1,078 research outputs found

    Policy Reform and Off-farm Labor Supply by Operators in the Delta Region: A

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    Off-farm employment has been an integral part of the emerging structure of production agriculture in the South. Government farm program payments, farm structure, and strong non-farm economy have important impact on labor allocation, farm and non-farm labor, decision of farm operators. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the determinants of off-farm labor supply for farm operators in the Delta States. Results show that off-farm work, educational level, presence of teenager, and farm tenure positive and significant impact on ff-farm labor supply by farm operators. On the other hand, farm size, household wealth, decoupled and couple farm program payments, and degree of farm diversification have a negative and significant impact on off-farm labor supply by farm operators. the semiparametreic functional formulation of the farm size and household wealth variables were found to perform better than the linear functional form.Off-farm labor supply, Delta region, Tobit, semiparametric, government farm program payments, education, Farm Management, Labor and Human Capital,

    Why Don't Farmers Adopt Precision Farming Technologies in Cotton Production?

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    We used the 2009 Southern Cotton Precision Farming Survey data collected from farmers in twelve U.S. states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) to understand why farmers do not adopt seemingly profitable precision farming technology. Farmers provided cost, time constraint, satisfaction with the current practice and other as reasons for not adopting precision farming technology. Results from a multinomial logit regression model indicated that manure application on field, more formal education, larger farm size, participation in conservation easement or agricultural easement generally decreases the probability of nonadoption of precision agriculture in cotton production.precision agriculture, technology adoption, multinomial logit, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, C25, Q16,


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    This paper analyzes historical movements in the commodity futures market and the relationship to inflation. Specifically, the relationship between the Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) Index and United States inflation is investigated. It is said that the relationship between the CRB index and the U.S. inflation rate was greater in the some periods than in another period. Then in recent times the CRB Index has proven to be a reliable early indicator of inflation. As the composition of the United States economy changes, the Commodity Research Bureau must make adjustments in order to provide a viable service.CRB index, Commodities Research Bureau, inflation, Vector Autoregression, Marketing, Public Economics, E00, E30,

    Machine Learning-Based IOT Air Quality and Pollution Detection

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    In India, gas leakage from the different factories harmful to human surveying in the last fifty years is very low. However, there is a lack of prior detection of the chemical gases detection system in the situation raised. So, In this regard, there is a gap identification of chemical gases intensity detection needed. In this work, the main objective is to identify chemical gases intensity and maintain the stream data in the database from different locations. To fill this gap, that is identifying the high-intensity chemical gases from the chemical gas disaster areas. The first step needs to identify the different chemical gases and natural gas compositions. In this regard in this work for design internet-based gases in the air system. So, the sensors  MQ2(Ethanol i-Butane Methane Alcohol Gas Sensor Sensor), MQ3(Sensitivity Alcohol Detector), MQ4 (Methane and Natural Gas (CNG)), MQ-5 ( LPG GAS SENSOR), MQ-7 (CO Gas Sensor Module Test Carbon Monoxide Detector), MQ-8 (hydrogen Gas Sensor), MQ-9 (carbon monoxide), MQ-135 Sensor(Air Quality Sensor Hazardous Gas Detector) and DHT11 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensors.  These sensors are interfacing with the micro-control STM 32 board. It is also called one Pollution identification terminal by using it to pull the sensor stream data from location to centralized data. This stream data transportation is a service to pull the data. For this Data pulling, design an algorithm store into a cloud database. In this research work, design the electronic terminal with a wifi circuit using IoT technologies.Moreover, getting these attributes as data. Data need to apply the preprocessing techniques and extracted feature techniques also. This paper discusses mainly designing the terminal for pollution attributes , cleaning the data, and applying the Machine Learning based Feature extraction techniques

    Origin of Large Dielectric Constant with Large Remnant Polarization and Evidence of Magnetoelectric Coupling in Multiferroic La modified BiFeO3-PbTiO3 Solid Solution

