3 research outputs found

    Analysis of dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of transport enterprises

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    У статті розглянуто аналіз динаміки макроекономічних показників транс-портних підприємств в Україні. Досліджено сучасний стан підприємств транспортної галузі. Розкрито суть управління конкурентоспроможністю транспортних компаній. Наведено основні методи оцінки ефективності вантажної діяльності та фактори, що впливають на автомобільний транспорт. За допомогою даних Державної служби статистики України надано декілька варіантів перевезення пасажирів та проведено аналіз обсягу перевезених вантажів і кількості перевезених пасажирів за видами транспорту. На основі проведеного аналізу виявлені фактори, які стримують процес реструктуризації транспортного комплексу, та перешкоди для розвитку інфраструктури транспортної галузі. Запропоновано стратегічні пріоритети транспортної реформи в Україні.The article considers the analysis of the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of transport enterprises in Ukraine. The current state of transport enterprises is studied. Transport is one of the driving elements of the national economy and is a strategically important industry. When transporting goods, the transport service is not only the cargo itself, but also a complex transport service, it is considered a complex operational process given the consistency of the needs of several customers. The essence of competitiveness management of transport companies is revealed. The basis of managing the competitiveness of a transport company is the choice of factors that affect the ability to win the competition. The main methods of assessing the efficiency of freight activities and the factors affecting road transport are presented. With the help of data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, several options for passenger transportation were provided and an analysis of the volume of transported goods and the number of transported passengers by mode of transport was conducted. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, most cargo and passengers were transported by road. Based on the analysis, the factors that hinder the process of restructuring of the transport complex and obstacles to the development of infrastructure in the transport sector have been identified. Transport infrastructure is deteriorating, serious shortcomings in the organization and provision of transport, inadequate regulation and other systemic problems in this area pose a real threat to economic, social and national security of the country. industrial and social spheres of Ukraine. The development of transport networks and the realization of the potential of transport infrastructure have become one of the key elements of the strategy of economic growth of the country and its economic security. The strategic priorities of transport reform in Ukraine are proposed. In the field of transport, important tasks of national policy are to improve the legislative and organizational framework for the restructuring of transport infrastructure, the development of national networks of international transport corridors

    Спектр мутаций гена VHL при спорадическом светлоклеточном почечно-клеточном раке

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    The VHL gene alterations are the early and characteristic feature of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). We have examined VHL mutations in sporadic 98 ccRCC cases to evaluate their localization in relation to functionally important motifs of the VHL protein. The DNA samples were obtained from snap-frozen carcinoma biopsies and used for Sanger sequencing, while 62 ccRCC DNA cases were studied by next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis in parallel. In 73 (74.4 %) оf 98 ccRCC cases the somatic non-silent VHL mutations were identified. Loss of function VHL mutations (nonsilent, frameshifts or in splicing sites) were detected in 40 (40.8 %) ccRCC, while missense mutations – in 35 (35.7 %) ccRCC. In total 76 mutations important for VHL functioning were detected in 72 (73 %) ccRCC samples, of them 15 mutations (deletion / insertion in-frame or frameshifts) were identified for the first time. Four ccRCC cases contained two mutations each. Most of missense mutations disturb the sites of VHL interactions with HIF, РКС or kinesin. The pathogenicity of p.P154P silent mutation and intronic mutations near mRNA VHL splicing sites was discussed. The obtained results are important for understanding the role of VHL mutations in ccRCC progression and prognosis.Нарушения гена VHL являются ранней и характерной особенностью светлоклеточного почечно-клеточного рака (скПКР). Проведен анализ мутаций VHL в 98 образцах скПКР для определения их локализации относительно функционально значимых мотивов белка VHL. Анализ мутаций VHL проводили в ДНК из свежезамороженных тканей опухоли секвенированием по Сэнгеру, параллельно 62 образца скПКР подвергли cеквенированию нового поколения (next generation sequencing, NGS). В 73 (74,4 %) из 98 образцов скПКР обнаружены нон-сайлент-мутации в кодирующей части гена VHL. Мутации, нарушающие функции белка VHL (нонсенс-мутации, мутации в сайтах сплайсинга и делеции / инсерции со сдвигом рамки считывания), выявлены в 40 (40,8 %) образцах скПКР, миссенс-мутации – в 35 (35,7 %). Всего обнаружено 76 мутаций, влияющих на функции белка VHL в 72 (73 %) образцах скПКР, причем 15 мутаций не были описаны ранее (делеции / инсерции VHL со сдвигом или без сдвига рамки считывания). В 4 случаях скПКР выявлено по 2 мутации VHL. Большинство миссенс-мутаций нарушают сайты взаимодействия белка VHL с HIF, РKС или кинезином. Рассмотрен вопрос о патогенности сайлент-мутации p.P154P и мутаций в интронах вблизи сайтов сплайсинга. Полученные результаты важны для изучения роли мутаций VHL в прогрессировании и прогнозе скПКР

    Spectrum of VHL mutations in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    The VHL gene alterations are the early and characteristic feature of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). We have examined VHL mutations in sporadic 98 ccRCC cases to evaluate their localization in relation to functionally important motifs of the VHL protein. The DNA samples were obtained from snap-frozen carcinoma biopsies and used for Sanger sequencing, while 62 ccRCC DNA cases were studied by next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis in parallel. In 73 (74.4 %) оf 98 ccRCC cases the somatic non-silent VHL mutations were identified. Loss of function VHL mutations (nonsilent, frameshifts or in splicing sites) were detected in 40 (40.8 %) ccRCC, while missense mutations – in 35 (35.7 %) ccRCC. In total 76 mutations important for VHL functioning were detected in 72 (73 %) ccRCC samples, of them 15 mutations (deletion / insertion in-frame or frameshifts) were identified for the first time. Four ccRCC cases contained two mutations each. Most of missense mutations disturb the sites of VHL interactions with HIF, РКС or kinesin. The pathogenicity of p.P154P silent mutation and intronic mutations near mRNA VHL splicing sites was discussed. The obtained results are important for understanding the role of VHL mutations in ccRCC progression and prognosis