing in a southeasterly direction for more than 360 km. Such a unilateral rupture produces significant directivity toward the San Fernando and Los Angeles basins. The strong shaking in the basins due to this earthquake would have had significant long-period content (2-8 s), and the objective of this study is to quantify the impact of such an earthquake on two 18-story steel moment frame building models, hypothetically located at 636 sites on a 3.5 km grid in southern California. End-to-end simulations include modeling the source and rupture of a fault at one end, numerically propagating the seismic waves through the earth structure, simulating the damage to engineered structures and estimating the economic impact at the other end using high-performance computing. In this prototype study, we use an inferred finite source model of the magnitude 7.9, 2002 Denali fault earthquake in Alaska, and map it onto the San Andreas fault with the rupture originating at Parkfield and propagating southward over a distance of 290 km. Using the spectral element seismic wave propagation code, SPECFEM3D, we simulate an 1857-like earthquake on the San Andreas fault and compute ground motions at the 636 analysis sites. Using the nonlinear structural analysis program, FRAME3D, we subsequently analyze 3-D structural models of an existing tall steel building designed using the 1982 Uniform Building Code (UBC), as well as one designed according to the 1997 UBC, subjected to the computed ground motion at each of these sites. We summarize the performance of these structural models on contour maps of peak interstory drift. We then perform an economic loss analysis for the two buildings at each site, using the Matlab Damage and Loss Analysis (MDLA) toolbox developed to implement the PEER loss-estimation methodology. The toolbox includes damage prediction and repair cost estimation for structural and non-structural components and allows for the computation of the mean and variance of building repair costs conditional on engineering demand parameters (i.e. inter-story drift ratios and peak floor accelerations). Here, we modify it to treat steel-frame high-rises, including aspects such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, traction elevators, and the possibility of irreparable structural damage. We then generate contour plots of conditional mean losses for the San Fernando and the Los Angeles basins for the pre-Northridge and modern code-designed buildings, allowing for comparison of the economic effects of the updated code for the scenario event. In principle, by simulating multiple seismic events, consistent with the probabilistic seismic hazard for a building site, the same basic approach could be used to quantify the uncertain losses from future earthquakes

    Bubbling and bistability in two parameter discrete systems

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    We present a graphical analysis of the mechanisms underlying the occurrences of bubbling sequences and bistability regions in the bifurcation scenario of a special class of one dimensional two parameter maps. The main result of the analysis is that whether it is bubbling or bistability is decided by the sign of the third derivative at the inflection point of the map function.Comment: LaTeX v2.09, 14 pages with 4 PNG figure

    Inhomogeneous elastic response of silica glass

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    Using large scale molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the properties of the {\em non-affine} displacement field induced by macroscopic uniaxial deformation of amorphous silica,a strong glass according to Angell's classification. We demonstrate the existence of a length scale ξ\xi characterizing the correlations of this field (corresponding to a volume of about 1000 atoms), and compare its structure to the one observed in a standard fragile model glass. The "Boson-peak'' anomaly of the density of states can be traced back in both cases to elastic inhomogeneities on wavelengths smaller than ξ\xi, where classical continuum elasticity becomes simply unapplicable