177 research outputs found

    Abnehmendes Produktivitätswachstum – zunehmende Produktivitätsunterschiede

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    Wie in anderen Industriestaaten ist auch in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren trotz eines anhaltenden Wirtschaftswachstums, einer zurückgehenden Arbeitslosigkeit und einer hohen technologischen Dynamik ein Rückgang des Produktivitätswachstums zu beobachten. In einem Workshop Anfang 2018 in Berlin wurde dieses Phänomen eingehend diskutiert

    Reconciling the control of the native invasive Jacobaea aquatica and ecosystem multifunctionality in wet grasslands

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    Grasslands are managed to provide multiple goods and services. During recent decades, abandonment of marginal grasslands and intensification of the most productive sites resulted in biodiversity losses and reduced ecosystem services (ESs). Moreover, invasion by unwanted plants impaired ESs, as seen in Jacobaea aquatica, a poisonous native invader in pre-alpine grasslands of Central Europe. Invasion by this plant compromises fodder quality and endangers animal health, resulting in abandonment of grassland use. We tested different management regimes to reduce J. aquatica in wet grasslands of Southern Germany and assessed how its regulation affects grassland multifunctionality. We monitored indicators associated with productivity and conservation, such as the abundance of J. aquatica, forage quality, yield, abundance of specialists, and pollinator-relevant plants. Intensive management favoured multifunctionality by promoting productivity and biodiversity, yet also increasing the abundance of J. aquatica. Reduced management regulates J. aquatica cover close to an acceptable threshold while also reducing ESs. Thus, we conclude that moderate management strikes a balance between the control of the poisonous plant and the supply of grassland multifunctionality.publishedVersio

    Intensity of Treatment as Usual and Its Impact on the Effects of Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Depression: A Preregistered Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Introduction: Treatment as usual (TAU) is the most frequently used control group in randomized trials of psychotherapy for depression. Concerns have been raised that the heterogeneity of treatments in TAU leads to biased estimates of psychotherapy efficacy and to an unclear difference between TAU and control groups like waiting list (WL). Objective: We investigated the impact of control group intensity (i.e., amount and degree to which elements of common depression treatments are provided) on the effects of face-to-face and internet-based psychotherapy for depression. Methods: We conducted a preregistered meta-analysis (www.osf.io/4mzyd). We included trials comparing psychotherapy with TAU or WL in patients with symptoms of unipolar depression. Six indicators were used to assess control group intensity. Primary outcome: Standardized mean difference (SMD) of psychotherapy and control in depressive symptoms at treatment termination. Results: We included 89 trials randomizing 14,474 patients to 113 psychotherapy conditions and 89 control groups (TAU in 42 trials, WL in 47 trials). Control group intensity predicted trial results in preregistered (one-sided ps < 0.042) and exploratory analyses. Psychotherapy effects were significantly smaller (one-sided p = 0.002) in trials with higher intensity TAU (SMD = 0.324, CI 0.209 to 0.439) than in trials with lower intensity TAU (SMD = 0.628, CI 0.455 to 0.801). Psychotherapy effects against lower intensity TAU did not differ from effects against WL (two-sided p = 0.663). Conclusions: Our results suggest that variation in TAU intensity impacts the outcome of trials. More scrutiny in the design of control groups for clinical trials is recommended

    Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslands

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    Aim: In this study, we tested plant community-based management methods to reduce the abundance of the invasive native plant Jacobaea aquatica (marsh ragwort). As J. aquatica mainly occurs in species-rich wet grasslands, our aim was to define management measures that do not reduce the conservation value of the resident communities. Location: Data were collected from 20 independent sites which varied in productivity and management intensity across the pre-alpine Allgäu region (South Germany). Methods: We monitored effects of temporary abandonment and decreased mowing intensity in very low- and low-productive sites, as well as of decreased mowing and fertilization at moderately productive sites. Abundances of J. aquatica and the co-occurring species were recorded at start and end of two experiments (2018–2021: very low- and low-productive conservation grasslands; 2017–2020: moderately productive agricultural grasslands), while functional traits data of all species were gathered from the literature and specific databases. Generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) were used to analyse the effects of management intensity on the abundance of J. aquatica, functional diversity and species richness of the resident communities. Results: At all productivity levels, the abundance of J. aquatica declined under reduced management. Changes in community composition and species richness of the resident community were less pronounced than the reduction of J. aquatica, but species richness declined under lowest management intensities. Thus, moderate reduction in management intensity provided the most benefits in terms of reduction of J. aquatica, and maintenance of species richness and composition of the resident plant community. Conclusions: Reducing management intensity in wet grasslands decreases the abundance of J. aquatica and thus is a suitable method to control this species. As plant community responses were only partially consistent, management plans must account for the productivity of invaded sites. To avoid negative effects on grassland biodiversity, only moderate suppression of J. aquatica is recommended.Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslandspublishedVersio

