187 research outputs found

    A Core Calculus for Documents

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    Passive documents and active programs now widely comingle. Document languages include Turing-complete programming elements, and programming languages include sophisticated document notations. However, there are no formal foundations that model these languages. This matters because the interaction between document and program can be subtle and error-prone. In this paper we describe several such problems, then taxonomize and formalize document languages as levels of a document calculus. We employ the calculus as a foundation for implementing complex features such as reactivity, as well as for proving theorems about the boundary of content and computation. We intend for the document calculus to provide a theoretical basis for new document languages, and to assist designers in cleaning up the unsavory corners of existing languages.Comment: Published at POPL 202

    ADsafety: Type-Based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing

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    Web sites routinely incorporate JavaScript programs from several sources into a single page. These sources must be protected from one another, which requires robust sandboxing. The many entry-points of sandboxes and the subtleties of JavaScript demand robust verification of the actual sandbox source. We use a novel type system for JavaScript to encode and verify sandboxing properties. The resulting verifier is lightweight and efficient, and operates on actual source. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique by applying it to ADsafe, which revealed several bugs and other weaknesses.Comment: in Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium (2011

    Teaching Programming Languages by Experimental and Adversarial Thinking

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    We present a new approach to teaching programming language courses. Its essence is to view programming language learning as a natural science activity, where students probe languages experimentally to understand both the normal and extreme behaviors of their features. This has natural parallels to the "security mindset" of computer security, with languages taking the place of servers and other systems. The approach is modular (with minimal dependencies), incremental (it can be introduced slowly into existing classes), interoperable (it does not need to push out other, existing methods), and complementary (since it introduces a new mode of thinking)

    A Grounded Conceptual Model for Ownership Types in Rust

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    Programmers learning Rust struggle to understand ownership types, Rust's core mechanism for ensuring memory safety without garbage collection. This paper describes our attempt to systematically design a pedagogy for ownership types. First, we studied Rust developers' misconceptions of ownership to create the Ownership Inventory, a new instrument for measuring a person's knowledge of ownership. We found that Rust learners could not connect Rust's static and dynamic semantics, such as determining why an ill-typed program would (or would not) exhibit undefined behavior. Second, we created a conceptual model of Rust's semantics that explains borrow checking in terms of flow-sensitive permissions on paths into memory. Third, we implemented a Rust compiler plugin that visualizes programs under the model. Fourth, we integrated the permissions model and visualizations into a broader pedagogy of ownership by writing a new ownership chapter for The Rust Programming Language, a popular Rust textbook. Fifth, we evaluated an initial deployment of our pedagogy against the original version, using reader responses to the Ownership Inventory as a point of comparison. Thus far, the new pedagogy has improved learner scores on the Ownership Inventory by an average of 9% (N=342,d=0.56N = 342, d = 0.56).Comment: Published at OOPSLA 202

    The Next 700 Semantics: A Research Challenge

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    Modern systems consist of large numbers of languages, frameworks, libraries, APIs, and more. Each has characteristic behavior and data. Capturing these in semantics is valuable not only for understanding them but also essential for formal treatment (such as proofs). Unfortunately, most of these systems are defined primarily through implementations, which means the semantics needs to be learned. We describe the problem of learning a semantics, provide a structuring process that is of potential value, and also outline our failed attempts at achieving this so far

    Event Loops as First-Class Values: A Case Study in Pedagogic Language Design

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    The World model is an existing functional input-output mechanism for event-driven programming. It is used in numerous popular textbooks and curricular settings. The World model conflates two different tasks -- the definition of an event processor and its execution -- into one. This conflation imposes a significant (even unacceptable) burden on student users in several educational settings where we have tried to use it, e.g., for teaching physics. While it was tempting to pile on features to address these issues, we instead used the Scheme language design dictum of removing weaknesses that made them seem necessary. By separating the two tasks above, we arrived at a slightly different primitive, the reactor, as our basis. This only defines the event processor, and a variety of execution operators dictate how it runs. The new design enables programmatic control over event-driven programs. This simplifies reflecting on program behavior, and eliminates many unnecessary curricular dependencies imposed by the old design. This work has been implemented in the Pyret programming language. The separation of concerns has enabled new curricula, such as the Bootstrap:Physics curriculum, to take flight. Thousands of students use this new mechanism every year. We believe that reducing impedance mismatches improves their educational experience

    Dependently Typing R Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices

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    The R programming language is widely used in large-scale data analyses. It contains especially rich built-in support for dealing with vectors, arrays, and matrices. These operations feature prominently in the applications that form R's raison d'\^etre, making their behavior worth understanding. Furthermore, ostensibly for programmer convenience, their behavior in R is a notable extension over the corresponding operations in mathematics, thereby offering some challenges for specification and static verification. We report on progress towards statically typing this aspect of the R language. The interesting aspects of typing, in this case, warn programmers about violating bounds, so the types must necessarily be dependent. We explain the ways in which R extends standard mathematical behavior. We then show how R's behavior can be specified in LiquidHaskell, a dependently-typed extension to Haskell. In the general case, actually verifying library and client code is currently beyond LiquidHaskell's reach; therefore, this work provides challenges and opportunities both for typing R and for progress in dependently-typed programming languages.Comment: 10 page

    Conceptual Mutation Testing for Student Programming Misconceptions

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    Context: Students often misunderstand programming problem descriptions. This can lead them to solve the wrong problem, which creates frustration, obstructs learning, and imperils grades. Researchers have found that students can be made to better understand the problem by writing examples before they start programming. These examples are checked against correct and wrong implementations -- analogous to mutation testing -- provided by course staff. Doing so results in better student understanding of the problem as well as better test suites to accompany the program, both of which are desirable educational outcomes. Inquiry: Producing mutant implementations requires care. If there are too many, or they are too obscure, students will end up spending a lot of time on an unproductive task and also become frustrated. Instead, we want a small number of mutants that each correspond to common problem misconceptions. This paper presents a workflow with partial automation to produce mutants of this form which, notably, are not those produced by mutation-testing tools. Approach: We comb through student tests that fail a correct implementation. The student misconceptions are embedded in these failures. We then use methods to semantically cluster these failures. These clusters are then translated into conceptual mutants. These can then be run against student data to determine whether we they are better than prior methods. Some of these processes also enjoy automation. Knowledge: We find that student misconceptions illustrated by failing tests can be operationalized by the above process. The resulting mutants do much better at identifying student misconceptions. Grounding: Our findings are grounded in a manual analysis of student examples and a quantitative evaluation of both our clustering techniques and our process for making conceptual mutants. The clustering evaluation compares against a ground truth using standard cluster-correspondence measures, while the mutant evaluation examines how conceptual mutants perform against student data. Importance: Our work contributes a workflow, with some automation, to reduce the cost and increase the effectiveness of generating conceptually interesting mutants. Such mutants can both improve learning outcomes and reduce student frustration, leading to better educational outcomes. In the process, we also identify a variation of mutation testing not commonly discussed in the software literature

    From Macros to DSLs: The Evolution of Racket

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    The Racket language promotes a language-oriented style of programming. Developers create many domain-specific languages, write programs in them, and compose these programs via Racket code. This style of programming can work only if creating and composing little languages is simple and effective. While Racket\u27s Lisp heritage might suggest that macros suffice, its design team discovered significant shortcomings and had to improve them in many ways. This paper presents the evolution of Racket\u27s macro system, including a false start, and assesses its current state
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