51 research outputs found

    Narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical rewrite systems

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    Narrowing is a universal unification procedure for equational theories defined by a canonical term rewriting system. In its original form it is extremely inefficient. Therefore, many optimizations have been proposed during the last years. In this paper, we present the narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical systems in a uniform framework and introduce the new narrowing strategy LSE narrowing. LSE narrowing is complete and improves all other strategies which are complete for arbitrary canonical systems. It is optimal in the sense that two different LSE narrowing derivations cannot generate the same narrowing substitution. Moreover, LSE narrowing computes only normalized narrowing substitutions

    The use of a standard time-sharing operating system to control a complex of real-time processes

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    When faced with the problem of providing software control for a complex of real-time processes it is fairly common to construct a purpose-built operating system. This paper presents our experience of taking the opposite approach and using a standard manufacturer- supplied operating system as the basis of the software system. (6 refs)

    Narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical rewrite systems

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    Narrowing is a universal unification procedure for equational theories defined by a canonical term rewriting system. In its original form it is extremely inefficient. Therefore, many optimizations have been proposed during the last years. In this paper, we present the narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical systems in a uniform framework and introduce the new narrowing strategy LSE narrowing. LSE narrowing is complete and improves all other strategies which are complete for arbitrary canonical systems. It is optimal in the sense that two different LSE narrowing derivations cannot generate the same narrowing substitution. Moreover, LSE narrowing computes only normalized narrowing substitutions

    Image processing in LHC detectors

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