149 research outputs found

    Longtuberculose en de astmatische constitutie

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    In hoofdstuk I werd het doel van het onderzoek uiteengezet. Uit de literatuur werd de indruk verkregen dat tussen astmatische cnstitutie en bepaalde longaandoeningen een zekre realtie bestaat. Deze relatie kan tot uiting komen in een andere frequenie waarin beide aandoeningen tezamen voorkomen dan op grond van kansberekening mag worden verwacht en in een wederzijdse beïnvloeding van het beloop van beide ziekten. ... Zie: Samenvattin

    Immunological characterisation of two chicken lines

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    Two chicken lines were divergently selected for antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Several experiments were conducted to investigate what mechanisms the immune system of the chickens uses to realize either the high (H) or the low (L) antibody production. The lines did not differ in phagocytic activity and there were no indications for line differences in antigen presentation. Selection affected both the T cell and the B cell compartment differently in the two lines. T cell activity was presently found to be higher in the L line. A relative higher number of B cells was found in the H line, which might attribute to a higher antibody response in this line. The lines also differed in cellular organization of the spleen. The organization in the H line spleen might favour antibody response. On the other hand, higher percentages CD8 +cells were found in the L line and these might suppress antibody response. The percentages of CD4 +cells differ also between the lines. CD4 +cells are able to stimulate immune responses. Which response is stimulated - cellular or humoral - depends on the cytokines released by the immune cells.When compared with the random bred control line, the high antibody response was found to be largely SRBC specific. The low antibody response in the L line seems to be less antigen specific. Selection lines can be readily used as in vivo models when the immune repertoire is genetically fixed and fully characterized

    Operational security, threat intelligence & distributed computing: the WLCG Security Operations Center Working Group

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    The modern security landscape for distributed computing in High Energy Physics (HEP) includes a wide range of threats employing different attack vectors. The nature of these threats is such that the most effective method for dealing with them is to work collaboratively, both within the HEP community and with partners further afield - these can, and should, include institutional and campus security teams. In parallel with this work, an appropriate technology stack is essential, incorporating current work on Big Data analytics. The work of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Security Operations Center (SOC) Working Group (WG) [1] is to pursue these goals to form a reference design (or guidelines) for WLCG sites of different types. The strategy of the group is to identify necessary components - starting with threat intelligence (MISP [2]) and network intrusion detection (Bro [3]), building a working model over time. We present on the progress of the working group thus far, in particular on the programme of workshops now underway. These workshops give an opportunity to engage with sites to allow the development of advice and procedures for deployment, as well as facilitating wider discussions on how to best work with trust groups at different levels. These trust groups vary in scope but can include institutes, National Grid Infrastructures and the WLCG as a whole

    Longtuberculose en de astmatische constitutie

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    In hoofdstuk I werd het doel van het onderzoek uiteengezet. Uit de literatuur werd de indruk verkregen dat tussen astmatische cnstitutie en bepaalde longaandoeningen een zekre realtie bestaat. Deze relatie kan tot uiting komen in een andere frequenie waarin beide aandoeningen tezamen voorkomen dan op grond van kansberekening mag worden verwacht en in een wederzijdse beïnvloeding van het beloop van beide ziekten. ... Zie: Samenvatting