    Road pavement crack detection using deep learning with synthetic data

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    The improvement of road system quality is a critical task. The mechanism to address such important issue is close monitoring of road pavement condition. Traditional approach requires manual identification of damages. Taking into account considerable length of road system it is essential to create an effective automatic pavement defects detection tool. This approach will extremely reduce time for monitoring of current road state. In this paper global experience in solution of detection issues of road pavement's distress is reviewed. The article includes information about the existing datasets of road defects, which are commonly used for detection and segmentation. The present work is based on deep learning approach with the use of synthetic generated training data for segmentation of cracks in driver-view image. The novelty of the approach lies in creating synthetic dataset for training state-of-the-art deep learning frameworks. The relevance of the research is emphasized by processing of wide-view images in which heterogeneous pixel intensity, complex crack topology, different illumination condition and complexity of background make the task challenging

    Lebensmittelwerbung für Kinderprodukte: Strategieentwürfe für den vorbeugenden Verbraucherschutz

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    "Der Bericht dient der Darstellung der Ergebnisse zum Projekt 'Lebensmittelwerbung für Kinderprodukte - Strategieentwürfe für den vorbeugenden Verbraucherschutz'. Das Vorhaben stellt den rechtlichen Rahmen für Lebensmittelwerbung vor Kindern, die aktuellen Erkenntnisse der Ernährungswissenschaft und die werbepsychologischen bzw. sozialpsychologischen Grundlagen dar und vergleicht diese exemplarisch mit der aktuellen Lebensmittelwerbung für die Zielgruppe Kinder. Die Datenbank erfasst die Art der Darstellung und Aussagen, eine Beurteilung der beworbenen Produkte aufgrund der Energiedichte und der glykämischen Last in Verbindung mit dem Sättigungswert und die Verstöße der Hersteller gegen Regeln, die aus gesetzlichen Vorschriften abgeleitet werden können und Regeln des deutschen Werberates. Die daraus entstehende empirische Basis belegt das Ausmaß und die Qualität der Lebensmittelwerbung für Kinderprodukte und stellt somit das Maß für die Verantwortung der Werbetreibenden und den Regelungsbedarf dar. Ausgehend davon dient die anschließende Institutionenanalyse einer geeigneten Strategieentwicklung in diesem Politikfeld. Dabei geht es darum, dass das erforderliche Schutzniveau durch möglichst eingriffsarme Instrumente zu gewährleisten ist. Die Art der in dieser Hinsicht optimalen Eingriffsinstrumente (Verbote, Auflagen, Abgabenlösungen, Informationspflichten, etc.) hängt ab von der Größe der Akteursgruppen, dem zu behebenden Regulierungsproblem sowie den instrumentellen Rahmenbedingungen.(...)" (Autorenreferat

    The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on innovation : first in-sights from the German business sector

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    In 2020, firms expected their innovation expenditures to decrease by about 2% in 2020 compared to 2019. This decline is much smaller than that in 2009 following the financial crisis, when innovation expenditures fell by 11%. However, smaller firms with 5 to 99 employees planned to cut their innovation expenditures by 7% to 17 % in 2020. For 2021, firms planned a slight increase in innovation expenditure by 1%. The number of employees in short-time work in Germany peaked at 2.9 million in April 2020, corresponding to a share of 8.7% of all employees. The situation relaxed by October 2020, when the share of short-time workers fell to 2.3%. The most R&D-insensitive industries showed the highest share of short-time work in April 2020 (16.6%), but the lowest in October 2020 (2.0%), indicating that the impact of the crisis on R&D intensive industries weakened in the second half of 2020. This development was strongly driven by the drop of short-time workers in the automobile industry. The recovery of some export-intensive industries, such as the automobile industry, also reflects that firms are starting to adopt and overcome the initially severe disturbances and challenges Covid-19 imposed on international value chains. The global R&D expenditures of large R&D performing German firms declined on average by 1% between 2019 and 2020. However, there are major differences between individual industries. The pharmaceutical and ICT service industries significantly increased their global R&D expenditures, whereas mechanical engineering experienced the sharpest decline in 2020. Firms’ average R&D intensity increased in most industries, except for the electronics/instruments industry and ICT services. Firms with R&D or other innovation activities prior to the crisis more often reported negative impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on their general business activities than firms that do not conduct any R&D or innovation activities. This result may be linked to the fact that the crisis had a more severe impact on firms with a more complex internal organisation and more international activities, both of which are typical for R&D and innovation performing firms. The most common strategic responses of firms to the Covid-19 crisis were i) to enhance the digitalisation of their internal processes and ii) to extend their digital offers and sales channels. Both responses were mostly of permanent nature. Reorganising sales towards domestic customers and removing products or services from their portfolio were less common responses. The most frequent crisis-related changes in firms’ innovation activities include i) the extension of innovation projects and ii) a reduction in the number of innovation projects due to a lack of impulses for innovation. Reducing collaborations and withdrawing from all innovation activities were less frequent changes