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    The presence of superlattice reflections and detailed analyses of the powder neutron and x-ray diffraction data reveal that La rich (BF0.50_{0.50}-LF0.50_{0.50})0.50_{0.50}-(PT)0.50_{0.50} (BF-LF-PT) has ferroelectric rhombohedral crystal structure with space group \textit{R3cR3c} at ambient conditions. The temperature dependence of lattice parameters, tilt angle, calculated polarization (Ps)(P_{s}), volume, and integrated intensity of superlattice and magnetic reflections show an anomaly around 170 K. Impedance spectroscopy, dielectric and ac conductivity measurements were performed in temperature range 473KT573K473K \leq T \leq 573K to probe the origin of large remnant polarization and frequency dependent broad transitions with large dielectric constant near TcFET_c^{FE}. Results of impedance spectroscopy measurements clearly show contributions of both grain and grain boundaries throughout the frequency range (10310^{3} Hzf107\leq f\leq 10^{7} Hz). It could be concluded that the grain boundaries are more resistive and capacitive as compared to the grains, resulting in inhomogeneities in the sample causing broad frequency dependent dielectric anomalies. Enhancement in dielectric constant and remnant polarization values are possibly due to space charge polarization caused by piling of charges at the interface of grains and grain boundaries. The imaginary parts of dielectric constant (ϵ\epsilon^{\prime\prime}) Vs frequency data were fitted using Maxwell-Wagner model at TcFE(523T_c^{FE}(\sim 523K) and model fits very well with the data up to 10510^{5} Hz. Magnetodielectric measurements prove that the sample starts exhibiting magnetoelectric coupling at 170\sim 170 K, which is also validated by neutron diffraction data.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure


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    Stroke is undoubtedly a medical emergency, which even if properly managed can leave a person either physically or mentally crippled. Ischemic stroke is the most common form, where etiology of atherosclerosis had proven its link. The clinical features of stroke stands close to the disease Pakshaghata in Ayurveda and all Acaryas had given a detailed description regarding the Nidana (cause) Samprapti (pathogenesis) Bheda (types) & Chikitsa (treatment). Ischemic stroke may be related to Vata-kaphaja type of Pakshaghata as there is involvement of Srotorodha (obstruction). Hence the treatment aims include Vata-kapha samana (pacifying) measures, removing Srotorodha (obstruction), selecting drug having Katu rasa (pungent), Usna virya (hot potency) etc. Without provocation Pitta, Rasonadi kashaya explained for Vatavikaras (musculoskeletal, nervous disorders etc) contains Rasona (Allium sativum Linn), Pippali (Piper longum Linn.), Karavi (Carum carvi Linn.) and Sthira (Desmodium gangeticum) that satisfies the above properties. The drugs also possess Rasayana (nourishing /immunity /prevents recurrence) which is a good choice here as there is Dhatukshaya (catabolism of basic elements). Ayurvedic as well as modern analysis of the pharmacological properties of the drugs stands together with properties like anti-inflammatory, anti lipidemic, antiglycemic, antioxidant, anti microbial actions, thus proving beneficiary in both therapeutic and preventive aspects of ischemic stroke

    Discrete Electronic Warfare Signal Processing using Compressed Sensing Based on Random Modulator Pre-Integrator

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    Electronic warfare receiver works in the wide electromagnetic spectrum in dense radar signal environment. Current trends in radar systems are ultra wideband and low probability of intercept radar technology. Detection of signals from various radar stations is a concern. Performance and probability of intercept are mainly dependent on high speed ADC technology. The sampling and reconstruction functions have to be optimized to capture incoming signals at the receiver to extract characteristics of the radar signal. The compressive sampling of the input signal with orthonormal base vectors, projecting the basis in the union of subspaces and recovery through convex optimisation techniques is the current traditional approach. Modern trends in signal processing suggest the random modulator pre-integrator (RMPI), which sample the input signal at information rate non-adaptively and recovery by the processing of discrete and finite vectors. Analysis of RMPI theory, application to EW receiver, simulation and recovery of EW receiver signals are discussed

    Collaborative exploration and collection of native plant genetic resources as assisted by agrobiodiversity fair

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    This article describes the agrobiodiversity fair aided exploration and collection expedition of native plant genetic resources in southern Lalitpur, jointly organized by the National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (NAGRC) and Group of Helping Hands (SAHAS) Nepal. In-district one-day agrobiodiversity fairs were organized in February and December month of 2019, altogether two times, and these agrobiodiversity fairs were used as a tool to explore plant genetic resources found in Bagmati and Mahankal Rural Municipalities of Lalitpur district. To collect these explored genetic resources during agrobiodiversity fairs, the joint field expedition, key informant survey, diversity rich farmers discussion was used as a collection tool. The present study explored, inventoried, collected and conserved 148 accessions of 44 crop species, the highest number (18 accessions) was of chayote followed by 10 accessions each of soybean, cowpea and maize and 9 accessions of common bean. Collections are generally new and unique. Many landraces, mostly from rice (13 landraces) were identified as extinct from the surveyed areas and few are under extinction mainly due to attraction of farmers to new high yielding varieties. The collected species with orthodox seeds were tested for germination ability and those that passed a minimum of 85% germination, were preserved in seedbank of NAGRC. NAGRC plans to characterize these accessions in the coming seasons depending upon the season of crop growing. The current expedition collected eight species for which mode of propagation is vegetative or those for which seed storage behavior falls under intermediate mode. NAGRC has been started expanding field genebank coverage using these accessions