18 research outputs found


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    Nikolai W. Timofejew-Ressowski

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    Als einer der fuehrenden Genetiker nahm er im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs eine exponierte Position ein; in seiner russischen Heimat wurde er dann wegen Landesverrats bestraft und niemals offiziell rehabilitiert. So wenig er heute als Wissenschaftler bekannt ist, so umstritten ist seine Rolle im Dritten Reich

    Studies of the species barrier between Drosophila subobscura and D. madeirensis IV. A genetic dissection of the X chromosome for speciation genes

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    The genetics of four traits contributing to the isolation mechanism between the two closely related species of Drosophila belonging to the obscura group, D. subobscura and D. madeirensis, have been investigated, especially regarding the influence exerted by the X chromosome. This chromosome has been roughly dissected genetically by the use of four markers. It was found that factors affecting viability of backcross males are spread from the centromeric end of the chromosome up the region marked by Bx. Three sections were responsible for male sterility/fertility. The abnormal head shape of the backcross males was affected by factor(s) on the madeirensis and the subobscura sex chromosome located at the region of MAD1 inversion. Finally, an abnormal trait in these males (presence of extra sex combs) was found to be controlled by four sections, two on the madeirensis X chromosome and two on the subobscura one

    Studies of the species barrier between Drosophila subobscura and D. madeirensis IV. A genetic dissection of the X chromosome for speciation genes

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    The genetics of four traits contributing to the isolation mechanism between the two closely related species of Drosophila belonging to the obscura group, D. subobscura and D. madeirensis, have been investigated, especially regarding the influence exerted by the X chromosome. This chromosome has been roughly dissected genetically by the use of four markers. It was found that factors affecting viability of backcross males are spread from the centromeric end of the chromosome up the region marked by Bx. Three sections were responsible for male sterility/fertility. The abnormal head shape of the backcross males was affected by factor(s) on the madeirensis and the subobscura sex chromosome located at the region of MAD1 inversion. Finally, an abnormal trait in these males (presence of extra sex combs) was found to be controlled by four sections, two on the madeirensis X chromosome and two on the subobscura one

    O-chromosome lethal frequencies in Serbian and Montenegrin Drosophila subobscura populations

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    Lethal chromosomal frequencies were obtained from three Drosophila subobscura samples from the Mt. Avala (Serbia) population in September 2003 (0.218), June 2004 (0.204) and September 2004 (0.250). These values and those from other Balkan populations studied previously (Petnica, Kamariste, Zanjic and Djerdap) were used to analyze the possible effect of population, year, month and altitude above sea level on lethal chromosomal frequencies. According to ANOVAS no effect were observed. Furthermore, the lethal frequencies of the Balkan populations did not vary according to latitude. This is probably due to the relative proximity and high gene flow between these populations. From a joint study of all the Palearctic D. subobscura populations so far analyzed, it can be deduced that the Balkan populations are located in the central area of the species distribution. Finally, it seems that lethal chromosomal frequencies are a consequence of the genetic structure of the populations