38 research outputs found

    Dynamic chromatin organization and regulatory interactions in human endothelial cell differentiation

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    Vascular endothelial cells are a mesoderm-derived lineage with many essential functions, including angiogenesis and coagulation. The gene-regulatory mechanisms underpinning endothelial specialization are largely unknown, as are the roles of chromatin organization in regulating endothelial cell transcription. To investigate the relationships between chromatin organization and gene expression, we induced endothelial cell differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells and performed Hi-C and RNA-sequencing assays at specific time points. Long-range intrachromosomal contacts increase over the course of differentiation, accompanied by widespread heteroeuchromatic compartment transitions that are tightly associated with transcription. Dynamic topologically associating domain boundaries strengthen and converge on an endothelial cell state, and function to regulate gene expression. Chromatin pairwise point interactions (DNA loops) increase in frequency during differentiation and are linked to the expression of genes essential to vascular biology. Chromatin dynamics guide transcription in endothelial cell development and promote the divergence of endothelial cells from cardiomyocytes

    BRCA1 establishes DNA damage signaling and pericentric heterochromatin of the X chromosome in male meiosis

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    During meiosis, DNA damage response (DDR) proteins induce transcriptional silencing of unsynapsed chromatin, including the constitutively unsynapsed XY chromosomes in males. DDR proteins are also implicated in double strand break repair during meiotic recombination. Here, we address the function of the breast cancer susceptibility gene Brca1 in meiotic silencing and recombination in mice. Unlike in somatic cells, in which homologous recombination defects of Brca1 mutants are rescued by 53bp1 deletion, the absence of 53BP1 did not rescue the meiotic failure seen in Brca1 mutant males. Further, BRCA1 promotes amplification and spreading of DDR components, including ATR and TOPBP1, along XY chromosome axes and promotes establishment of pericentric heterochromatin on the X chromosome. We propose that BRCA1-dependent establishment of X-pericentric heterochromatin is critical for XY body morphogenesis and subsequent meiotic progression. In contrast, BRCA1 plays a relatively minor role in meiotic recombination, and female Brca1 mutants are fertile. We infer that the major meiotic role of BRCA1 is to promote the dramatic chromatin changes required for formation and function of the XY body

    Pioneering meiotic recombination.

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