1,716 research outputs found

    Store capacity optimisation

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    The problem is one of increasing the efficiency of distributing paper rolls from the manufacturing plants to the customers. A related problem is one of utilising the available capacity at the customer stores in an effective manner. During the MISG, several approaches to the above problems were proposed. In this report we describe the problem and several methods for solving it. Preliminary results are provided for some of these

    Rebirth of self and identity: an analysis of Meena Alexander’s Manhattan music

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    This paper illustrates how Meena Alexander explores the prospect of outgrowing the sense of rootlessness of Asian immigrants in America in Manhattan Music. According to her it is managed by vocational and social engagements, and bonding with fellow expatriates. Alienation, search for identity and emotional insecurity of immigrants have hitherto been the dominant themes of diasporic literature. However, in the context of globalisation the concept of ‘home’ as a giver of emotional security cries for a redefinition. Meena Alexander’s Manhattan Music analyses the impact of transplantation from natal to post-marital space in the lives of women characters. Sandhya Rosenblum, Draupadi Dinkins, Sakhi and a few others despite the differences in their upbringing, experience the trauma of dislocation at first, but outgrow the same. Sandhya wrestles between her conflicting roles, a mother in New York and a daughter revisiting India, and in neither does she feel at home. But after her recovery from the shock of suicide, she escapes from racial thinking. It constitutes a rebirth of self for her. Similarly, Draupadi, the alter-ego of Sandhya, comes to realise being an American is only a part of her Self. Meena Alexander’s central vision in all her writings is the need of the immigrants for adapting themselves to the changed environment to find meaning in their lives. In Manhattan Music, the writer emphasises this idea by portraying Sandhya’s inner conflict in her adopted country at first and later her awakening to the truth that we all have several “homes” or as Homi Bhabha suggests we have to “desire for social solidarity: I am looking for the join…I want to join…I want to join.” (Bhabha 1994, p.18

    An isobar contour plot progrz

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    A computer program was developed to obtain ; isobar contours from the total pressure measurements at the engine face of an 1/3 scale model of an aircraft intake duct provided by ADA . A cubic spline method was used to interpolate the total pressure value between the measuring stations . The isobar contour plots were obtained for engine face Mach numbers\ud varying from 0.17 to 0 .43

    Urogenital tuberculosis — epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical features

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common cause of death from infectious disease worldwide. A substantial proportion of patients presenting with extrapulmonary TB have urogenital TB (UG-TB), which can easily be overlooked owing to non-specific symptoms, chronic and cryptic protean clinical manifestations, and lack of clinician awareness of the possibility of TB. Delay in diagnosis results in disease progression, irreversible tissue and organ damage and chronic renal failure. UG-TB can manifest with acute or chronic inflammation of the urinary or genital tract, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, obstructive uropathy, infertility, menstrual irregularities and abnormal renal function tests. Advanced UG-TB can cause renal scarring, distortion of renal calyces and pelvic, ureteric strictures, stenosis, urinary outflow tract obstruction, hydroureter, hydronephrosis, renal failure and reduced bladder capacity. The specific diagnosis of UG-TB is achieved by culturing Mycobacterium tuberculosis from an appropriate clinical sample or by DNA identification. Imaging can aid in localizing site, extent and effect of the disease, obtaining tissue samples for diagnosis, planning medical or surgical management, and monitoring response to treatment. Drug-sensitive TB requires 6–9 months of WHO-recommended standard treatment regimens. Drug-resistant TB requires 12–24 months of therapy with toxic drugs with close monitoring. Surgical intervention as an adjunct to medical drug treatment is required in certain circumstances. Current challenges in UG-TB management include making an early diagnosis, raising clinical awareness, developing rapid and sensitive TB diagnostics tests, and improving treatment outcomes

    Full-Scale Direct Numerical Simulation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Instabilities and Rivulet Formulation in Heated Falling Films

