7 research outputs found

    Strong Microwave Squeezing Above 1 Tesla and 1 Kelvin

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    Squeezed states of light have been used extensively to increase the precision of measurements, from the detection of gravitational waves to the search for dark matter. In the optical domain, high levels of vacuum noise squeezing are possible due to the availability of low loss optical components and high-performance squeezers. At microwave frequencies, however, limitations of the squeezing devices and the high insertion loss of microwave components makes squeezing vacuum noise an exceptionally difficult task. Here we demonstrate a new record for the direct measurement of microwave squeezing. We use an ultra low loss setup and weakly-nonlinear kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers to squeeze microwave noise 7.8(2) dB below the vacuum level. The amplifiers exhibit a resilience to magnetic fields and permit the demonstration of record squeezing levels inside fields of up to 2 T. Finally, we exploit the high critical temperature of our amplifiers to squeeze a warm thermal environment, achieving vacuum level noise at a temperature of 1.8 K. These results enable experiments that combine squeezing with magnetic fields and permit quantum-limited microwave measurements at elevated temperatures, significantly reducing the complexity and cost of the cryogenic systems required for such experiments.Comment: Main text: 9 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary information: 21 pages, 17 figure

    Superconducting Gatemon Qubit based on a Proximitized Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    The coherent tunnelling of Cooper pairs across Josephson junctions (JJs) generates a nonlinear inductance that is used extensively in quantum information processors based on superconducting circuits, from setting qubit transition frequencies and interqubit coupling strengths, to the gain of parametric amplifiers for quantum-limited readout. The inductance is either set by tailoring the metal-oxide dimensions of single JJs, or magnetically tuned by parallelizing multiple JJs in superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with local current-biased flux lines. JJs based on superconductor-semiconductor hybrids represent a tantalizing all-electric alternative. The gatemon is a recently developed transmon variant which employs locally gated nanowire (NW) superconductor-semiconductor JJs for qubit control. Here, we go beyond proof-of-concept and demonstrate that semiconducting channels etched from a wafer-scale two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) are a suitable platform for building a scalable gatemon-based quantum computer. We show 2DEG gatemons meet the requirements by performing voltage-controlled single qubit rotations and two-qubit swap operations. We measure qubit coherence times up to ~2 us, limited by dielectric loss in the 2DEG host substrate

    Exploring the Semiconducting Josephson Junction of Nanowire-based Superconducting Qubits

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    Microwave sensing of Andreev bound states in a gate-defined superconducting quantum point contact

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    We use a superconducting microresonator as a cavity to sense absorption of microwaves by a superconducting quantum point contact defined by surface gates over a proximitized two-dimensional electron gas. Renormalization of the cavity frequency with phase difference across the point contact is consistent with adiabatic coupling to Andreev bound states. Near π\pi phase difference, we observe random fluctuations in absorption with gate voltage, related to quantum interference-induced modulations in the electron transmission. We identify features consistent with the presence of single Andreev bound states and describe the Andreev-cavity interaction using a dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model. By fitting the weak Andreev-cavity coupling, we extract ~GHz decoherence consistent with charge noise and the transmission dispersion associated with a localized state

    Destructive Little-Parks Effect in a Full-Shell Nanowire-Based Transmon

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    A semiconductor transmon with an epitaxial Al shell fully surrounding an InAs nanowire core is investigated in the low EJ/EC regime. Little-Parks oscillations as a function of flux along the hybrid wire axis are destructive, creating lobes of reentrant superconductivity separated by a metallic state at a half quantum of applied flux. In the first lobe, phase winding around the shell can induce topological superconductivity in the core. Coherent qubit operation is observed in both the zeroth and first lobes. Splitting of parity bands by coherent single-electron coupling across the junction is not resolved beyond line broadening, placing a bound on Majorana coupling, EM/h<10 MHz, much smaller than the Josephson coupling EJ/h∼4.7 GHz.QRD/Kouwenhoven La