9 research outputs found

    Thermalization of a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model coupled to a bosonic bath

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    We derive a Lindblad master equation that approximates the dynamics of a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model weakly coupled to a bosonic bath. By studying the time evolution of operators under the adjoint master equation we prove that, for large system sizes, these operators attain their thermal equilibrium expectation values in the long-time limit, and we calculate the rate at which these values are approached. Integrability of the LMG model prevents thermalization in the absence of a bath, and our work provides an explicit proof that the bath indeed restores thermalization. Imposing thermalization on this otherwise non-thermalizing model outlines an avenue towards probing the unconventional thermodynamic properties predicted to occur in ultracold-atom-based realizations of the LMG model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The entropy of dense non-commutative fermion gases

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    We investigate the properties of two- and three-dimensional non-commutative fermion gases with fixed total z-component of angular momentum, J_z, and at high density for the simplest form of non-commutativity involving constant spatial commutators. Analytic expressions for the entropy and pressure are found. The entropy exhibits non-extensive behaviour while the pressure reveals the presence of incompressibility in two, but not in three dimensions. Remarkably, for two-dimensional systems close to the incompressible density, the entropy is proportional to the square root of the system size, i.e., for such systems the number of microscopic degrees of freedom is determined by the circumference, rather than the area (size) of the system. The absence of incompressibility in three dimensions, and subsequently also the absence of a scaling law for the entropy analogous to the one found in two dimensions, is attributed to the form of the non-commutativity used here, the breaking of the rotational symmetry it implies and the subsequent constraint on J_z, rather than the angular momentum J. Restoring the rotational symmetry while constraining the total angular momentum J seems to be crucial for incompressibility in three dimensions. We briefly discuss ways in which this may be done and point out possible obstacles.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Universal cooling dynamics towards a quantum critical point

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    We investigate the loss of adiabaticity when cooling a many-body quantum system from an initial thermal state towards a quantum critical point. The excitation density, which quantifies the degree of adiabaticity of the dynamics, is found to obey scaling laws in the cooling velocity as well as in the initial and final temperatures of the cooling protocol. The scaling laws are universal, governed by the critical exponents of the quantum phase transition. The validity of these statements is shown analytically for a Kitaev quantum wire coupled to Markovian baths, and subsequently argued to be valid under rather general conditions. Our results establish that quantum critical properties can be probed dynamically at finite temperature, without even varying the control parameter of the quantum phase transitions.Comment: 5+4 pages, 2+2 figures; companion paper to "Long-range Kitaev chain in a thermal bath: Analytic techniques for time-dependent systems and environments" by the same authors and submitted on the same da

    Adiabatic quantum trajectories in engineered reservoirs

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    We analyze the efficiency of protocols for adiabatic quantum state transfer assisted by an engineered reservoir. The target dynamics is a quantum trajectory in the Hilbert space and is the fixed point of a time-dependent master equation. We specialize to quantum state transfer in a qubit and determine the optimal schedule for a class of time-dependent Lindblad equations. The speed limit on state transfer is extracted from a physical model of a qubit coupled to a reservoir, from which the Lindblad equation is derived in the Born-Markov limit. Our analysis shows that the resulting efficiency is comparable to the efficiency of the optimal unitary dynamics. Numerical studies indicate that reservoir-engineered protocols could outperform unitary protocols outside the regime of the Born-Markov master equation, namely, when correlations between the qubit and reservoir become relevant. Our study contributes to the theory of shortcuts to adiabaticity for open quantum systems and to the toolbox of protocols of the NISQ era.Comment: 14+7 pages, 7 figure

    Guidelines for Quality Management of Apallic Syndrome / Vegetative State.

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