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    A thin film draining on an inclined plate has been studied numerically using finite element method. Three-dimensional governing equations of continuity, momentum and energy with a moving boundary are integrated in an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian frame of reference. Kinematic equation is solved to precisely update interface location. Rivulet formation based on instability mechanism has been simulated using full-scale computation. Comparisons with long-wave theory are made to validate the numerical scheme. Detailed analysis of two- and three-dimensional nonlinear wave formation and spontaneous rupture forming rivulets under the influence of combined thermocapillary and surface-wave instabilities is performed

    Evaluation of different traps for the invasive leaf miner, Liriomyza huidobrensis in potato (Solanum tuberosum) fields of the Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Potatoes are currently threatened by the pea leaf miner (Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard), an exotic, exceedingly polyphagous, and chemically resistant pest that attacks a wide range of crops, ornamental plants, and weeds. The present work was conducted to study the attractiveness of various traps to Liriomyza leaf miner, one of the invasive pests recently observed in potato fields of Kotagiri and Ooty in Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. A trial was conducted at these two different locations, the Nilgiris district, in 2021. The results revealed that among different traps tested for their efficacy in attracting the leaf miner, L. huidobrensis, yellow sticky trap was found to be more efficient in attracting adult leaf miner flies with the mean trap catches of 40.49 and 36.64 adult flies/ 10 cm2 areas at Kotagiri and Ooty respectively. The peak population of leaf miners was recorded in the last week of April (45.67 adult flies/ 10 cm2 areas) at Ooty and during the 3rd week of June (52.33 adult flies/ 10 cm2 areas) at Kotagiri. The correlation study revealed a significant positive correlation of the trap catches with maximum temperature, diurnal variation (DV) and growing day degrees (GDD). Multiple regression equation was also developed, where the abiotic factors contributed 46.1% and 65.5% to the Liriomyza leaf miner population fluctuation in the potato ecosystem. The trappers may be used to determine the initial presence of a leaf miners’ population and in projecting their future population through pest management models and management decisions

    Structure is lost incrementally during the unfolding of barstar

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    Coincidental equilibrium unfolding transitions observed by multiple structural probes are taken to justify the modeling of protein unfolding as a two-state, N⇋U, cooperative process. However, for many of the large number of proteins that undergo apparently two-state equilibrium unfolding reactions, folding intermediates are detected in kinetic experiments. The small protein barstar is one such protein. Here the two-state model for equilibrium unfolding has been critically evaluated in barstar by estimating the intramolecular distance distribution by time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) methods, in which fluorescence decay kinetics are analyzed by the maximum entropy method (MEM). Using a mutant form of barstar containing only Trp 53 as the fluorescence donor and a thionitrobenzoic acid moiety attached to Cys 82 as the fluorescence acceptor, the distance between the donor and acceptor has been shown to increase incrementally with increasing denaturant concentration. Although other probes, such as circular dichroism and fluorescence intensity, suggest that the labeled protein undergoes two-state equilibrium unfolding, the TR-FRET probe clearly indicates multistate equilibrium unfolding. Native protein expands progressively through a continuum of native-like forms that achieve the dimensions of a molten globule, whose heterogeneity increases with increasing denaturant concentration and which appears to be separated from the unfolded ensemble by a free energy barrier

    Air layering in cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees.)

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    Air layering in 2 year old cassia plants (Cinnamomum aromaticum) is reported for the first time. A success of 87.5 and 50.0% rooting was obtained when carried out during July and November, respectively, with 100% field establishment. &nbsp

    Rooting response of elite cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum Bercht & Presl.) lines

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    Rooting of terminal cuttings of cinn amon (Cinnamomum verum) with indole butyric acid 2000 ppm was standardi zed. Nine elite lines of cinn amon, superior in their yield and quantity were studied for variability in their rooting capacity. Cinnamon line SL-5 was the best with high rooting percentage and good development of primary and secondary roots. &nbsp