25 research outputs found

    Diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of the Fermi polaron in two dimensions

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    We study the properties of the two-dimensional Fermi polaron model in which an impurity attractively interacts with a Fermi sea of particles in the zero-range limit. We use a diagrammatic Monte Carlo (DiagMC) method which allows us to sample a Feynman diagrammatic series to very high order. The convergence properties of the series and the role of multiple particle-hole excitations are discussed. We study the polaron and molecule energy as a function of the coupling strength, revealing a transition from a polaron to a molecule in the ground state. We find a value for the critical interaction strength which complies with the experimentally measured one and predictions from variational methods. For all considered interaction strengths, the polaron ZZ factor from the full diagrammatic series almost coincides with the one-particle-hole result. We also formally link the DiagMC and the variational approaches for the polaron problem at hand.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Loop updates for quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the canonical ensemble

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    We present a new non-local updating scheme for quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which conserves particle number and other symmetries. It allows exact symmetry projection and direct evaluation of the equal-time Green's function and other observables in the canonical ensemble. The method is applied to bosonic atoms in optical lattices, neutron pairs in atomic nuclei and electron pairs in ultrasmall superconducting grains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Quasiparticle properties of an impurity in a Fermi gas

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    We report on a study of a spin-down impurity strongly coupled to a spin-up Fermi sea (a so-called Fermi polaron) with the diagrammatic Monte-Carlo (DiagMC) technique. Conditions of zero temperature and three dimensions are considered for an ultracold atomic gas with resonant interactions in the zero-range limit. A Feynman diagrammatic series is developed for the one-body and two-body propagators providing information about the polaron and molecule channel respectively. The DiagMC technique allows us to reach diagram orders that are high enough for extrapolation to infinite order. The robustness of the extracted results is examined by checking various resummation techniques and by running the simulations with various choices for the propagators and vertex functions. It turns out that dressing the lines in the diagrams as much as possible is not always the optimal choice. We also identify classes of dominant diagrams for the one-body and two-body self-energy in the region of strong interaction. These dominant diagrams turn out to be the leading processes of the strong-coupling limit. The quasiparticle energies and ZZ-factor are obtained as a function of the interaction strength. We find that the DiagMC results for the molecule and polaron properties are very similar to those obtained with a variational ansatz. Surprisingly, this variational ansatz gives very good predictions for the quasiparticle residue even when this residue is significantly smaller than one.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Engineering Local optimality in Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms

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    Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms based on a world-line representation such as the worm algorithm and the directed loop algorithm are among the most powerful numerical techniques for the simulation of non-frustrated spin models and of bosonic models. Both algorithms work in the grand-canonical ensemble and have a non-zero winding number. However, they retain a lot of intrinsic degrees of freedom which can be used to optimize the algorithm. We let us guide by the rigorous statements on the globally optimal form of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations in order to devise a locally optimal formulation of the worm algorithm while incorporating ideas from the directed loop algorithm. We provide numerical examples for the soft-core Bose-Hubbard model and various spin-S models.Comment: replaced with published versio

    Microscopic calculation of symmetry projected nuclear level densities

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    We present a quantum Monte Carlo method with exact projection on parity and angular momentum that is free of a sign problem for seniority-conserving nuclear interactions. This technique allows the microscopic calculation of angular momentum and parity-projected nuclear level densities. We present results for the Fe-55, Fe-56, and Fe-57 isotopes. Signatures of the pairing phase transition are observed in the angular momentum distribution of the nuclear level density

    Phase diagram of Bose-Fermi mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    The ground state phase diagram of the one-dimensional Bose-Fermi Hubbard model is studied in the canonical ensemble using a quantum Monte Carlo method. We focus on the case where both species have half filling in order to maximize the pairing correlations between the bosons and the fermions. In case of equal hopping we distinguish between phase separation, a Luttinger liquid phase and a phase characterized by strong singlet pairing between the species. True long-range density waves exist with unequal hopping amplitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, replaced with published versio

    Resummation of diagrammatic series with zero convergence radius for strongly correlated fermions

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    We demonstrate that summing up series of Feynman diagrams can yield unbiased accurate results for strongly-correlated fermions even when the convergence radius vanishes. We consider the unitary Fermi gas, a model of non-relativistic fermions in three-dimensional continuous space. Diagrams are built from partially-dressed or fully-dressed propagators of single particles and pairs. The series is resummed by a conformal-Borel transformation that incorporates the large-order behavior and the analytic structure in the Borel plane, which are found by the instanton approach. We report highly accurate numerical results for the equation of state in the normal unpolarized regime, and reconcile experimental data with the theoretically conjectured fourth virial coefficient

    Optimal Monte Carlo updating

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    Diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of the acoustic and the BEC polaron

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    We consider two large polaron systems that are described by a Fr\"{o}hlich type of Hamiltonian, namely the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) polaron in the continuum and the acoustic polaron in a solid. We present ground-state energies of these two systems calculated with the Diagrammatic Monte Carlo (DiagMC) method and with a Feynman all-coupling approach. The DiagMC method evaluates up to very high order a diagrammatic series for the polaron Green's function. The Feynman all-coupling approach is a variational method that has been used for a wide range of polaronic problems. For the acoustic and BEC polaron both methods provide remarkably similar non-renormalized ground-state energies that are obtained after introducing a finite momentum cutoff. For the renormalized ground-state energies of the BEC polaron, there are relatively large discrepancies between the DiagMC and the Feynman predictions. These differences can be attributed to the renormalization procedure for the contact interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure