5 research outputs found

    The Relationship between cardiometabolic, hormonal, genetic risk factors and aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome

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    Turner syndorme (TS) is a rare disorder, caused by the absence of one or a part of one sex chromosome. The most severe complication of TS is aortic disection, which is almost up to 100 times more frequent compared with general population. The main risk factor for disection is aortic dilatation, which patogenesis is not well known. We aimed to analyze cardiometabolic, hormonal, and genetic risk factors in relation with the aortic dilatation in TS. All females with confirmed TS, who have given a consent to participate in the study, were enrolled. The prevalence of the aortic dilatation in TS and the main predictors of it have been assessed for the first time in Lithuania.The aim of the study is as follows: To analyze cardiometabolic, hormonal and genetic risk factors in relationship with the aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To assess the prevalence of aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome by radiological examination (two-dimensional echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging). 2. To evaluate the relationship between the congenital cardiovascular anomalies and the aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome patients. 3. To evaluate the association between anthropometric parameters, metabolic disorders, and hormonal disbalance with the aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome. 4. To assess the frequencies of fibrilin-1 (FBN-1) gene SNP’s rs10519177 and rs211818 prevalence in Turner syndrome, and to compare with healthy controls; to evaluate the relationship between the presence of these SNPs and the aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome. 5. To determine the most important predictors of the aortic dilatation in Turner syndrome.[...]

    Multidimensional model of marketing information system : structure and functions

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    Šiuolaikinė marketingo informacijos sistemų (MkIS) samprata formavosi veikiama marketingo vadybos, vadybos informacijos sistemų (VIS) bei informacinių technologijų (IT) taikymo versle. Šio straipsnio tikslas - pagrįsti teorines prielaidas, suformuluoti MkIS kūrimo koncepciją ir pasiūlyti būdą jai formalizuoti, parengiant įvairių MkIS koncepcijų privalumus jungiantį MkIS daugiamatį modelį, skirtą visos įmonės marketingo vadybos procesams atvaizduoti loginiame, informaciniame ir kontrolės lygmenyse. Tiriant MkIS modelius, buvo identifikuotos septynios skirtingos koncepcijos, turinčios įtakos MkIS kūrimo tikslui (paskirčiai) apibrėžti, struktūrai formuoti bei funkcionavimui numatyti. Straipsnyje pasiūlyta, apibrėžta ir formalizuota MkIS daugiamatiškumo koncepcija realizuoja loginį, informacinį bei tikslų lygmenis informacijai analizuoti ir apdoroti pasitelkiant MkIS. Marketingo ryšių lygmenį sudaro marketingo ryšių visuma, turinti įtakos įmonės veiklai. Žinių lygmuo formuojamas iš informacijos šaltinių, apibūdinančių šiuos ryšius. Subalansuotų rodiklių lygmenį sudaro kokybiniai ir kiekybiniai rodikliai, atitinkantys įmonės strateginius tikslus, kuriais galima įvertinti atskirų įmonės marketingo ryšių bei jų visumos būklę ir dinamiką, pasitelkiant žinių lygmens informaciją. Daugiamatiškumo koncepcija sudaro prielaidas aprūpinti informacija visus marketingo vadybos procesų etapus trijuose analizės lygmenyse. Daugiamatė MkIS yra vertikalios struktūros, formuojama iš daugiamačių marketingo ryšių (DMR) elementų. Kintant marketingo vadybos informacijos poreikiams, MkIS daugiamatis modelis adaptuojamas keičiant DMR rinkinį. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Marketingas; Informacine sistema; Modelis; Marketing; Informacion sistem; ModelContemporary concept of marketing information systems (MkIS) formed under the effect of marketing management, management information systems (MIS), and information technologies (IT) in business. The objective of this article is to substantiate theoretical preconditions, formulate MkIS creation concept, and suggest the way of its formalisation by preparing multidimensional MkIS model that will join all advantages of various MkIS concepts and will be suitable for representation of all corporate marketing management processes in logic, information, and control levels. After the analysis of MkIS models, seven different concepts, that influence defining the purpose of MkIS, forming its structure, and identifying its functions, were identified. Multidimensional concept of MkIS suggested, defined, and formalised in the article involves logical, information, and objectives level in order to analyse and process the information with a help of MkIS. Marketing relationship level consists of marketing relations that influence corporate activities. Knowledge level is formed from such information sources that describe such relationship. Harmonised indicators level consists of qualitative and quantitative indicators, corresponding to strategic objectives of the company that may be used for the evaluation of the state and the dynamics of each separate marketing relation and the entire marketing relationship with a help of the information from the knowledge level. Multidimensional concept creates the preconditions for supplying the information to all stages of marketing management processes in three levels of analysis. Multidimensional MkIS has vertical structure and is formed from the elements of multidimensional marketing relations (MMR). In presence of changing informational needs of marketing management, MkIS multidimensional model is adapted modifying the set of MMR

    Relationship between echocardiographic and magnetic resonance-derived measurements of the thoracic aorta in turner syndrome patients

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    Introduction. Turner syndrome (TS) is assigned to the rare diseases group. Morbidity and mortality of TS patients are high, particularly due to the cardiovascular disorders, so monitoring for cardiovascular complications must be ensured. The data demonstrate a strong correlation between 2-dimensional echocardiographic (2Decho) evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); still, according to recent guidelines, MRI remains a gold standard. In this study, we aimed to compare aortic dimensions on MRI and 2Decho in TS patients. Methods. 50 TS patients (≥18 years) were enrolled into the cross-sectional study. 2Decho and MRI were performed. The measurements of the aorta were assessed in five standard positions on 2Decho and in 9 standard positions on MRI; ASI (aortic size index) of the ascending aorta was calculated since reduced adult height is observed in TS patients. Results. ASI on echocardiography strongly correlated with ASI on MRI in all positions of the ascending aorta, but significantly larger medians of ASI were found on 2Decho in all positions of the ascending aorta and arch when compared with MRI measurements. Still, the prevalence of aortic sinus dilation was significantly and more frequently (52% vs. 38%, ) observed on MRI when compared with 2Decho. Conclusion. The relation of aortic size was significant in all positions when comparing the MRI and 2Decho methods; still, the dilatation of the sinus of aorta was more frequently found on MRI compared with echocardiography