197 research outputs found

    Diffuse scattering in ice Ih

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    Single crystals of ice Ih, extracted from the subglacial Lake Vostok accretion ice layer (3621 m depth) were investigated by means of diffuse x-ray scattering and inelastic x-ray scattering. The diffuse scattering was identified as mainly inelastic and rationalized in the frame of ab initio calculations for the ordered ice XI approximant. Together with Monte-Carlo modelling our data allowed reconsidering previously available neutron diffuse scattering data of heavy ice as the sum of thermal diffuse scattering and static disorder contribution

    Giant Kohn anomaly and the phase transition in charge density wave ZrTe_3

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    A strong Kohn anomaly in ZrTe_3 is identified in the mostly transverse acoustic phonon branch along the modulation vector q_P with polarization along the a* direction. This soft mode freezes to zero frequency at the transition temperature T_P and the temperature dependence of the frequency is strongly affected by fluctuation effects. Diffuse x-ray scattering of the incommensurate superstructure shows a power law scaling of the intensity and the correlation length that is compatible with an order parameter of dimension n = 2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. accepted at Phys. Rev. Let

    Non-adiabatic Kohn Anomaly in Heavily Boron-doped Diamond

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    We report evidence of a non-adiabatic Kohn anomaly in boron-doped diamond, using a joint theoretical and experimental analysis of the phonon dispersion relations. We demonstrate that standard calculations of phonons using density functional perturbation theory are unable to reproduce the dispersion relations of the high-energy phonons measured by high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering. On the contrary, by taking into account non-adiabatic effects within a many-body field-theoretic framework, we obtain excellent agreement with our experimental data. This result indicates a breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in the phonon dispersion relations of boron-doped diamond.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Diffuse scattering in metallic tin polymorphs

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    The lattice dynamics of the metallic tin {\beta} and {\gamma} polymorphs has been studied by a combination of diffuse scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering and density functional perturbation theory. The non-symmorphic space group of the {\beta}-tin structure results in unusual asymmetry of thermal diffuse scattering. Strong resemblance of the diffuse scattering intensity distribution in {\beta} and {\gamma}-tin were observed, reflecting the structural relationship between the two phases and revealing the qualitative similarity of the underlying electronic potential. The strong influence of the electron subsystem on inter-ionic interactions creates anomalies in the phonon dispersion relations. All observed features are described in great detail by density functional perturbation theory for both {\beta}- and {\gamma}-tin at arbitrary momentum transfers. The combined approach delivers thus a complete picture of the lattice dynamics in harmonic description

    Anharmonicity due to Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magnetite

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    We present the results of inelastic x-ray scattering for magnetite and analyze the energies and spectral widths of the phonon modes with different symmetries in a broad range of temperature 125<T<293 K. The phonon modes with X_4 and Delta_5 symmetries broaden in a nonlinear way with decreasing temperature when the Verwey transition is approached. It is found that the maxima of phonon widths occur away from high-symmetry points which indicates the incommensurate character of critical fluctuations. Strong phonon anharmonicity induced by electron-phonon coupling is discovered within ab initio calculations which take into account local Coulomb interactions at Fe ions. It (i) explains observed anomalous phonon broadening, and (ii) demonstrates that the Verwey transition is a cooperative phenomenon which involves a wide spectrum of phonons coupled to charge fluctuations condensing in the low-symmetry phase.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Phonon anomalies and lattice dynamics in superconducting oxychlorides Ca2x_{2-x}CuO2_2Cl

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    We present a comprehensive study of the phonon dispersion in an underdoped, superconducting Ca2x_{2-x}CuO2_2Cl2_2 crystal. We interpret the results using lattice dynamical calculations based on a shell model, and we compare the results, to other hole-doped cuprates, in particular to the ones isomorphic to La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (LSCO). We found that an anomalous dip in the Cu-O bond stretching dispersion develops in oxychlorides with a simultaneous marked broadening of the mode. The broadening is maximum at (π/(2a) 0 0)\approx (\pi / (2a) ~ 0 ~ 0) that corresponds to the charge-modulations propagation vector. Our analysis also suggests that screening effects in calculations may cause an apparent cosine-shaped bending of the Cu-O bond-stretching dispersion along both the (qq 0 0) and (qq qq 0) directions, that is not observed on the data close to optimal doping. This observation suggests that the discrepancy between experimental data and \textit{ab-initio} calculations on this mode originates from an overestimation of the doping effects on the mode

    Short-Range Correlations in Magnetite above the Verwey Temperature

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    Magnetite, Fe3_3O4_4, is the first magnetic material discovered and utilized by mankind in Ancient Greece, yet it still attracts attention due to its puzzling properties. This is largely due to the quest for a full and coherent understanding of the Verwey transition that occurs at TV=124T_V=124 K and is associated with a drop of electric conductivity and a complex structural phase transition. A recent detailed analysis of the structure, based on single crystal diffraction, suggests that the electron localization pattern contains linear three-Fe-site units, the so-called trimerons. Here we show that whatever the electron localization pattern is, it partially survives up to room temperature as short-range correlations in the high-temperature cubic phase, easily discernible by diffuse scattering. Additionally, {\it ab initio} electronic structure calculations reveal that characteristic features in these diffuse scattering patterns can be correlated with the Fermi surface topology.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Non-adiabatic effects in the phonon dispersion of Mg 1--x Al x B 2

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    Superconducting MgB_2\_2 shows an E_2g\_{2g} zone center phonon, as measured by Raman spectroscopy, that is very broad in energy and temperature dependent. The Raman shift and lifetime show large differences with the values elsewhere in the Brillouin Zone measured by Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS), where its dispersion can be accounted for by standard harmonic phonon theory, adding only a moderate electron-phonon coupling. Here we show that the effects rapidly disappear when electron-phonon coupling is switched off by Al substitution on the Mg sites. Moreover, using IXS with very high wave-vector resolution in MgB_2\_2, we can follow the dispersion connecting the Raman and the IXS signal, in agreement with a theory using only electron-phonon coupling but without strong anharmonic terms. The observation is important in order to understand the effects of electron-phonon coupling on zone center phonons modes in MgB_2\_2, but also in all metals characterized by a small Fermi velocity in a particular direction, typical for layered compounds