    A Decade of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Operation: A Retrospective on the Performance of the SAR System and an Outlook to the Future

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    TerraSAR-X and its almost identical twin satellite TanDEM-X have provided high resolution radar images for years and Digital Elevation Models with unprecedented accuracy. The SAR image quality and accuracy has remained constant since launch and is owed to a very stable instrument. A thorough system health monitoring is utilized in order to maintain this stability. On the one hand a short-term verification of the individual acquisitions constantly exploits satellite telemetry from the SAR instrument and the on-board calibration system. Hence performance hanges, e.g. in terms of hardware degradation, can quickly be identified and corrected. For example by monitoring the antenna’s T/R modules via pseudo noise gating, dysfunctional modules could be detected in order to re-adjust the system accordingly. On the other hand a long-term system monitoring approach furthermore was designed to detect long-term system parameter trends and degradations that may affect data quality or imaging capabilities. In particular on-ground measurements are evaluated by continuously imaging globally distributed reference targets such as corner reflectors or test sights with a well-known topography. It was initiated with the launch of TerraSAR-X thus provides a variety of long-term parameter time series. Stimulated by this approach a study has been conducted to analyze the impact of solar events like radiation or the annual eclipse due to the satellites’ orbit geometry. Although the effects are taken into account by calibration the results provide valuable information to interpret monitoring results and gain a deeper understanding of the system. Besides retrospecting the SAR system the goal of this paper is also to give a summary of the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X mission with focus on the calibration and the systems’ functionality. The mission status will concentrate mainly on the performance of the global Digital Elevation Model which was completed in September 2016. Having used precise calibration methods and improved processing algorithms, the dataset shows an outstanding quality. In the end up to 20.000 tiles with a size of 1° x 1° were generated yielding an overall absolute height accuracy of 3.5 meters and covering more than 99% of the globe. As the satellites are still in good condition and consumables are sufficient, the mission was extended to generate a change layer as an update of the global DEM. By adjusting acquisition strategies and processing methods, fewer acquisitions are sufficient to achieve the same accuracy as for the global DEM. Furthermore, a brief outline of the proposed future L-band satellite formation is drawn. The ambitious mission shall provide data to help solving pressing climate-related questions. As an example the proposed system will be able to penetrate forest canopy in order to estimate biomass on a global scale. Equipped with a reflector antenna and exploiting the innovative digital beamforming technique, Tandem-L will be capable of illuminating a 350 km wide swath on ground acquiring up to 8 terabyte of data per day. This enables a weekly global coverage, which is a precondition for observing dynamic processes in the bio-, geo-, hydro- and cryosphere

    Switching the cofactor specificity of an imine reductase

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    Chiral amines have proven to be powerful building blocks for defining new pharmaceutical and agrochemicals due to their high density of structural information. In this light, the reduction of prochiral C=N double bonds is a well-established route in synthetic chemistry due to the easy accessibility of imines from their ketone precursors with the asymmetric addition of hydrogen or a hydride as the key stereo-differentiating step. Recently, we have witnessed remarkable advances in the enzyme-catalyzed asymmetric reduction of imines by NADPH-dependent imine reductases (IREDs).[1,2] Imine reductases were presented that catalyze the asymmetric reduction of various imines and the chemo- and stereoselective reductive amination as a useful method for the preparation of amines derived from aldehydes and ketones.[3,4] Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract